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Lots Of Quetions Tonight

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This is going to be a long post and I aoplogise in advance. I am so stressed out with work/home life and trying to get a good balance but it just isn't happening right now.


I know i need to delegate my jobs out but I am struggling as to what i can delegate out!!!! We have no pc/laptop at work so everything falls onto me to produce or print etc i.e signing in sheets etc which does take up a lot of time if i need to review or ammend something and I feel like it is all I do.


I am trying to put in place a checklist of all the things that need to be completed weekly/monthly/termly etc but not sure I have everything done, I have been asked by the chair to do this. I would appreciate it please if you could check the list and see if I am missing anything please.


Headcount form (termly)

Fire drills

Review meetings (SEN child)

Policies and Procedures (review)

Risk assesments

Daily risk assessments (for me to check as completed by deputy)

Letters to confirm places

Parent key worker meeting



I know the list is endless but I really just need to get then down in a list so i can delegate them out.


I have been asked to monitor learning journals too, i used to do them all but have given them to key workers now to do. Does anyone have a format they use or what exactly should i be checking for?


Also i feel the deputy keeps stepping on my toes and not sure how to approach her about this either :o I don't want to caue tensio as we are a small team.


I also feel my key children are often negelcted as I don't get the time to plan activities for them as i am always have something else to do. I don't get any admin time despite asking so everything is either rushed in last 30mins of sessions though usually ends up being 10min etc due to parents wanting to chat etc. I just don't know how much more i can take. I can't keep going on the way I am.


Also what things can I delegate out? I am currently SENCO as I don't feel the others should be expected to stay back for meeting without pay. Recently the assistant has taken on the role for display boards so that is one less thing for me.

What other roles can i share out?

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I have delegated out the SENCO role to my deputy - it wasn't easy to do but I'm glad I did as it has freed me up a great deal.


If you have a deputy who keeps stepping on your toes - give her a job to do. Let HER be responsible for monitoring learning journals, perhaps alternately with you if you want to retain some overview.


Have a meeting with your team, and present the list of jobs that you do, and ask who would like to take some on - perhaps initially just for the summer term to see how it goes. After all, (I keep telling myself) if you were ill and off work, they'd need to know how to do all this stuff!

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I don't know if this will help but if your staff are computer literate and willing it might be worth looking into some cloud computing solution for sharing out the roles of producing paperwork. We have been using dropbox which has been really successful as you can all view the same files so you can retain quality control but get staff to take on some of the work. It also lets them do some things without feeling like they are out on a limb too much. We have used only the free storage solution and found it sufficient for our needs if we keep on top of weeding out things we don't need.


Additionally would you be able to drop (in the nicest possible way!) some of your keychildren, if not now in September? All the staff in my setting feel our manager shouldn't have any or at least not as many due to the other admin work she has to do.


With regard to the supervision of learning journals we had a system whereby staff met with me (EYP) on a regular basis to go through them and chat about them. It gave me a quality control / control freak option but I sold it as, and they saw it as, an opportunity to clarify their thoughts on individuals and discuss any concerns they had. It also gave everyone a private opportunity to discuss any problems they had with observations and assessments which they might have felt a bit embarrassed bringing up in front of everyone. From there I could also identify training needs for them.


As for your deputy - delegate her loads of jobs! That'll slow her down! (Only joking, sort of)

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It's my deputys I need to monitor so I need to keep the control there.


As for SENCO I don't feel it's fair to ask Staff to stay back and I know deputy won't. She is a nanny on a afternoon and this already presents huge problems if one of them is bad as she rings up to say she isn't coming in. Were tied in a corner on this one and suggested she steps down but she has said no.


IKve give deputy role of health and safety but she isn't even fulfilling this role as she should. Daily risk assessments aren't being completed and this is something I need to address.


There is only 4 of us including me and we all currently have 8 children each so is it fair for staff to have ten children each?

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With the monitoring, could you sit down as a team and agree what is to be assessed? And could you have a system of peer review - where everyone samples each others and gives you the forms. Make sure there is a space for the key person to comment.

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Well it won't be popular but if the deputy won't do the H&S stuff give it someone else because despite all the talk of cutting red tape it does need to be done and seen to be done. Could you reduce your key children after the summer when you have a new intake? Perhaps take a smaller number yourself but give out the majority? It's not necessarily fair but neither is it fair for you to do everything? Unless of course you earn some mythical super salary which I doubt.


I understand what you are saying about the SENCO role but could those staff with children who are supported under SENCO be contributing more to the paperwork? That way you would be really supervising lots of mini SENCOs. And with regard to keeping your eye on the deputy's learning journals then I would say def go with individual meetings so you can point out what needs doing in hers without undermining her in front of the rest of the staff. I have sometimes provided staff with copies of different pages of my files to show them how I have done them and let them use them as examples to follow.


I think after that it depends on how much quality control you want to have. I felt ultimately it was my reputation on the line, as I was the public face of the setting locally (God that sounds big headed - sorry!) and as such I wanted to know that what was sent to parents and schools was of a good standard. I didn't expect everyone to do it exactly the same, but big nurseries do sometimes so there's nothing wrong with that - you could even say it is to keep up with the competition. I was lucky I think as my staff have been very responsive to my moves and I am leaving them now knowing that they are confident in what they are doing, and are working together as a team, supporting each other and working towards a common goal, which they weren't before. Eventually though if your deputy isn't really deputising for you and supporting you it may be a case of looking at her role and either making her do so or making her step down. Possibly a case for looking at job descriptions as a whole team, although I have been there when I asked "so who wants to take on some of these jobs?" and the silence was deafening!


edited to say I like lolo's idea!

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Sounds to me as if your Deputy likes the idea of the status of her role title but dosn't appreciate that it means she has to 'go the extra mile' if she has responsibilities such as Health and Safety she has to be carrying these out, it's psrt of her role. You need a supervision meeting with her asap - make sure discussion is in writing and you clarify her role ( has she got a job description?) and the responsibilities of the role - both sign it and make sure there are actions/timescales. If she then doesn't carry out the tasks you have a firm foundation on which to review her status and get her to stand down.

As for key children - give the other staff one more each and you hold on to the last five - it will ease the load a little on you and give you some time for the other stuff. As a manager I have no key children and both myself and my Deputy are supernumary but we help out with paperwork and learning journeys as needed - and part of my Deputys role as Curriculum Manager is to oversee the files as theres no way I would have time. I also have two staff who share the SENCO role . We are a 52 place day nursery so a little different setup. :o

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The one thing you don't say is what do the committee do. Your Chair should be able to find out from your LA support staff what things are needed and I would have thought they could do some of the Admin for you. That is what they are there for. That way it frees you up to do mor of the day to day running of the group. Also my staff have 12/14 children each as Keyworkers, and they should be getting paid to do their paperwork as should you if you are spending that much time. If not they need to employ another person even only part time to free you up to do Admin, if they don't want to pay for ADmin time then they need to do it for you. It is very unfair to expect you to take the whole burden of running the group.


Good luck and don't forget to chill during the holidays, I'm sure your wages are not that high to get that exhausted. :)

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Do as the others advise and try to at least reduce your amount of keyworking children.

I have none now as I just could not cope with the extra work involved or do them any justice. I have every Thursday as supernumerary and am paid for two extra days a month for admin. I think whilst we keep on just doing all the work, committees and other staff just dont realise. I threw a massive wobbly a few years ago, wouldn't really recommend it though, and ended up with extar staff in on a Thurs, my Deputy took all the funding stuff out of my hands (she already deals with all our admissions) and the rest of the staff took on all the keyworking children. Having a laptop and printer at work has made a huge difference as well. I still end up doing lots at home but could now I i wanted to do most if not all at work. So I would ask your committee to fund one, if they cannot then they need to find a way, beg, borrow from parents/community.

Why do you feel your Deputy is treading on your toes? She really must carry out the proper H&S checks, so as others have said this needs to be sorted immediately.

A few more things that I would add to your list (perhaps just relevant to our group though) would be:

Compiling & maintaining a register

Registration Forms (consent/permission etc) compiling and printing of

Doing milk forms & returns

Staff appraisals/ contracts

Review Annual budget/staff salaries

Overhaul prospectus/parents info book

review, compile and print all paperwork

and probably a million other things I have forgotten!!!


When I had my 'meltdown' I did point outto the rest of the staff that it wasn't my business, I was just an employee like them and that things could have been very different if I hadn't been 'persuaded' (by most of the staff there) to take on the role of manager because none of them wanted to.

So stay strong and point out to your staff and committee that you just cannot carry on as you are. If you leave then they wont find someone else who will take on all those roles

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My committee mainly see to the fundraising side of things and organise events/markets etc. There very hands on that way!!


They have recently put in place a parent helper rota though that is in it's early stages yet but has potential to cause problems. Treasurer has recently taken over headcounts though I make sure all Parents get them.


I am left to everything else so showing potential parents around, Ofsted, letters to potential parents, confirmation of places, newsletters to name a few. On top I am SENCO mainly because no one else was able to get on the course. The setting was failingw when I took over and I made massive changes but I still don't feel were there yet. However due to the fantastic wages we are on I have a 2nd job too. Now we don't get apid for training outside of work hours etc but are expected to attend them if needed. Now that means we all have to take unpaid leave from our 2nd jobs so lose out both ways.


The committee want us all to spend the whole 3 hrs with the children as it's what parents expect hence why I can see parent helpers becoming a problem. I currently have one child with SEN and another who I am currently assessing all of which is additional paperwork to complete. I just never seem to stop. I travel home for lunch and have 45 mins if lucky before being out the door again for other job, then back home to do a mountain of tasks that never seem to get done!!! I have attended courses on time management but I feel the issue is I donk't get time, not that I struggle to manage my time efficently.


I'm looking to start my own family but's it all on hold because I know the setting still needs a lot done to it and not sure how it would run without me there. I've dragged myself in this week and run myself into the ground but I had no choice. Assistants are both fab just deputy :o who needs a good kick up the bum!!! And def no rest for Easter as working 2nd job and also have a mountain of stuff to do for playgroup too xD

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It sounds to me like the problem that needs addressing isn't actually one with yourself, your time management or your work load, but actually the deputy. If she was doing her job properly then all the problems you are talking about wouldn't exactly go away, but they would become much more manageable. I think it's time to start seriously taking appropriate action with the deputy; perhaps as people have suggested start with a meeting with her to agree what jobs she needs to take on. At this point you will have to take a risk and give her a chunk of your work to do, this of course may result in it not being done properly for the summer term and you may have to continue to pick up the slack. If that happens then you are in a strong position to force her into stepping down and get someone else to take on the role; on the other hand she might step up to the mark and start pulling her weight.


There is absolutely no point in carrying on the way you are because if you burn out then ultimately the group is going to suffer hugely (not to mention yourself, but I can tell like lots of people in childcare you're putting the group before yourself!) There's also little point in holding on to the work because you know the deputy won't do it properly; she needs to do it properly or she needs to step down and that's just how it has to be. It may be harsh and an awful thing to do with being a small group but that's part of being a manager too.


I hope you manage to get it sorted with her because the children deserve better than a deputy who isn't pulling her weight!

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Oh Sazz , I really feel for you.


Kariana's spot on, it's not you! Yes, the workload of a amnager is never ending, I struggle with the fact that I'll never have an empty to do list and can't remember a time in the last two years when I felt on top of everything!


I've had the same problem with Deputy and have put in place a kind of weekly monitering session. Paperwork wasn't being done to an acceptable standard and she has 6 hours non contact a week! Trouble is when you keep picking up the pieces for some people they simply sit back and let you get on with it!


On the brightside the effect of this has been her resignation!!!! Let's just hope I find someone capable of the role, will make life so much easier!


The other comment that struck me is your OFSTED role. Make sure that one of the board members is down as registered provider and not you! As the employers they should be dealing with the paperwork for OFSTED i'e. EY2, 3's and CRB checks really.

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Oh Sazz , I really feel for you.


Kariana's spot on, it's not you! Yes, the workload of a amnager is never ending, I struggle with the fact that I'll never have an empty to do list and can't remember a time in the last two years when I felt on top of everything!


I've had the same problem with Deputy and have put in place a kind of weekly monitering session. Paperwork wasn't being done to an acceptable standard and she has 6 hours non contact a week! Trouble is when you keep picking up the pieces for some people they simply sit back and let you get on with it!


On the brightside the effect of this has been her resignation!!!! Let's just hope I find someone capable of the role, will make life so much easier!


The other comment that struck me is your OFSTED role. Make sure that one of the board members is down as registered provider and not you! As the employers they should be dealing with the paperwork for OFSTED i'e. EY2, 3's and CRB checks really.


We have ongoing issues with the deputy, namely the one where she rings in to say the children she nannies (on afternoons) are ill so she has to go to there's instead) This obviously means trying to pull in staff at short notice which isn't always easy.


I will check her appraisial to see what chair said as I don't do them the chair does. I know she mention the paperwork side of things but I will def go through her contract and see what it states.


As with regards to Ofsted. It falls to me to do it all. I have to ring for forms etc and deal with CRBs.


The committee have spoken to her already about many isssues and suggested she steps down because she isn't fulfilling her role but they feel tied as she was taken on knowing that she had the other job and that was priority. This was before myself and the current committee. I guess I need to be more assertive and sort it out now. She constanyly undermimes in in front of staff, children and parents etc.


Last week we had parent meetings and she told a parent that she thought there was something wrong with her child. This only come to light after the meeting and she hadn't discussed it with my previously. Was so mad and not sure how to approach it with parent. I don't feel there is a issue and that the child gets very excited easily and that is all. I have monitored her and it's her personality more.


I don't know if it's an age thing or not with her. I'm more than 20years younger than her or if it's because she feels she has considerable more experience than me. She has said she know feels she has more responsibility now with me as leader than she previously did. She did however say to the committee that it took her 30 years to get a promotion and this was feedback to me in my appraisal last year. Why I don't know. Yes I am young ( mind 20's) but worked hard to gain my degree, my experience and hopefully my EYP.

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I really sympathise as I often feel am drowning in paperwork & even have nightmares that I have forgotten something! I also feel that I am neglecting my key children as although I am Supervisor of a playgroup I am included in the ratio. However I am lucky enough to have a great deputy(who is also senco) & who takes command for me to have a study day. My predecessor fought for an office morning which I have also kept so that helps with the paperwork even though I still seem to spend hours doing even more at home.The playgroup brain side is never off :o It must be awful without the cooperation of the deputy & it will be hard but I agree with the others that it has to be sorted out or you will never be able to cope.Everyone needs to pull together to make things work. Dig in deep & either reinforce her agreed duties or rewrite them.

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Another question.. did the deputy apply for the leader post and not get it? or not qualified to the standard they wanted so could not apply or feels that she should have been offered the job having been there so long ... hence feeling aggrieved that someone was brought in over her.. and younger to boot! She could have a grudge there somewhere and it is showing in her lack of drive/commitment to do the work.


You could ask the committee to print off things like the signing in sheets and ensuring there are enough each week.. they cannot need amending much.. and any other paperwork which becomes regular and not changed much.. perhaps have a memory stick with it on and they return it to you termly to do any changes needed before returning it.. or as someone has suggested use the cloud.. I have not tried it but it is one of several places on internet where you can store documents and retrieve from any PC so either you have access wherever you are or others can be allowed access.. this way you could assess and change them for others to print off... I must agree that printing off always took ages.... another way to manage this is to go to a shop and get them to run off xx copies...I used Staples had a business account and they used to do them all for me... You should be charging for the copies (which is what we did as so many others used the home pc and printer could not guarantee that if the committee supplied the ink and paper it would only be for them)


parent helpers.. this is one way you could have a bit of time to do the child assessments needed... you are going to have to educate them that this is a big part of the job and constant interaction with the children is not always needed..


sorry jumping around a bit... we had 2 deputies paid as such for job share..and allocated which sessions they were acting as deputy, ours was done by a week at a time so alternate weeks, but if one was off the other took the role and the additional pay for that day, could be done in many ways... this may be a way to consider moving forward.. explain that you cannot operate without a deputy being there daily and because of her need to be working elsewhere interferes with this role that you need to have a second person be able to complete the job .


Our small team was 5 .... you have to ask yourself if you were ill and your deputy was not coming at short notice because of the other job getting in the way who would run the setting... and being in a small team I also taught them all how to deal with the day to day running... so that at any time they could all manage the setting for a day or two... but we were all level 3 so this was possible.



Home life balance. don't put off things because you feel indispensable... it may well not be run as well as you would want, but you need to consider your own needs as well..having your own family is important to you then you need to consider how long you feel you could wait .. settings always need improving and things seldom get to a stage of sitting back and letting it flow... so you may never feel time is right if you take this into consideration...

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Hi Sazzj i would seriously ask your committee, who incidentally are the ones that are supposed to deal with staffing issues.

It is unacceptable that her other job has an impact on the role that she has with your provision.

They will need to look at her contract to see what it specifies, but you cannot and should not be expected to cover at short notice for her nannying issues.[ i'm sure you have posted about this before].

With all your workload you really need someone to support you and from your post it suggests that she may not have the commitment that is required.

As for undermining you, this really is not a good environment for you to be working in, maybe some clear guidelines, team meetings where things can be discussed openly, but not aimed at anyone personally, may help to resolve some of the issues raised.


kind regards x

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sazzj just to put my tuppence worth in ...and just my opinion

you are the line manager for your deputy not the committee ...it should be you that is dealing with this situation. (just to add to your jobs!) Your committee should be there to support ...what does it say in your job description? Is your deputy full time?if so i think you need to redirect her attention to the fact that this is her main earner and she needs to sort out her priorities or you will have no choice but to consider her position in the company (if this strong warning does not work then you need to start to follow your disciplinary proceedures)

What are your signing in sheets for? if this is taking up so much time perhaps there is a different way of doing them that could save you time.

delegation is difficult if you do not believe in your team...try to think about their strenghts and how you can use those.

As to not paying for training ...if it is required for your job you should be being paid for it (by law)...who is doing the accounts? are you making money? is there a successful team in your area that you could go and visit and see how they organise things. You need to ofload some of your jobs ....i delegate training /senco/fire and health and safety/uniform ordering/social activities/displays/etc etc ...it does not mean that i have no control of them but that i develop my staff to become leaders of the future ...i see it as a really important part of my job.

so now you need some focus.....how about the four d's approach do/delay/defer/destroy what do you need to do now/what can be done in the next 3/6/9/12 months/what can you delegate and what can you get rid off altogether...try writing your lists down and then priorities and cross out those you have dealt with.

Good luck xD we have all been there :( there is light i promise :o

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I deffinately think you need to talk to the committe about appraisals! As said above YOU are the boss in effect, by not doing her appraisals you are being undermined and it might help her realise she is accountable to you if your given this duty! (sorry, trying to cut down workload not add to it I know)!

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I agree with finsleymaid that you are the line manager, but some staffing issues do require committees/trustees as the employers to take responsibility for and or support you with them.

Appraisals do provide time for both parties to explore, share and iron out any differences, and again these can be done by a mixture of committee members yourself or others depending on how large your group is.

You will get there sazzj take care. :o

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Hi Sazzj i would seriously ask your committee, who incidentally are the ones that are supposed to deal with staffing issues.

It is unacceptable that her other job has an impact on the role that she has with your provision.

They will need to look at her contract to see what it specifies, but you cannot and should not be expected to cover at short notice for her nannying issues.[ i'm sure you have posted about this before].

With all your workload you really need someone to support you and from your post it suggests that she may not have the commitment that is required.

As for undermining you, this really is not a good environment for you to be working in, maybe some clear guidelines, team meetings where things can be discussed openly, but not aimed at anyone personally, may help to resolve some of the issues raised.


kind regards x


I have posted before but things haven't improved!!!!


The committee are seeking legal advice because of the situation of it around her stepping down as deputy the only reason she won't is due to funds!!!!


Seems I need to be more assertive with the committee too. Making my way through a to do list and will see what I can delegate out.


I was happy to do apprasials but committee decided they would do them first year as a new team etc with the understanding I would take over. Maybe should be aq joint effort then I can maybe feel more part of the process and raise issues easier.


Were all part time (mornings only, term time only) so all 20 hrs a week. Accounts are dealth with by treasurer and I do feel that the training needs to be addressed as a manger I guess I need to fight our corner more!!!!

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Another question.. did the deputy apply for the leader post and not get it? or not qualified to the standard they wanted so could not apply or feels that she should have been offered the job having been there so long ... hence feeling aggrieved that someone was brought in over her.. and younger to boot! She could have a grudge there somewhere and it is showing in her lack of drive/commitment to do the work.


Interestingly she said he was asked but refused due to other job and her priorities. Not sure if she was etc for definite.


It has been an uphill struggle for day one and last year I felt I had no support from the committee at all :o, though it has improved now. The committee really kncoked me off my feet last year and said that they were disappointed with my handling of things ( they never really did explain) also stated that leaders are generally older ladies and from the area. I live outside the area and I am 26!!! This to me is all irrelevent to the job but still plays on my mind.

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Sazz, you should do the apprasials as the line manager of the staff. I'm chair and only do the playleader. As manager you see the day to day workings of the staff and so have more opportunity to notice good and bad practice in all areas. Then if they arent happy with the apprasials they can take it up with the chair following your grievence policy.

Tell the committee of their roles too. I know its difficult getting committee to understand the imortance of the jobs that need doing but as the employers they should be taking their roles seriously.

Just in case you need one, I've attached the Committee roles for you to take a look at.

I'd also have staff meeting where you can give out some of the jobs, printing, risk assesments (why do you need to check them daily if they've been undertaken by the deputy?). Policies and proceedures need to be reviewed yearly or as needed by new regulations or issues that turn up and they should be done by the committee as well as the staff to ensure everyone knows and understands them. The committee secretary should be doing letters and I'm sure with a bit of training she could do the headcount forms and letters to new children.

Failing that, could you afford to pay someone to be the administrator? You shouldnt be made to fel that because of your age you arent quite up to it either and you shouldnt be expected to do it all on your own.


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The deputy i not doing them depite daily reminders from myself and the committee.


I will get a copy of her job description and go over it with her and ensure she understands her role fully.


I am going to ask for a meeting with the Chair and list everything that I think needs addressed and how it needs to be done and the support I/we need to do it.

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Guest Spiral

Hi there Sazzj,


I've been there, got the t-shirt and it's never easy.


Firstly, prioritise yourself! Ensure you have some way of chilling out and relaxing, otherwise you will end up too stressed and it can be dangerous to your health and your sanity.


Secondly, write it all down. Not fully about any one person or aspect as that can lead to accusations, but reflect upon your week once a week in a confidential diary, this way you are keeping a record that can be used if things go wrong.


Thirdly, delegate! So you are expected to print out eerything - ask for a printer and a pc or buy memory sticks, load the data, get the staff to provide the receipts for their paper and ink and see how long it takes before the committee realise a pc would be cheaper in the long run! If they do decide to buy a standard pc/printer, Kodak printers are great as they all take the same cartridge one for colour and one for black - so easy! Anyone can print out a load of forms!

My advisor and SENCO trainer said the role of the Senco is to know when there are issues and to complete referral forms etc, not to do the work directly - that is the role of the staff and the key person does the planning. Make this clear to staff.


Fourthly, look at the job description of the Deputy - you are the manager so you should have access to this (how can you tell if she's doing her job properly if you haven't seen her jd?)


Lastly, prioritise yourself again. You are obviously passionate, your committee will come and go, staff will come and go and there are two constants; lots of lovely children and yourself!


Try to relax, try not to take your work home with you and look after yourself,

Spiral x

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This is going to be a long post and I aoplogise in advance. I am so stressed out with work/home life and trying to get a good balance but it just isn't happening right now.


I know i need to delegate my jobs out but I am struggling as to what i can delegate out!!!! We have no pc/laptop at work so everything falls onto me to produce or print etc i.e signing in sheets etc which does take up a lot of time if i need to review or ammend something and I feel like it is all I do.


I am trying to put in place a checklist of all the things that need to be completed weekly/monthly/termly etc but not sure I have everything done, I have been asked by the chair to do this. I would appreciate it please if you could check the list and see if I am missing anything please.


Headcount form (termly)

Fire drills

Review meetings (SEN child)

Policies and Procedures (review)

Risk assesments

Daily risk assessments (for me to check as completed by deputy)

Letters to confirm places

Parent key worker meeting



I know the list is endless but I really just need to get then down in a list so i can delegate them out.


I have been asked to monitor learning journals too, i used to do them all but have given them to key workers now to do. Does anyone have a format they use or what exactly should i be checking for?


Also i feel the deputy keeps stepping on my toes and not sure how to approach her about this either :o I don't want to caue tensio as we are a small team.


I also feel my key children are often negelcted as I don't get the time to plan activities for them as i am always have something else to do. I don't get any admin time despite asking so everything is either rushed in last 30mins of sessions though usually ends up being 10min etc due to parents wanting to chat etc. I just don't know how much more i can take. I can't keep going on the way I am.


Also what things can I delegate out? I am currently SENCO as I don't feel the others should be expected to stay back for meeting without pay. Recently the assistant has taken on the role for display boards so that is one less thing for me.

What other roles can i share out?



I too manage a small team ( there is 5 of us) and carry out all admin to do with preschool. I am in the ratio but am nearly every day dealing with some sort of paperwork so made the choice not to take on key children as I did not feel it was fair as although I know the children cannot give them quality time when all I can think about is my to do list which never gets any smaller.


My deputy is also the SENCO and I also have a very experienced staff member who has supervised previously. I am in the process of looking at what can be delegated as I too am finding it really hard to keep on topp of everythingthat needs doing.


I was thinking of putting deputy in charge of keyworkers as she is more in tune with what goes on during session time. I have passed more repsonsability to her under the senco role as at present I was writing reports for funding etc ( which I felt was pointless me doing as she does the work) my issue with delegation is that my staff are not very computer happy and I feel that alot of what can be handed over is done on computer and it will take me longer to tell them how to do it than to do it myself!!


I would like to question anyone out of our sector who says that working in a preschool is easy work!!! like you I live on stress!

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my issue with delegation is that my staff are not very computer happy and I feel that alot of what can be handed over is done on computer and it will take me longer to tell them how to do it than to do it myself!!


I would like to question anyone out of our sector who says that working in a preschool is easy work!!! like you I live on stress!



this made me laugh as it was an issue I had at the start of delegating some of the work.. had majority of staff not using computers.. that was until one day I had a child ask her to help on the computer at work, and she sat with the child only to realise that the 3 year old was doing so much more than she had ever even thought of doing... she also felt that having children going through school she really did need to know a bit more..


so while it took me time to teach her how to do the work at the beginning, and yes I could have done it in less than half that time, eventually it meant I didn't have to do it.. time well invested...


and once one member of staff was really trying the others felt they did not want to be left behind so all began to show more interest and I could delegate further.... but there is always one who really doesn't want to know and claims to not want anything to do with it, but happily used her mobile for everything so is not so behind as she thinks she is!


Must admit liked the younger staff members who had grown up with PC skills, made life easier ...

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