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Roleplay Ideas


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So far our favourties were a shoe shop and a hairdressers. Althought the children did enjoy a newsagents and they can make lots of items to go inside it (wrapping paper, sweets, cards)etc.


If you don't mind making a bit of fool of yourself the TA and myself role out a scenario for the children in circle time. The children find it hilarious and they quickly start to imitate the sort of language that we demonstrate. Mind you even the head came in and watched last time as she found it entertainning !!! :o

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I am in the middle of a garden centre

Sand tray is a potting corner with compost, pots and "seeds" (beads)

We have put prices on pots etc

Labels for plants

Growing sunflowers, beans, tomatoes etc etc

Trolley for purchases

Garden tools


Also have a museum following our trip to the museum. Children brought in "old" items. Photos, baby clothes. Have had some old irons, and very old coins. It's probably all valuable! Even have an old chamber pot in a wooden stand! The children love it and made labels for everything and "Do not touch" signs.


Next half term we do the Greedy Zebra and I make a cave. In the cave we put animal skins and masks, shiny stuff and the book. We also have needles, thread and cloth. (Read the book to see why!)


It's all exciting to put together but bitterly disappointing when they just wreck it by leaving stuff on the floor and treading on it! We devised some rules as a class and have them displayed. Anyone breaking the rules is OUT! The children make sure of that.

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Planning for Role-play

This resource pack for developing children's role-play has been produced by teachers and members of Kent Advisory Service. It's purpose is to help practitioners provide learning and teaching experiences of the highest quality. In particular, it will support children's emerging abilities to set a scene as a context for developing a character, aid the sequencing of ideas and events and encourage the use of imagination and creativity. This will provide a firm foundation for children's future skills in the compositional aspects of writing. The charge is £5.00 per copy.



All publications are available from the Schools Advisory Service.

To obtain a copy please send your order to:


Reception Desk

Schools Advisory Service, Shepway Centre

Oxford Road, Maidstone ME15 8AW

Tel:01622 203800


Together with a cheque made payable to Kent County Council.


This is the blurb from their website, but I have just bought this resource and it is a very useful publication to support all sorts of role play scenarios.

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We had a "Newsdesk" once where the children reported news, which was scribed. Then we visited a printers and followed up with our own "Newspaper".

The children took photo's with a digital camera to support their stories.

The front page headlines was the birth of a brother of one of the children in the group.


The adult role, which has been mentioned, is really child led. If an adult intervenes to directly it can "stop the flow" or on the other hand, some intervention can develop the "flow" if the children get "stuck" on a repetitive cycle, ie: bang bang your dead, fall over, get up, bang bang your dead etc ( we all know this one so well). I always call the ambulance and move the play onto the emergency services....or I place a cuddly toy in a high area and call upon the "super heroes" to come and rescue the animal.......

I encourage my staff to narrate the childrens actions ( especially if it a child playing solo or parallel to another) this promotes their language / communication skills, and helps the staff develop their objective observation skills.


All the ideas given should keep us all going for another year :D



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Hi. We recently hung green voile type curtains in our homecorner and put in sleeping bags. we also put mini beasts, magnifying glasses, torches, back packs and bug hunt notebooks. Also put in small hob type oven that was used for cooking eggs and bacon in for breakfast. After all you need big breakfast when camping in the country. hope this helps. Tre

P.S. was a huge success with the children! :o

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Planning for Role-play

  This resource pack for developing children's role-play has been produced by teachers and members of Kent Advisory Service...  is a very useful publication to support all sorts of role play scenarios.



Thanks for that, Catma. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I like the idea of asking the children....

We change ours every week at the moment (I say at the moment as we are in the process of reassessing EVERYTJING!)

Last week we were doing minibeasts so we made it into a kind of cave - started off as underground but then the children made butterflies which we hung from the ceiling and a bright spark asked why they were under the ground hmmmm.....

We attached a massive parachute to the ceiling so it was draped and covered the windows in strips of crepe paper. We hung and looped crepe paper from the ceiling too. We put a table in covered in black fabric with a tunnel so they could either be crawling in tunnels or be caterpillars emerging. As the week went on they made their own wings and antennae and had a fab time!

We have also done camping by attaching a tent to the ceiling and floor - they love that one.

Safari/jungle is also popular, hotel, travel agents, 3 bears house, hair salon, dentist, library, shoe shop, baby clinic, market, garage, office, school..

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  • 3 years later...

Outside the Home


Weather Studio



Police Station

Railway Station



Baby Clinic








Garden Centre

Pet Shop

Estate Agent

D.I.Y. Store

Travel Agents

Post Office

Shoe Shop


Sweet Shop

Hairdressing Salon



Under the Sea



Space Ship

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  • 4 weeks later...

A couple that i found worked well were 'The birthday party' paper plates, party table cloths, hats etc play doh and candles to make cakes, old invitations and b'day cards and resourses to make their own - i linked this to an I'm me i'm special theme. Also an icream shop over the summer, play doh and lolly sticks for ice lollys, pom poms and paper cones for icecreams and spoons and bowls even brown pipe cleaners for flakes, old hundreds and thousands tubs we printed the order forms from sparkle box for the children to use.

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Peggy, as always you are so right. I've found that by standing back and watching the play that develops (even when it seems to be repetetive and going nowhere ) we can enhance the provision using the children's ideas (that sounds really prissy - sorry). So I'm starting off in September with two home corners inside and one outside and we'll have role play boxes such as mechanics, emergenc, fast food and baby clinic available and see where we go from there. Posy

PS But my question is why is there always one child who wants to be a dog in role play no matter what the provision???!!!!!

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