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They Have Called!

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Hello, We have just had the ofsted call! Very very scared, never been through an ofsted before!


I am in Reception, my theme is the blue balloon by Mick Inkpen - does any one have any WOW ideas especially for introduction to the lesson.


Many thanks in advance


Emie x

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Thankyou both so much, I am trying to stay calm, i left work early so couldn't panic too much!

Any ideas for activities for CI would still be greatly appreciated!


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I would say there's no point in being scared, that will just clam you up. Imagine it's your Mum or Dad coming in to watch you, welcome them in and relax. Be yourself and be natural - do what you do best, in fact.


They just want to see an average day to base their judgement on (now, I DO know there's no such thing as an 'average day' when you work with children, but you know what I mean)


So chill, be cool under pressure and it will all go so much better than if you have panicked and not slept etc. Have a good breakfast, give yourself plenty of time in the morning, don't change anything major or one of the little darlings will catch you out!

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you could imagine where you would go on your blue balloon and write it?



you could make blue balloon shapes or different types and name / describe them?

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Sorry, haven't got any particular activities, off hand I can't remember how the story goes - but I would certainly make sure I had some real 'blue balloons', if possible in various shapes and sizes (first hand experiences) - maybe explore ways of filling them with air, water, sand - and see what happens to the balloons in each case?

How about balloon printing ?

I don't know how 'PC' it is these days to release balloons, but maybe you could finish off with a balloon race ?

I'm afraid my ideas are to do with balloons rather than the story.

Good luck

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DONT PANIC (easy for me to say.... you should have seen me yeaterday when they came in!)

I love this story i did it as an assessment for my NVQ. We made aliens out of the balloons at the end (after a gym session with them) i had made a foot for them with a slit to slip the knot through so that they stood up (make sure you have spares and risk assess for broken pieces) ...perhaps the children could be encouraged to create an alien with them and then write a list of things he needs to pack to go to another planet?

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Wow the blue balloon is a great story.


When i was in nursery a few years ago (reception now) i had a little girl who came in with a blue baloon, instantly I got the book out to read to all the chn and bought to their atention of Childs Blue balloon. While i was reading te story to the chn, luckily ew had a packet of balloons....my NN went and left some around our setting. Kipper found a soggy blue balloon, so obviously, they were placed in puddles outside, water area, wet sand etc. You should have seen the chn's faces after we read the story and they went into CI activities and discovered the soggy blue balloons!!!!! We all then had a go blowing it up, wacking it with a stick, running it over with the bikes, stretching it etc etc. All the ways the little boy did in the story. It was a really wonderful morning. I actueally wrote up a learning story about the child who bought the original blue balloon in. Fantasitc story and heaps you can do.


All the very very best with ofsted


any questions just ask. Will upload the learning story to let you have more of an idea, it won't upload for some reason....but in a previous post i uploadsed some of my learning stories. So if you look up popcorn in the search you will see them




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Another great activity i saw on here ages ago, ive just sta for last 20mins trying to find it. i have no idea ow to upload it but it was a topic called 2d and 3d shapes started by nmarquez and Andreamay added something called the magic bag game to do with balloons. take a look its very very good and used it the other week with my class. they loved it.


xxxx good luck xxx

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