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Had Really Bad Day!

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Hi Everyone


Have had a really bad day and have had to suspend a member of staff!! Have never done this before and not sure where to go or what to do!!

It isn't a safeguarding issue, more bringing the Pre-School into disrepute in a round about way (really hard to explain without going into too much detail!).

So verbaly she was asked to leave the premises today by myself and I am now sitting looking at a blank peice of paper as I know I need to make this formal and in writing just don't know what to put!!

Just feel everything's a mess at the moment and not sure where to start!!

Can anyone help with how to word a letter to a suspended member of staff!! I have spoken to Lawcall (but obviously they don't write letters for you!!)



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Give ACAS a ring - I had cause to ring them the other week and the chap I spoke to was LOVELY, really, really helpful. I'm sure they'll help you to organise your thoughts into words for a letter, and make sure you stick on the right side of the legal fence too.


I may be wrong, but I think you have to notify your insurance company, and Ofsted.

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Oh Kris, how awful... will put my thinking cap on (or alternatively ask my lovely Union Rep friend and get back to you later!)



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First of all a great big hug. :o

Whatever has made you take this action only you can answer and justify.

If you go on DirectGov,disciplinary it should explain procedures etc.

Also ACAS are there to support and advise.

Hope your okay.






Hi Everyone


Have had a really bad day and have had to suspend a member of staff!! Have never done this before and not sure where to go or what to do!!

It isn't a safeguarding issue, more bringing the Pre-School into disrepute in a round about way (really hard to explain without going into too much detail!).

So verbaly she was asked to leave the premises today by myself and I am now sitting looking at a blank peice of paper as I know I need to make this formal and in writing just don't know what to put!!

Just feel everything's a mess at the moment and not sure where to start!!

Can anyone help with how to word a letter to a suspended member of staff!! I have spoken to Lawcall (but obviously they don't write letters for you!!)



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Hi definetly go into Direct Gov.

It states displinary procedures, if you can't find it initially search disciplinary actions at the top, to the left of this this you will find handling disciplinary actions.

Hope this helps







Hi Everyone


Have had a really bad day and have had to suspend a member of staff!! Have never done this before and not sure where to go or what to do!!

It isn't a safeguarding issue, more bringing the Pre-School into disrepute in a round about way (really hard to explain without going into too much detail!).

So verbaly she was asked to leave the premises today by myself and I am now sitting looking at a blank peice of paper as I know I need to make this formal and in writing just don't know what to put!!

Just feel everything's a mess at the moment and not sure where to start!!

Can anyone help with how to word a letter to a suspended member of staff!! I have spoken to Lawcall (but obviously they don't write letters for you!!)



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Hi Kristina


I feel for you, its a horible situation to be in. A good idea to speak to ACAS. In the meantime you may find the guidance from their website useful. I obviously do not know the detail or whether this is appropriate for your situation however last year I had cause to discipline a member of staff and followed this guidance to the letter, they even have template documents to use. My situation involved taking written reports from all involved without pre-judging the outcome of any potential disciplinary, deciding whether this warranted a disciplinary meeting, setting up the disciplinary, listening to the evidence, making a decision based on this and in my case issuing a final written warning. Hope that helps.



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Oh dear Kristina, what a horrid thing to have happened, I have some insight as to how you may be feeling, I had to ask a volunteer to leave a few years ago because I didn't agree with her lifestyle choices and felt they impinged on the nursery. Sending you hugs and hope that you get the legals sorted out, once you do you will begin to feel better because you know you are doing things right.

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It is so upsetting to be managing these situations as we are all people who just want to be kind and caring to each other, and expect others to behave in the same way as we do. Just remember you are being strong for the sake of your setting. Lots and lots of hugs from me.

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