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Pshe Scheme Nightmare! Please Rescue Me!


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Hi everyone,


Please please please can someone out there rescue me from my nightmare?? I have been given the joyous task of re-writing our PSHE and Citizenship scheme of work over the summer holidays and I am finding it a real task!!!!! With the NC, SEAL and numerous other initatives i'm finding it really hard to get my head round which order the themes needs to go in, which year groups should teach which NC objectives etc.


Does anyone out there have a PSHE scheme of work they would be willing to share or have any advice on how to write one??


This has already resulted me to tears twice so any help would be greatly appreciated???



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Have you got a Healthy Schools advisor you could contact? I know Healthy Schools is no longer a national thing but aspects may be continuing in your authority.


Ours produced an entire scheme of work which I would send you except it isn't published yet!


When I was starting out to write something I tried to come up with half a dozen headings (if you have mixed age classes you may need more to create a 2-year programme. SEAL can give you ideas. The ones I came up with were:



Drugs Education


Staying safe (can include road safety, stranger safety, and especially internet safety, could also get some anti-bullying work in there)

Being Healthy (need to be conscious of the overlaps with science here but also bear in mind that it can encompass emotional health and wellbeing so you could do about self-respect, self-esteem, setting goals etc.)

Being nice i.e. developing relationships with others


How detailed a scheme do you need to write? I know some virtually give lesson plans others would just give the NC objectives. Also, I'm a little puzzled by your comment about what order do themes need to go in? Could staff just know they have to cover certain themes in a year and then decide for themselves when to deliver them. E.g. for a money related theme some could do running a stall at the Christmas or Summer Fayre, some could grow and sell vegetables all of which take place at different times of year.


Also you could look at the PSHE association website - I'm not making any recommendations as I haven't looked at it for ages but you might find something there.




Hope this is a starting point.

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Hi Helen

Thank you for your response. The things I am getting confused about are:

- Should each year group have the same 6 themes. And if so how do I decide who teaches what objectives/actvities within these themes so that there isn't any repetition between the years.

- I think the head would just like a scheme which outlines the objectives to be taught with references to supporting external documents and then some suggestions for activities.

- Our healthy schools team have tried to provide support but just said for me to use SEAL, health for life and NC and then sent me on my way!!!


Sorry to moan but for some strange reason I just can't get my head around it all and how to split the objectives across the key stage so that there is some progression!!



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I don't wish to add to your problems :o but if you have a nursery unit, you may wish to consider SEAD (Social and Emotional Aspects of Development).

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I have also been asked how we ensure all the SEAL objectives have been covered and was going to draw up a long term coverage sheet to make it easier for the teachers in my team and the PSHE Co-ordinator to see at a glance that they have been covered. Obviously this would be in addition to areas that just arise. Before I do has anyone already done this? In my really happy place it would include the development matters objectives too!!

If not I feel I will have to employ child labour to type all the objectives up!!



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