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I'm feeling quite frustrated and this forum seems to be a good place to sound off!!!! I have been for 3 interviews over the past few weeks for nursery or reception posts, and have been unsuccessful for each of them. The first one, I was told it was down to me and one other, the second one I had a bad case of nerves, so didn't perform well at all, the third one, well it seemed to go well, and I am waiting to hear feedback from the headteacher...

I am teaching reception at the moment in the school that I have taught in for 8 years, and will probably be moving into Year 1 in September. The foundation stage is really where I want to be, and nursery especially, and having had knockbacks is beginning to knock my confidence..... I feel a bit trapped as the date for handing in notice is looming (does anyone know what the exact date is?), and I am not in a position really to be able to risk not having permanent employment.

I know there is not much anyone can say or do on this forum, but if anyone does have any ideas, I would welcome them....

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I know it's probably not what you want to hear when you see yourself wanting to be in the FS, but can you not look at your move to Yr 1 as a positive on your FS skills? My school are working hard to focus on the tranistion this time, with Yr1 taking on board FS curriculum and approaches. We are lucky to have a Yr1 teacher who is FS trained and is keen to become less table time rigid in Yr1. It is her creativity and her eagerness that will drive this and the new head has already hinted at the prospect of her continuing this into Yr2 at some point in the future if she is interested.


Could you not see this as a positive challenge (in the first instance) of you being given the opportunity to drive the FS into Yr 1? All this while you still look for work elsewhere if you are unhappy but rather than thinking of quitting until one becomes available, why not have a really good attempt at Yr 1 in your school?


Hope I have been a little helpful !


D xxx

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Hi Basilbrush, sorry to hear about your frustrations but I would suggest that you try and see your move in the way that Gater has suggested. I never really understand why heads move their staff around without consultation and especially when your interest lies in FS, unless your head wants you to lead this move?


As you know resignation is at the end of May, so theoretically next Tuesday but unless you think your head wants to receive this at home, in practise tomorrow! You may find there are more vacancies in the next few weeks as other last minute resignations are advertised and were you to be successful you could find that your head would release you although they are not duty bound to allow you to move until January.


I have found suppy in my area to be very poor, not quite sure why but I certainly would not urge you to resign without a new position unless you were financially very secure or your health was at risk by staying.


Good luck.

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Hi Basilbrush,

I can only echo What Gater says. Your skills in the Foundation stage could be invaluable. The training package for the transition into Year 1 from the National Assessment Agency has landed on my lap today and it is strongly advocating what Gater is saying. I do feel that ridding us of a subject based National Curriculum for younger children is coming and that is sooo welcome.

Maybe this is why your head wants you in Year 1 but for reasons of whole school management is doing it quietly-who knows!

Does anyone think maybe the government realise what a mess the over prescriptive National Curriculum has been for younger children as it takes little account of development and motivation ( I know some people make it work well)

It seems to me they are introducing things very softly softly as it is another huge workload in changing structures and ways e.t.c and a 'big attack' on The National Curriculum

would also leave them as looking as if they have totally got it wrong - in the public's eyes.

Still for whatever reason its welcome.

Regards Lynda

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You are probably right-and just shows that with most things governments rush them through without proper thought and consultation. I know a lot of schools who are taking the foundation stage through into year 1 and it is a very positive move. I just wish that the major influence for what happens with our children came from those who are working with them on a daily basis rather than the men in suits who have no idea what makes children tick!


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Basilbrush, I dont know how schools are doing in the area of moving FS into Y1, but it's coming up more and more and while you may not feel happy now, it could, like others have said, be a wonderful opportunity for you. Put some funback into school.


Linda, thats a sentiment echoed in the Pre-school Learning Alliances Strategic Plan. The Government are coming up with initiatives which, while good, dont recognise that what they are suggesting, as in wrap around care and involving parents, is already being implented by playgroups and nurseries around the country. Men in suits actually need to get on the floor and play with the children, listen to the childcare workers already in place and talk with parents before they make any more decisions on whats best for children.

You're right basilbrush, great place for a rant. Hope all turns out well for you. :D

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Thank you for your advice, it is much needed... I think the feeling of wanting to resign is an impulse which I would regret later unless I had a permanent position....

The main reason I am expecting to move into Y1 is that there is somebody else who would like to do reception, and I have been doing it for 4yrs, therefore in the eyes of my head, its now time to pass it on to somebody else.... I am trying hard to see it as a positive move, and to use the time to look for more jobs, I am just concerned that it won't be until this time next year that I will be able to look again for permanent positions... Most of the January posts that come up are temp. positions....

The other thing that is concerning me is that 2 jobs that I applied for but didn't get shortlisted for were asking for MPS teachers, I have passed the threshold, and am starting to think that that could work against me for certain schools

Anyway thank you again!!! Lots of good advice!!!!

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