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Level 3 On Site!


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Sorry if this sounds daft - I went home from work at midday today - had a massive headache again - my level 3 (who is coming in some days - signed off sick but coming in to do degree stuff-I know mad-full pay) anyway back to my point - I went home and the level 3 went just after me telling other staff she had an appointment and shouldn't be there anyway - leaving the setting with two level 2s, two unqualified - 19 children - is this irresponsible or am I getting paranoid!

I ring the committee to apologise (her son was in and she would of noticed pick up time) and she said "nevermind"

I feel like I am being taken for such a mug - her coming in just to do Uni work is really annoying me - she can come in when she chooses??

I started a book with the children today and she spent the morning taking photos of it for her portfolio - I did it?


Sorry again folks - I feel so stressed!!!

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I don't think you are paranoid - this shouldn't happen as far as I am aware. You should have a level 3 on site.


And as for having your work in her portfolio, no, no, no! I know of a colleague who is having similar issues with an EYP reworking her EYPS developments for their portfolio and she has taken the decision to simply inform the assessor that the work she was shown wasn't all the candidate's, unless the candidate takes her concerns on board. She is in a fortunate position that she is supported by the management and frankly doesn't care that much anyway! But I can understand that might not be as easy in your case. Big hugs x

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It doesnt sound daft shirel.

If she's off sick I cant see why she's still able to come into the setting. Is she ill or not? She wants to have her cake and eat it as my grandad would have said.

Is it time you got seriously tough? I know you've said you've spoken to the committee, but are you doing it in the way I would? Softly and apologetically? Its easy to say, but I do think maybe the time has come for you tell the committee their obligations to the setting as the employers and registered body. Leaving L2s in charge is wrong and they would have to answer for it should Ofsted turn up.

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did you make it clear that you expected her to stay as cover for you, as she is being paid and was in anyway it would be an acceptable ask... If not then it was an omission on your part and another time ensure that she is fully aware of your expectations, if yes then she was being irresponsible and committee should have a chat with her about it ( bet they wont though if she is off on full pay and allowed in to do uni work only.. sounds like she is taking advantage even though she has had a lot of issues) .


the work you were doing with the children.. at the time I would have stopped her and asked why she was taking the pictures, was it to document it for the setting or personal use. and also made it clear that she was not to use your work for her evidence.


Ask her to make an appointment and tell you the times she is coming in for her work and ask what she is planning to do while there.. not unreasonable, as she is not actually working the hours in the setting the hours should not be counted as work time.. but isn't there an element of the degree that requires so many hours worked a week... think I remember verifying a member of staffs hours when she was doing it..


make your feelings and intentions clear,try to aim for no grey areas so you all know where you stand.

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When you are off sick surely it means you should not be in work?


I think it is flouting the rules to be off sick but be well enough to come in and do work that suits (ie degree stuff)


My Head is quite rigid about people who are off sick not being on the premises for insurance reasons too!


I think this staff member is taking the you know what to be honest!!!!!!!

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Guest jenpercy
When you are off sick surely it means you should not be in work?


I think it is flouting the rules to be off sick but be well enough to come in and do work that suits (ie degree stuff)


My Head is quite rigid about people who are off sick not being on the premises for insurance reasons too!


I think this staff member is taking the you know what to be honest!!!!!!!


Don't forget we now have fit to work certificates, so people can get assessed as able to do limited hours!


It is permissable to leave a Level 2 in charge ONLY if they have almost completed a Level 3, AND OFSTED give their permission, and they will then ask about your arrangements for that person to contact a Level3. It's my business and I have 12 years experience although I hadn't completed the Level3 when my Manager got cancer. I explained to the OFSTED inspector that shen might be taking tie off, or be sent home early and that on 3 days a week we had no other Level3. I had to give a list of Level3s that I could contact for advice, even they all ask me what do anyway!!!


So if OFSTED found out!!!!!

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If she is signed off work and doesn't have a 'fit to work' certificate that jenpercey mentions then I'd say she should be at home. I'm not sure if this person is your deputy, shirel but in any case I would never go away from the setting knowing that there was no level 3 on the premises. At the very least she could have called you for advice.


As Rea says, it might be time to get serious here. It sounds to me as if communication and a sense of teamwork has completely broken down. No wonder you're having serious headaches. Maybe they'll only end when you stop banging your head against this brick wall?


Taking the credit for another person's work and ideas is not only unprofessional but unethical. Does she have permission to photograph children for her portfolio? You need to tackle this directly. If you don't she will simply continue to use other people's work and pass it off as her own. This is plagiarism which is a serious academic offence for which students can be ejected from the course of study.

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Could you approach it from an employee point of view? Look at your grievance policy.

You need the committee (your employer) to support you and your decisions. You were taken on as a manager and they should provide you with the tools and resources and support to manage. If they allow the other staff to behave badly they are undermining you.

Full pay while someone is off sick is extremely generous. Are any of the committee friends with this member of staff? Do they feel harsh docking her pay while she's ill?

My friend recently lost her mom, I still had to tell her we wouldnt be paying her for part of the time she had off. Its a difficult thing to do amongst friends but necessary for the playgroup. As committee we're only there a little while, we have to leave things the way we found them or better.

As chair, I am very aware that should any of the staff have a complaint it should be taken seriously.

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I agree, if she has been signed off sick by the doctor, she shouldn't be coming into her work environment whatever reason. She could come into the staff room if she had anxiety issues, as part of her progress back to work, but she shouldn't be in with the children until signed as fit to do so. If it is stress, then she should be working with her assessor to have time off of her course as well. We'd all love to do a qualification and be paid to do it, which is what it sounds like she is doing!

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As far as I understood my insurance does not cover anyone that it 'on the sick' and as such they are not allowed to come to the setting to work. I have my ex assistant go on long term sick as a volunteer and she did visit the setting but as a visitor and she had a long term, progressive issue that meant she couldn't return to work in any real way, she visited the children as a visitor several times but could not work or be covered as an volunteer.

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