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Strike Day


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Well just been told that school may not open on strike day..thinking as school club we could help parents out and open all day. However we rent a rooms off school and it is thought that head does not want us to open so that we are in support of those on strike. Im just not sure he can do this.


Anyone else who uses rooms at school but is not run by the school been told anything?

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I think you need to go and talk this through with the Head. Presumably staff are striking to make a point re pensions for teachers, unison members etc and you are thinking of opening to minimise the effect of this on your families, which could be seen as strike breaking. This is something you need to think through carefully.

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Guest Spiral

We are on a school site and I wouldn't expect our headmaster to state anything like this - especially as we are not allowed to join the National Union of Teachers!


I couldn't condone striking to gain a better payrise when we get less than half of their wage and very little recognition for the work we do. Hope that isn't too negative,


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We are on a school site and I wouldn't expect our headmaster to state anything like this - especially as we are not allowed to join the National Union of Teachers!


I couldn't condone striking to gain a better payrise when we get less than half of their wage and very little recognition for the work we do. Hope that isn't too negative,



The strike is nothing to do with pay rises and is for all public sector employees, and the NUT is only one of the many unions involved.

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Hi Marley. I think there are two issues here that you need to think about. The first is whether or not it is reasonable for you to expect the head to open the school so that you can take over looking after children who are not at school because their teachers/other staff are striking. This could be seen, as Jacquie said, as strikebreaking, and personally I think it is reasonable that the Head asks you not to do this, and can refuse to open for this purpose.


The second issue is a bit trickier in a way, in that you could reasonably expect to be able to go about your normal business, running your after school club. But realistically would you have any takers, given that the children would not be at school that day?


In addition to this, if the strike is supported by members of other unions, including whichever union your building supervisor is with, then they will not open the school anyway.

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Guest Spiral
The strike is nothing to do with pay rises and is for all public sector employees, and the NUT is only one of the many unions involved.


Sorry, i haven't been well recently and have been away from the news - what is the strike about then?


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Apparently letter going out to parents tonight so will see what that says and maybe go talk to him.


Meanwhile at my pre-school where I work...also based in a secondary school where they are striking but which will be open, we have been told that we have to turn up for work..... Its a full day for me and so I depend on school club to look after my son. If that is closed Im not sure what i am going to do. Hubby is a teacher (union that is not striking!) so cant take time off to have him, grand parents awa on holiday. Not sure I can really ask a friend to look after him all day......

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This is where it gets difficult doesn't it? If you are not striking and can get to work then you do have to do so. Some people wont strike even if their union is asking them to, so they will be in work. With schools some heads will open if there are enough staff for safety's sake and some year groups may be in and not others. I don't think the NAHT is striking so heads will probably work. Not sure what the answer is over your child marley :o I suppose the idea of striking is to cause disruption.

Yes the strikes are by some public sector employees over massive changes to the pension schemes without thorough consultation.

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Our school is closed & I spoke to Headteacher yesterday and she is fine with my decision to open (none of my staff are in unions) but I am not charging fees for extra hours if parents with siblings decide not to bring them in so I expect it to be quiet. I will lose money but not as much as if I closed completely - I honestly couldn't afford to do that as I'd have to pay all my staff.


I have access to the site - the caretaker doesn't need to be in for us to open).


The strike is about pensions for all public sector workers and I support them striking; I would do the same.

Edited by anju
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