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Achieving Profile Statements In Pse And Others


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Sitting at the desk looking at profiles, thinking about reports. What do the rest of you feel about statements beginning with 'Understands ......' or 'considers' eg social nos 6-8 emotional 7&8. I've debated alone and with others. If a child makes comments that indicate their understanding, but then their actions show that they are not able to apply this understanding/consideration in reality, have they achieved it or not?


Also any advisors out there, or 2nd hand advisor views re the debate on what levels on profile mean in relation to NC levels? My team has had critical comment passed on from year 1 staff who have said we've exaggerated children's levels. My argument is that my perception of what is good for a reception child may differ from their's at year 1. That said if levels are supposed to have a true equivalent measure in terms of NC that rather throws my view out of the water and I should be scoring children's achievements much lower :o HELP!



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We've just been told that a score of 6 on a scale indicates Good achievment - this has come from our regional director - also don't forget that a 9 is equivalent to a level 1 or in some scales a 2c.

Not sure this helps but adds to the smelting pot !

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We have also been told by our LEA advisors that the results for our borough were way too high last year. Basically 3 or less is underachieving. 4-6 is where most of them should be. 7 is good. 8 very good and 9 well within level 1. There is also talk that the FSC will be reviewed in 2007 and that the ELGs are too high for young children.

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I think you hear this all they way through the school, a level 6 for a seven year old is easier to achieve than for an 11 yr old.

What is not indicated is how much support is given to achieve ELG. They are not expected to achieve all the goals totally independently and I think this is the difference between the foundation stage and the NC levels.

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Anyone else out there confused? Anyone had any feedback about national scoring on FSP? What's the point of a 9 if children are not meant to achieve it? I'm in a school that has good results all round (Cof E in well-to-do area). So do we not give 9 points even though a good number of children fit the profile statements?

I think I'm just getting fed up with jumping through so many hoops. Why can't we just have straight forward assessments that are useful to the next teacher and a comment box for their personal and social details? Am I just being too simplistic?

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Hi hey jude.


I'm feeling a bit like that too. I seem to spend ages mulling over statements with the profiles, then feeling behind and frustrated. Next I wonder what use it all is. I know it helped me write the reports last year as I done so much thinking, but even so. I'm quite sure the Year 1 teachers don't make huge use of the data; with the best will in the world they are under pressure too.





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Hi hey jude.


I'm feeling a bit like that too. I seem to spend ages mulling over statements with the profiles, then feeling behind and frustrated. Next I wonder what use it all is. I know it helped me write the reports last year as I done so much thinking, but even so. I'm quite sure the Year 1 teachers don't make huge use of the data; with the best will in the world they are under pressure too.





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Guest Little miss perfect

Hi everyone

Just reading about profile numbers and becoming very confused about the areas concerning culture and beliefs. Can anyone shed any light on how to assess SD 7 ED 6 and K&U 6. Does anyone have any useful examples. we are a mainly white school, but obviously read multicultural stories. have also done work on Divali and had a Japanese mum in to our assembly to talk about Japan. Just love the example for K&U 'following a visit draw a the inside of a synagogue!!!'

Please help


Little Miss perfect

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Hi Little miss Perfect and welcome! :D I can see you've been around for a while, hiding in the background.


These points are very difficult to score and the examples given are so simplistic. If only it were that easy! Im afraid I erred on the cautious side and thought about the egocentricity of the 5year old and dissected the words "understands" and refused to score on these. Of course there is always the child that is exceptionally sensitive or knowledgable.


Have you anyone else in school to discuss this with so that you can be consistent in your approach? Cluster group?

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Guest Little miss perfect
Hi Little miss Perfect and welcome! :D I can see you've been around for a while, hiding in the background.


These points are very difficult to score and the examples given are so simplistic. If only it were that easy! Im afraid I erred on the cautious side and thought about the egocentricity of the 5year old and dissected the words "understands" and refused to score on these. Of course there is always the child that is exceptionally sensitive or knowledgable.


Have you anyone else in school to discuss this with so that you can be consistent in your approach? Cluster group?



Thanks for the reply Susan. Seem to do more reading than taking part. Will try to improve!!! am attending a cluster meeting this week so will ask and report back.

Little Miss perfect

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Little Miss Perfect,


It's really tricky and subjective isn't it? I agree in part with Susan. What I did last year was use a lot of foreign languages and see how the children responded. I speak French and Spanish. Learnt how to do register in Dutch and Chinese from parents of children in class. When children responded in the target language without laughing or feeling to shy to participate I felt they had shown some understanding and respect. This year we have covered various cultures/religious beliefs through RE lessons. We had a spare slot unexpectedly and decided to ask the children what they could remember about all the different celebrations we had learnt about. They drew a picture and we scribed for them. It was quite revealing. Some remembered the name of a festival, others what the festival involved and how people celebrated or stories around the festival. This term we have done a similar task on the church following a series of discussions about churches and what happens in them. Very few children could think of nothing to say. Unsuprisingly we had lots of weddings and christenings. One child mentioned funerals and finding a dead creature in a friend's garden which they had buried!



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