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Mixed Ability Planning - Differentiation

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I am wonering if anyone can suggest a more "correct way" to name different levels of a mixed ability planning group to indicate differentiation, i have previously used higher ability, middle ability and lower abiltity (done as standard by my previous setting) but would like to use something abit more positive and motivating, especially avoiding lower ability. Basically a planning goal from 3 age ranges of the EYFS is set eveytime for each goal the child is working towards. I am thinking of maybe just a random colour coding and then relating this to the age groups so if highlighted in pink it is 16-24m (lower) green 22-36m (middle) blue 30-50m (higher).

ideas? advice?


What about using the ETFS terminology - emerging / secure / exceeding - I'm going to try this in September to see if it works!




Ooohhh I like that. I think I will use that as well - much more positive.

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