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It was a bit of fun but the other thread was a tad negative even if it was tongue in cheek, so this one is positive.

The best advice I was ever given related to observations...


'Never write anything you wouldnt want a parent to read'.



Posted (edited)
My mum always told me 'never return to a job you have left - sooooo true :o



Hmm, well there's the ironing pile I started and left when the iron broke .................... am I allowed to leave that then?


and edit to say that I like Anne of Green Gables' motto that "Tomorrow is another day with no mistakes in it yet!"


possibly best advice though, from Dad is that when you are in one of those situations when a parent won't let you get a word in edgewise, stop trying.

Edited by Cait

I was still thinking along EY lines. Outside of EY, my dad had a breakdown when I was at secondary school, his advice afterwards was "never let anyone worry you, everyone goes to the loo, same as you, they're no better, if a teacher tells you off, look at his tie, say yes sir but dont let his words affect you". And I mostly never have :o


Don't feel you have to pay any attention to advice you haven't asked for.


My dear old mum always says "what you can't cure you have to endure"; this is very true and has saved me hours of worry when I've accepted the fact that there are things I can't change!!


In my early days of posting here, I was fairly newly qualified, about to start my FD. I had numerous jobs mostly as a result of conflicts with other people. I would regularly come on here and moan about this person or that person and I had real difficulties seeing somebody elses point of view. I was always right in my opinion and couldn't be told otherwise. When I was given constructive criticism, I always took it as a personal slight.


Once I started my FD, my tutor was reading through one of my reflective accounts. I wasn't very good at these either to be honest because it was all about me, with little actual reflection. My tutor called me in for a tutorial and sat me down and said to me "if it's personal, it's not professional" and this has stayed with me throughout my career.


Don't get me wrong, I still don't like being told I'm wrong :o but I can now take constructive criticism and reflect on it. My behaviour has improved loads, I no longer throw strops and tantrums when it doesn't go my way, and I can generally see how or why I was in the wrong.


I've been in my current job for almost three years so I've got to be doing something right!


This doesn't make me sound very nice does it xD

This doesn't make me sound very nice does it xD

On the contrary, it makes you sound like someone who knows yourself very well and has worked hard to come to grips with a part of your personality which made you unhappy in the past, to make a change and learn from your experience. That makes you an ideal person to give advice because you have literally been there, done that and got the t-shirt! :o


The first head teacher I ever worked for told me,

'Never ask anyone to do something you wouldn't do yourself.'

Working closely in a team with other staff both in FS and in school this has been the most valuable piece of advice I've ever been given.


From my father: There are only 3 people in a school you have to get on with - the schoolkeeper, secretary and cook. You can have a fight with anyone else and still do your job but without those three on your side life becomes impossible


what goes around comes around! or something like that!! :o

I am a firm believer in Karma though xD


But my old dad's advice was always treat people how you would like to be treated and manners cost nothing! That is how I have lived my life and certainly my professional life!



If you accidentally write on a dry-wipe board with a permanent marker, write over it with a dry wipe pen and it will come straight off, no problems :)


there was also one about how to stop scissors getting all stuck up when cutting sticky velcro but I can't remember it so if anyone knows that one I'd be really grateful!


Although the terminology is not very PC, I always keep in mind something I was once told - "The child that annoys you the most, is the child that needs you the most".


Another piece of advice I was once given which helps when needing to say something which may well be unwanted information to adults is the concept of a "s**t sandwich", so if appropriate, I try to sandwich 'bad' news/information between two 'good' pieces of news/information.


Also agree with other post regarding the advice to treat others as I would wish to be treated myself. And... a smile costs nothing, so give them out freely.


I used to worry that the children were being too messy sometimes and fuss which stopped their creativity....my boss took me to one side and said it was her room, floor, chairs etc that were getting paint, glue glitter on etc and not mine so relax.....best advice ever......amazing how much fun and creativity you can have when you are not paranoid about a wayward spot of paint. It did of course take me ages to clear up afterwards but there were usually willing little helps with little buckets of soapy water and then a mop :o


The other one I always am grateful for, when reading a factual book about spiders I was pulling faces (I don't like spiders) again my boss quietly asked me not to let me fears become the child's fear. I have done this with my own children and they are so much braver and bolder than me although I have at times had to force myself to do things so they wouldn't miss out on an experience that I thought they would like....some hideous long corkscrew roller-coaster at Thorpe Park comes to mind!

The other one I always am grateful for, when reading a factual book about spiders I was pulling faces (I don't like spiders) again my boss quietly asked me not to let me fears become the child's fear. I have done this with my own children and they are so much braver and bolder than me although I have at times had to force myself to do things so they wouldn't miss out on an experience that I thought they would like....some hideous long corkscrew roller-coaster at Thorpe Park comes to mind!



Ditto! When mine were little I'd make an excuse to them about why I couldnt get the spider out of the bath or take the slug off the cats tail 'call daddy, I've just got to...' xD

Now they know how I dislike them they are happy to chase me with the offending creatures :o


Another saying I used to use a lot when the lads were little was 'if you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at all'.

Ditto! When mine were little I'd make an excuse to them about why I couldnt get the spider out of the bath or take the slug off the cats tail 'call daddy, I've just got to...' :(

Now they know how I dislike them they are happy to chase me with the offending creatures xD


Another saying I used to use a lot when the lads were little was 'if you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at all'.


I don't like spiders either - but I am quite happy to tell children that I don't like them. :o

I also teach them a song:


'If you're scared of spiders,

If you'd like them banned,

You'll meet other people,

Who do not understand.


But where all scared of something,

We've all had a fright,

So being scared of spiders,



(To the tune of Goosey, Goosey, Gander)


Tried to quote but for some reason it won't let me - the trick with sticky scissors is to wipe them with baby wipes! Also works brilliantly on anything ink pads have been near!


Yay! thanks lucyhobbit... now i wonder if I'll remember that in september!

  • 2 months later...

when i was having trouble saying no to others and myself by taking on too much


"that's not high on my list of priorities for today"


makes me stop and think what is really important to get done today and what can wait

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