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I have been quite fed up for a while - stressed, overworked etc - a job in the paper has caught my eye - Senior EYP in a local children's centre - it would be quite different to managing a nursery in that it is a lot of organising creche's and play sessions, multi-agency work etc - shall I apply ? I maybe need a change? It's more money? I do love where I am but it's just so stressful and so much out of hours work - it never eases off - I am responsible for everything and everyone and I feel tired - thoughts and comments appreciated .........

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I'd say go for it - but the only thing I would advise is that you find out what is happening with CCs in your area at the moment. Many are going through a period of consultation about restructuring and it may be that CCs will not exist in their current form for much longer in somer areas. I have no idea whether this is the case in your LA, but my advice would be to throw yourself into the application process wholeheartedly and do your research but make sure you understand what the position is before you accept the job should you be successful. And why wouldn't you be successful - you'd be a fantastic addition to any team!


I'd be interested to know what the job description and person spec for the job is, I've had a lot of conversations lately about the differences between a Qualified Teacher working in a Children's Centre, and an Early Years Professional. There are lots of people here who work in CC in either capacity, and I'm sure they'd be prepared to offer guidance or support with your application if you need it.


You're right in saying that it will be very unlike your current job but you have a lot of transferrable skills and much experience and commitment to offer! Go for it and I wish you luck! :o

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I was hoping for a reply from you - I have so respected what you have to say - thank you fir always taking the time to reply! I can email you the job spec if you like? :)

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For what its worth I too think you should look into the job a little further, but I personally would want to find out about if the CC is part of the community, part of the school and if you would have input into shaping services if they are currently not all they could be.


I am saying all of this from the point of view that on our school site, the CC has had little impact on the community because it seems there was a rush to get the building built and then no money to provide the services that were promised to the community.


Our building is used for only 2 sessions a week and has been for about 3 years now.

What a terrible waste of money!

In the current climate I doubt that is likely to change either!


Good luck!

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Is the CC providing childcare/education? I worked closely with a EYP in a CC - she loved the job but it was not without it's challenges and different kinds of stresses too. There was no early years nursery on site but her role was to plan and deliver for targeted and universal groups, such as Stay and play, tiny tots, baby massage etc - it all sounds lovely on paper but in reality it was quite a challenge - the main difference between her role in the CC and her former role as nursery manager was that the groups were focusing on those in most need, and attendance could be very sporadic, additionally the parents were always in attendance with their children which could cause tension between 'rival' families from the local area and the differences between what the professionals and parents saw as 'how to bring your child up' could sometimes spark off interesting times in the groups lol. There was only one EYP in the CC - so she often said she felt isolated. It is a completely different role to that which she had done previously which was managing and working in her own nursery. Having said all that - I quite fancied her role - it was never dull, and she networked with many many other professionals (this is where I came in haha) from health, social care and education and police. I would ask to go and have a look around during one of the sessions.

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I have been quite fed up for a while - stressed, overworked etc - a job in the paper has caught my eye - Senior EYP in a local children's centre - it would be quite different to managing a nursery in that it is a lot of organising creche's and play sessions, multi-agency work etc - shall I apply ? I maybe need a change? It's more money? I do love where I am but it's just so stressful and so much out of hours work - it never eases off - I am responsible for everything and everyone and I feel tired - thoughts and comments appreciated .........


It's caught your eye for a reason so find out more and give it a go!!



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Thanks everyone - I have applied and arranged to visit next week - it is actually covering three centres and completely different to what I'm doing - I'm already scared - I am in a beautiful, rural affluent area at the moment - it would be the opposite at the Cc :o

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I have an interview and I'm in panic mode - things at work have gotten worse - my deputy is now signed off until September - (6 months off in total) full pay (as decided by the committee) it's Bizzare! Staff are all up in arms with regard to her not pulling her weight - it's a horrid situation - I have sent a distress call to the committee who have responded by saying they wouldn't want to loose me - that's all they did - no actual solutions or meeting, or face to face support - all conveyed in an email! My deputy is studying for the degree she is 3 assignments behind due to her bereavement - guess what she is doing at home rather than coming to work? Oh sorry I've l don't want to sound heartless but work should be her priority - 12 key children, a Deputy - I am loosing the will to keep being nice - I'm being honest - everyone is out for themselves - SO will working with families and vulnerable children be more rewarding and fulfilling than my rural, affluent managers job full if stressss and very little pay!!!!

(affluent area not related to my wage - £10/hr - quite good though?)

I will let you know how it goes - I certainly think I could be ready for a change - does being a nursery manager have a shelf life - I'm on 6 years (burnt out) :o

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Sorry to say this Shirel but your present job sounds awful.....so stressful!


You deserve so much more. Go for the interview.....it cant hurt and if it doesnt pan out then what have you lost.


You spotted this job for a reason. Good luck and please come back and let us know how you get on.


Many hugs.

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Well. I have been watching and waiting and wondering when you would reach this conclusion, Shirel. Go for it - those children and families who use the Children's Centre deserve every bit of love, support, hardwork and dedication that you'll bring to the job, and although it will be hard to leave the setting that you have done so much to turn around, you'll find other challenges and opportunities which will soon fill the void.


You should spread yourself a bit - every setting needs the benefit of the Shirel-factor! Good luck, I shall keep my fingers crossed for you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had the interview....didnt really click with the manager and the other staff that interviewed me, havent heard anyway but I wouldnt take the job if offered...shame really but as a Senior EYP the job was that of an Nursery assistant really only difference being you could drive a van to deprived areas with equipment in to set up for groups...lots of physical work and I worried about my back - never had time off with it but it can be weak?


Anyway - I am definitely looking for a change now...work is awful...everyday difficult lots of non-believers in what we do even after getting Outstanding - still lots of questions and persistent inconsistency of care for the children...changing rules to suit how they want to do things...I think they have lost respect for me...I feel quite ill really but will keep going although a tiny part of me wants to hand in my resignation now...I have wrote it out which is always a bad sign...I just keep hoping things will pick up but they dont seem too....I think Managing a nursery has a shelf life and my shelf is wonky, hanging off the wall...trouble is do I wait for it to drop off - become ill - or do I bite the bullet and resign...I need an income and so sensibly I need to find something else first...

my committee and parents will be outraged if I go they constantly tell me they think I do a good job - they just dont actually support me.....


Sorry I have once again used this forum to vent my troubles...I know like minded readers will read..and I thank you for that...

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I wish I could say something to help, you sound so disillusioned with it all. Definitely time to move on. Keep looking - this first one wasn't right but something more suited to you will come along I'm sure. Think of this one as good interview practice. Personally I would wait until I had found something else before resigning, but that's just me, I'm the pessimistic type! Depends how bad it is though I suppose...


Good luck, whatever you decide. You deserve to feel better than this.

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Sounds to me like you should hand that resignation letter in and let them know you are serious. I hope you've been open about your reasons for leaving. If they are serious about how much they value you they'll bend over backwards to keep you, if not, then they're not worth losing sleep over, walk away with your head held high.

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I think you're right about the shelf life. I knew, although it took me a year to write the resignation and 3 days to hand it in, but once done its amazing how clear everything becomes. I know its not just me either, other people on here who have resigned have said how good it felt to have finally done it, whatever the reason.

I know you say you need the income but getting ill wont support you any more than no job will. Could you see your doctor for some time off, even if its just a week to get your head together? It might make your committee realise how much you do and how little they support you.

Hope you find a solution shirel, its a terrible position to be in.

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Well. You're at a low ebb and in a way it is a positive thing that you have decided not to take the job if it should be offered. Often when we are that low we'll clutch at any straw to escape and this tells me that whilst it is very difficult you're not quite at the stage that you're ready to walk away.


However. Look around you at the moment and at your lovely family. They need you to be whole and well and I think if you carry on with things as they are you are going to get more and more stressed, dispirited and you will become unwell and depressed.


There are about three weeks left until the end of term, aren't there? One idea might perhaps be, rather than resigning at this point you could write down everything you feel and submitting it as a report to the committee, stating what you need to change in order for the setting to get back on an even keel. Then leave the ball in their court. If the committee want to support you they will work with you to form some kind of action plan so that together you can work on making things better. This might take some of the emotion out of the situation - if you write to them saying you'll resign unless things change it becomes an ultimatum and then you have to be prepared to actually resign if they choose not to support you.


What are employment opportunities like locally? If you go for the immediate resignation option can you enrol with any agencies to bring in an income whilst you think about what you want to do long term?


It can be so difficult to know what to do, but I do know you can't go on like this for much longer. Put your health and wellbeing first because the road back to wellness can be a long one but there are always job opportunities - even if it is doing that Ofsted training! :o


Take care lovely - we're all behind you 100% and we'll be here whenever you need to rant!

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I had the interview....didnt really click with the manager and the other staff that interviewed me, havent heard anyway but I wouldnt take the job if offered...shame really but as a Senior EYP the job was that of an Nursery assistant really only difference being you could drive a van to deprived areas with equipment in to set up for groups...lots of physical work and I worried about my back - never had time off with it but it can be weak?


Anyway - I am definitely looking for a change now...work is awful...everyday difficult lots of non-believers in what we do even after getting Outstanding - still lots of questions and persistent inconsistency of care for the children...changing rules to suit how they want to do things...I think they have lost respect for me...I feel quite ill really but will keep going although a tiny part of me wants to hand in my resignation now...I have wrote it out which is always a bad sign...I just keep hoping things will pick up but they dont seem too....I think Managing a nursery has a shelf life and my shelf is wonky, hanging off the wall...trouble is do I wait for it to drop off - become ill - or do I bite the bullet and resign...I need an income and so sensibly I need to find something else first...

my committee and parents will be outraged if I go they constantly tell me they think I do a good job - they just dont actually support me.....


Sorry I have once again used this forum to vent my troubles...I know like minded readers will read..and I thank you for that...




Oh I so know how you feel!! I havent wrote mine but for the first time ever I've actually really let myself think about doing it...stress this year has been a nightmare!

What is it with people!

Sorry to hear the CC job didnt work out.

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*Hugs* i know exactly how you feel! i've been up and down about my job lately, and have written my letter also, but... everytime i think its time to leave a new challenge comes up! this time its a move to new premises which im hoping will be a chance to make my mark on the setting and gain the experience i don't have.


You obviously seen something you liked about that other job, the differences maybe, so keep your chin up and eyes open and look around for more, maybe that was just a little push to let you know what's out there? or a kick to stand up for yourself where you are now? i would trust your instincts and do what feels right for you, its so true that everyone is out for themselves so do whats right for you, wherever you go you will be doing a fantastic job :) x

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I'm so sorry that this position didn't turn out to be a dream job and help you escape from the stress you are under in your current one. However, I think it has highlighted for you the fact that things have to change - whether that be within the setting you are in or by getting work elsewhere - it can't carry on like it has. Stating your position in writing to the committee in a professional and unemotional way is a very good idea. The ball is then in their court as to whether they will act or turn a blind eye. However, i would also continue to look elsewhere at other opportunities and who knows what may turn up.

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As others, Shirel, been there, and getting out of my situation was the best thing I ever did, and I wish I had done it sooner.


It wasn't an easy decision, my husband and I had to sit down and take a hard look at our finances to see, first of all, could we manage without my income, and then for how long could we manage if I didn't get a job quickly. (as it happens I did which was great). We had to look at how we could make savings (we aren't big spenders anyway), if we could reduce the mortgage, use the car less, grow more of our own food etc etc, and we decided that we would be much happier having a lower income and being far less stressed. So I just walked in one day, after our OFSTED inspection, and plonked my letter on the Head's table. I cant tell you how much better I felt after Id done it!.


Your circumstances will be different, but if you have written that letter, then you must be seriously thinking about it. Good luck with that decision making, Im sure you will get to what is right for you and yours before too long.

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