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Hi everyone,


I am a trainee teacher in my first year.I am currently working in a reception class and am trying to plan literacy around the topic 'In the garden'. We always have one group working outside and two indoors, I am just looking forsome ideas really to help me with my planning. I am planning on reading a book about flowers to the children for our introduction. I then thought one group could venture outside on a daisy hunt, once they have all found the daisies I am hoping to get them each to pick one, stick it onto a 'my daisy' worksheet and write 1 or 2 sentences about it. Any ideasare welcome as Iam trying to build up my bank of ideas for fun activities.


Thank you





Hi Bex, sounds like a lovely topic! Just off the top of my head:



Getting the children to make miniature gardens

Planting seeds and following instructions to do this -they could then write the instructions and they could design seed packets

Children could look at non fiction books about animals that live in the garden, you could go on a mini beast hunt, catch butterflies

Why not look at bugs in the garden and link to the ugly bug ball, making bug masks and costumes holding the bug ball out in the garden parents invited and having a picnic

Look at the text my wonky wheelbarrow - make junk modelling wheel barrows

Look at the text Herb the Vegetarian Dragon - He plants herbs in repeated patterns you could do this for maths, or make your own veg patch printing the veg in patterened rows

Plant some veg, grow it and cook it

Link to In the Night garden and look at animals that come out at night

Have a garden centre role play area - take children to a garden centre

water the plants - experiement with what plants need to grow

Make creative pictures out of seeds

Complete observational drawings of plants/flowers in the garden

In CLL children could design and make plant markers to label up the plants they have planted


Hope that helps a little! Good Luck, Emie x

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