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Hi everyone


Can anyone please help me? We currently don't have a SEF long story but just of it is committee don't want me to do one. However we need something to progress forward.


Now someone has mentioned a development plan which I have been told is adequate for our LEA.


However I have never done one before and not sure where to even start. Can anyone please point me in the right direction of where to start please? Would appreciate any input

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wy not just do your own SEF - whats working well, needs to be improved - you don't have to do the Ofsted one as long as you have some development plan in progress xD

Sounds like a good idea to me........but have to say that I would be very tempted to complete an Ofsted SEF whether that's what your committee want or not! :o Are you 'due' for inspection anytime soon? I can't tell you how pleased I was that I had a completed SEF (to say nothing of my SEF folder - full of supporting evidence!).......far less 'cross examination' from our inspector - it was 'all there' for her - all she had to do was observe to check that what I had written was accurate.......large parts of our report are clearly 'lifted' from our SEF - excellent! :(


Would love to know why your committee don't want a SEF? :(

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For our development plan we brainstormed things we knew needed doing and things we wanted to review. Then it was simply a case of writing these out as they were, as we wanted them to be, what we do to reach that stage, who was responsible, and when we would review them. Essentially an action plan format, which we then prioritsed with red, amber, green. This would then feed into our SEF so it made the whole thing much more manageable and useful.

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we didnt do SEF but own self evaluation tool


we chose an area to work on... (cannot remember how they were sorted but think they were things like the environment, working with parents, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership, Management and Staffing, Observation, Assessment and Planning, Play and Learning Experiences there were more but cannot remember them all.. you could use the sef areas )


We then had a meeting with all staff as we felt it was needed for all to have input into moving the setting forward.. if no time we asked staff to jot down a few comments on what we were discussing in the following areas..

first was to look at what we already did well in an area... just a few bullet points or a written description.. and how we could show that we were actually doing this so some evidence - even just a comment to say where it can be found... important we felt to celebrate what was already good.

then we noted what we could do better..and why.. who would benefit, particularly how would it help the children to have a better experience in the setting..

next how we would achieve the changes. who would implement and a timeline of what was to be done by whom... and a review date..


It need not be overyly detailed or long.. but a document to show that you are aware of how you would like to develop the setting and that things are being done and looked at regularly...


we didnt do the Ofsted one as we felt it should be a working document and in regular use - changing weekly sometimes... or annually in other areas...


Our LEA suggested that we did our own and not the online one which they looked at and believed we were already covering it in our own way.. You do need some form of document to show how you are developing the setting..

Edited by Inge
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Hi Sazz, could you go back to the committee and ask what they would like you to do instead? In my LA (and Im sure many others too) some form of self evaluation and development planning is a condition of the funding, so it could be worth checking what your LA says on this.


We have used many formats over the years, but we currently have ours under the same heading we have in our RAg/EQUISP/categoirsing settings document.


They are similar to Inge's with the addition of working with parents and other professionals. Or you could link them to the 4 themes and use the principles into practice cards to think about what you do now and what you could do next.

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Do you have to do a RAG rating for you LA? This would be a good starting point which can be developed into a SEF.


Funnily enough I have just recieved an email today from our LEA, knew it was coming so Monday morning should be a very interesting one to say the least. Committee have agreed to a meeting with regards to the issue and i will indeed be taking the RAG with me.




Sending you an email with some of the self evaluation tools we have been using. I started my SEF but then we got inspected and she wasnt that interested in it, so i didn't bother to complete it.


Ali x


Ohhh thank you Ali, it is very much appreciated x

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The ofsted SEF is a working document and that is how is should be used


But I too would have prefered to do my own BUT so glad we did do their one (as previously said) ofsted had read mine prior to inspection and it did mean less time being cross examined

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I am constantly updating our SEF and with it all being online its so easy to do...mind you we have a print out in our Op plan and its printing it out all the time!

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