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List Of Things That Need To Be Done!

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Right now I feel like I am on a uphill battle and just going around in circles!!!!


And not sure what to do next!!!


There was nothing at all EYFS related when I started but still feel like nearly 2 years in I am no further forward!!!


Ok since I have started I have....


Completed risk assessments - review yearly or as and when

Rewrote policies and procedures -again change as and when

Started a Operational Folder but have three different lists as to what to include and confused which is right!!

Planning - ongoing battles but got sure start teacher in tomorrow so hoping she can help

Learning Journals - divided out to key workers to update

Rota - never changes unless staff ill/training etc


I am trying to complie a list of things that need to be done because I have a terrible memory not helped by the committee asking me to do extra small jobs than seem to take up a lot of time. If you feel I have missed anything off or need to consider anything lse will you please say as right now I feel like giving it all up as I still can't seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Risk Assessments - Daily - we are a multi user centre so needs to be safety checked daily

Fire drills - half termly

Children's progress trackers - termly

Learning Journals - weekly

Letters to potential new starters/confirm places etc - as and when

Invoices/ Funding - treasures but I do headcount forms - termly


I know there is more as I never stop. But struggling to think of what I need to do. Anyone think of any more please?

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It's so hard isn't it? And it just feels like no matter how hard you work there is just more that you seem to have to take on! And always the feeling that you might have missed something.


What about:


Quality Award? We have to do this anyway to qualify for the quality supplement in grant in our area. It's great and feeds into any development plan.

Staff meetings?

Continued Professional Development Needs?

We do weekly emails to parents - as newsletters


I still have SEF on my long to do list! We have Ofsted due next year so I am going to have to face that one sooner rather than later now!

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Oh Sazz, the fact that your care so much about getting it right goes a long way to walking the walk :o


I have a sort of annual plan/review structure, a list that never seems to get any smaller (really irks me that does)! But best of all I have an index box thingy! It is a box of index cards split into days of week/months of year/monthly/half termly/termly/annual and short/long term to do! It sounds complicated, can't think quite how to explain it succinctly but it works, is on paper and even though I'm fairly certain my long term to do's will stay just where they are at least I know where that is!


Other than that, action plan it. My development plan (at end of ac. year) lists 3/4 long term goals for the coming year. My action plan lists everything I know needs doing and a vague hope of when/how that might be achieved. At least I know that when OFSTED rock up I can demonstrate an awareness and it does help keep me on track!


Sorry, don't know if that's much help, up late having nearly killed the cat!!!

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Turn your list of things to do into an Action Plan.

Have you managed to start on your Self Evaluation form (as mentioned by Gwennie), as this will help you focus on areas that need improving/developing

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I love the idea of the index cards I reckon that could go a long way to helping me feel more organised - now should I add that to my BIG list to do! :o

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I agree with Sam about turning the list into an action plan. It was the best thing I ever did and meant that suddenly I could prioritise the things to be done and show progress to anyone who asked. I also managed to get the staff to see what needed doing too which meant I could get them more involved in doing it. And in addition to that it then fed into the SEF so much more easily. I finally got my head around it enough to complete something resembling a SEF and the inspector liked it even though it wasn't the official format. More importantly the staff can continue with it now I have left.

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Thanks everyone for you input


I just don't know if I have everything on the list and feel like i'v always forgot something :o


And no I haven't done my SEF - long story but just is the committee don't want me too. However have discovered today that as a requirement of the provider agreement we had to sign to get funded places we now have to have one however i am waiting for the forms before taking it back to the committee and stating it MUST be done otherwise the 3 year old funding is withdrawn!!!!


Right tomorrow I am having a huge sort out!!! To motivate myself once and for all and to sort through things that need to be done

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