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Registration App Monday!

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Hi All


I have my registration appointment with ofsted this monday and I am a bit wooried that I am going to forget some thing.


I have written all my policies and procedures, risk assessments and filled out the form which covers what we will discuss but is there any thing I am missing?


Is there anything I should have up on the walls?


thanks in advance for your help.


Adele xxx


Relax would be my advice. Inspectors are there to check that you have some idea and that the safety of the children can be ensured. You won't have Registration Certificates or Ofsted Parents' Information - might pay to point out where you will put them to show awareness.


You'll feel more confident if you know you've covered all your cleaning bases. I know I can't relax if I know the bin hasn't been cleaned (not the sort of thing that usually bothers me unduly).


I seem to remember that recommendations were made at my pre-reg which were checked at my first active inspection, so be prepared for some constructive criticism (I think from previous posts you have made, that you are a bit more on the ball than I was though).


Very best of luck,




Look through the questions in the Are You Ready for Your Registration Visit booklet.


Thank you


I think the longer you have to think about it the more you panic. I have spent 5 hrs on the childrens room today and still have the rest of the house to tidy. At least my paper work is up to scratch. I have put up a map of my house with fire exits, windows and where the first aid box and fire blanket are located. I have also put up my fire procedure and ofsted complaints poster.


fingers crossed it will go ok. x


I passed!! She turned out to be a lovely lady and said i had a great knowledge of the eyfs and i was well organised. now just need to get some children in the door eeeek


Well Done!


Now make sure you tell lots of people and wear a "registered childminder" badge when you're out and about - you'll be surprised by how many people approach you for information.


Good Luck!




Well done.


Now get out there and make sure everyone knows you are a childminder - word of mouth is the best marketing.


Thank you so much every one thats very kind of you.


Did you find words of mouth is best. I am making leaflets to take with me to the local childrens centre and health visitor. I am also doing a website and fb page

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