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Performance Management Target Linked To Scale Points Anyone?

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Hi I am new to reception this year from Y2 and when I had my performance management meeting with our new head in september was given a target of getting 85% of my children to 6 points for CLL and PSRN. I thought nothing of it as am used to having similar targets as a Y2 teacher. As it is this target will be just about achieved but when I had my meeting with my Early Years adviser last week she was aghast that I had such a target and found the relevent bit in EYFS documents to support that it shouldn't happen. I just wondered how widespread it was or is it just me and now I don't quite know what to do about it. Would welcome your thoughts


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I believe the need to set a pupil progress target of this type was removed in 2007, Im sure someone else will confirm if this is correct.


You may want to read through materials here


Also your school should have a performance management policy.


Im not sure what you do at this point in the year, so a chat with your Head and maybe your union might be in order.

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If your cohort is going to meet this for you, then do you actually have a problem? If they are not going to meet this, will you have a problem?


I think I would find the relevant documentation for your PM review and the data to support your claim--either for or against the target having been met and then argue your point. Either way you need to make sure you are not set a target of this kind again.


You could, as Mundia suggests, contact your union as well.


Good luck

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I'm in Year 1 and this year I have a target in my PM for x% of boys achieving 1B in my class - was on target until I had a new arrival last week! However, this target fits in with whole school writing targets and SIP plus am aiming to go through the threshold. Hadn't thought anymore of this until now. I'm not worried about it as I have evidence it will be met, what I have done to get there and will argue that the new arrival shouldn't be included in that %.


In addition to this, we do monitor our pupil achievement data at the end of each term and evaluate this against our end of KS1 targets and also our value-added. At the end of the day this is what Ofsted judge us on (rightly or wrongly) to show the progress the children make so I guess it (unfortunately) has to filter down.

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Guest eck1975

One of my PM targets is that 80% of the (Recep) class achieving 6+ points in Writing, which is one of the whole school development targets. I am concerned about achieving this, for a number of reasons incl, two children about to be put on IEPs, a few children learning EAL, one of my top group having just moved out of the area ...


I had a similar target for Calculation last year, but it wasn't a problem, so I didn't really think about it.


I didn't realise that these kind of targets aren't supposed to be set ...

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You would need to look very carefully at thinking in these sorts of numbers anyway given that the national average for the EYFSP 6+ is around 53% and for writing I think is less. Then 80% or 85% suggests a very high attaining group, and maybe this is unrealistic? Certainly in my LA, it would be a very unusual school to be getting these sorts of 6+ figures, do you think you are in an unusually high attaining school?

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Thanks all for your replies, as I will just make the target this year I will not do anything (not wishing to rock the boat) but when I get my performance management target next year I will bring up the subject with the head was just interested to see how many other people had targets like me. I imagine that not a lot would happen if I didn't make the target. Despite my best efforts my last years Y2s didn't make the target I was set (they were very special!) and nothing happened!

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I would just say that the 2010 NATIONAL figure for the overall LA target in 6+ in PSED/CLLD and overall 78 points+ is only 56%. To ask you for a similar outcome at the level you have been is rather harsh I think. However the national target for children at phase 3+ for phonics is 80%.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest thebirdistheword

I've just fished mine out and my target is for "75% of children achieve +4 FSP progress across all areas of EYFS" (Which I thought meant 4+ but I think means 4 more than they started with in Spetember, which would be more of a reflection on me I guess).

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i have targets like this.


school target is that every child makes 5 points from their baseline assessment in September.


I have high percentages too - I dont have them to hand right now.


I had no idea this wasnt the done thing.

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