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Assesment Scales

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hi all

i was wondering how people use the assesment scales.

do you uses them as adult focused activity? also do you use the assesment scales in your children learning journey or do you use the whole of the eyfs?

i was also wondering how the assesment scales would cover a mixed age group?

thank you for reading


Hi Sammy

By assessment scales, do you mean the EY Foundation stage profile? or do you mean the development matters statements?


And can you clarify for us, What is your mixed age group you refer to?


hi thanks for replying

i mean the 13 assesment scales of the eyfs.

the mixed aged are from 2 years 6 months to 4



Hi Sammy. The 13 scales you mention are the Foundation Stage profile, and these are for the reception year. You shouldn't be using them for the age group 2-4 years.


You can use the age bands within the development matters to show how your children progress and this would be informed from a varied combination of adult led and self initiated activities not just from adult led alone.


I hope that helps.


thank you so much! the preschool i just moved from used the assesment scales the preschool i have just moved to dont and i was trying to work out which setting was doing it the right way


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