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How Much Work For Moderation & Profiles


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Hi there! I too am being moderated on Communication Language and Literacy and I am doing those profiles but starting to get confused. For e.g. if I write say that the child can order 1 - 10 on the page in their book where they have done that (Reception kids) e.g. "this is an example of early learning goal number blah blah in blah blah area of mathematical development" do I ALSO HAVE to write in the profile under the mathematical development "today X put numbers 1 - 10 into order" and date it? Or do I write some e.g.s in the book and some on the samples of work? Also DO I need a sample of work and or a specific example for every single Early Learning Goal in the profile? Because there are LOTS of them! We were actually told by our supervisor and now they are coming in two weeks we are told and that we DO need an e.g. for EVERY one! But, is that true? (So much for having a holiday!) I find this really confusing at times, how to categorize incidences. E.g. a child told another which colours to use and pointed at another picture as an example. But is that creativity or is it knowledge and understanding (awareness of similarities) or is it both? And if she talks about why she likes her favourite colour, well yes CLL but it's also similar to talking about why she likes a certain piece of artwork or could I not put it under that one? Most are straight foward though. PLUS I have asked parents for bilingual signs, failing that, is there anywhere I can download some from? HELP!!!!! Doing my HEAD IN!

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If I have annotated their books (and I do keep them pretty up to date) 'little joe can order numbers to 1-10' and dated it. I havent bothered to write it again in the eprofile, just ticked it off as achieved. I dont know if I am doing it right or not but I felt like i was just writing stuff for writings sake and thought so long as if I am asked I can show evidence, that would be ok (no one has said any different as yet). Would be interested to know what other people do too.

Regards M

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We don't use the booklets only a teacher file for the whole class, an A3 shhet to send home with all the statements on and of course the e profile to sent the results to county.

As far as evidence is concerned I don't keep a great deal- as long as you can use your own knowledge of the children in your class and you can refere to work that you have done in class- either in their books or assessment data or photos that is enough.

I certainly don't keep evidennce for every goal foe every child. This year as the focus was on writing I have kept a few pieces of independent writing form role play and the writing table, but when my moderator came in she didn't look at them. She was more than haoppy to look through their literacy, numeracy and handwriting books, at my class copy of the profile and at my assessment folder that has mainly reading records in it and a few assessments for literacy and numeracy.


Please don't panic :o - and don't spend all of your half term trying to gather the information- as long a s you are able to justify why the children are scoring what they have scored and can show one or two pieces of evidence that will be enough.


The moderation is meant to help us- not create more work. xD



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As far as evidence is concerned I don't keep a great deal- as long as you can use your own knowledge of the children in your class and you can refere to work that you have done in class- either in their books or assessment data or photos that is enough.

I certainly don't keep evidennce for every goal foe every child. This year as the focus was on writing I have kept a few pieces of independent writing form role play and the writing table, but when my moderator came in she didn't look at them. She was more than haoppy to look through their literacy, numeracy and handwriting books, at my class copy of the profile and at my assessment folder that has mainly reading records in it and a few assessments for literacy and numeracy.


Please don't panic :o - and don't spend all of your half term trying to gather the information- as long a s you are able to justify why the children are scoring what they have scored and can show one or two pieces of evidence that will be enough.


The moderation is meant to help us- not create more work. xD


Well actually I was told they didn't need to be done until the end of July and we didn't need specific examples just to write what term they were achieved. Now we are being moderated next Thurs, the week before the holiday we were told we need an example of EVERY SINGLE goal!!!! That seems insane! AND that we should write in the profile AND on the samples of work (just in case the moderaters think we haven't done enough!) I am FUMING! :( Of course some of us already booked holidays (including me) before we were told all this! ANYWAY I would like to know your opinions on THIS, what if one sample of work you feel links up to say three goals? E.g. clear letters, phonetically plausible attempt at writing a word, name written from memory at the end and so on? Is that OK to use it as proof of those three goals or are you supposed to have three different pieces of work? I also feel tempted to do half of the goals in the books the children have or on their samples of work (annecdote them) and write observations on the other things in the profiles. Otherwise it seems NUTS to write the same thing twice when the moderator should be looking at BOTH! :( I will DEFINATELY be saying TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) next week - unless it goes REALLY bad. Either way the boss will be told MORE pressure GREAT :( And we have to make bilingual signs and try to label everything in the short time AND keep classwork and marking and homework going like usual! YIKES! Anyway, enough moaning! What do you think about using one piece of work to cover three goals - if you think that it is evidence of all three?!




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Sounds like you're panicking!

If an observation covers more than one statement just cross-refer it, that's fine. You don't need written evidence for everything, you are allowed to make "professional judgements". I certainly don't write out evidence from the children's books and in some areas if I know a child can do something (like count up to ten objects accurately) I just keep a tick list and add it to the profile in the appropriate term.

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Probably not very helpful, but at moderation meetings we were told not to keep reams of paper evidence!!! Also too look at how evidence can be cross referenced (seems logical enough). I took along a few samples of work for the three different ability levels in my class including assessment books (whole school activity- children have to produce an independent piece of work which the class teacher then moderates and assigns P scale/ NC level). i have too say i don't enjoy the assessment day/ book activities as its very specific that we can not help the children- makes me feel like a tyrant and I have to say i don't attach too much importance to it apart from it demonstrates those that are able to do and frustrates those that can't. The moderating team thought it was inappropriate for FS to be involved in such testing activities althougfh then pointed out how it could be used to demonstrate profile points. My response was that it did not show me anything that the children did not do already in independent activities if they were already able to do so. for those children who can not 'write aletter' it felt like torture- designed to put them of from the have a go/ we are here to help motto that I have developed!!!!

Sorry back to the original point (apolgies for the rambling again) I was told not to keep more than a file for my class of 20 children- they look in dread when 3/4 folders are produced. Also they want to observe and discuss with class teachers etc.

It sounds like your LEA are panicking for some reason- why? Is'nt it a little late for this year group for them to be changing the goalposts (cliched I know, inspired by images of England womens fotball team- sorry).

Try not too panic- you probably have more than enough evidence (I haven't found a teacher yet who has produced too little- we are all far too conscientious!!!!!)


Hope that helps



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Well, Lisa, I'll tell you what I've done so far (and I've had ENOUGH for tonight and am on (another!) break! I have gone through each book (mainly English but some maths in there) for 13 of the 15 children (5 top, 5 middle and 5 low) and written for e.g. "Communication Language and Literacy Writing: (5) Uses a pencil to effectively form letters...(etc.) on about 10 or more pages of each. I also have a file for each child which I have organized chronologically and also under area. The nursery report is at the back of the file and then at the beginning I have about three samples of work for communication language and literacy, one or two for maths if I have them, an example of cutting (if I have it and I only have it for about three or four! children) (physical - fine motor) and an ICT assessment and or ICT sample of work (if I have it) and then two to five pictures for creative. I have also written on the samples of work where they fit into the profile. AS WELL as this I have circled what term each goal was achieved and I have one or two observations on most children (plus one on reading for many) and I have written these observations onto the profile as well. I thought maybe I need to write for e.g. if a child has recognized 1 - 9 and I have written in their book which early learning goal that is (etc.) maybe I also have to write in the profiles, "today child X recognized 1 - 9" but to me it seems ridiculous to write the same thing twice! and so I am thinking about writing under most of the goals e.g. "See child X's profile for example, dated x/x/xx." And then the moderators can simply look at the child's book (I will make sure all the child's things are together and handy) and see for themselves! As WELL as all this, I have to and will hunt out any dual language books and try and take lots of photos and get them developed and try to get signs up in other languages (which I've got a few of from the parents but I'm not sure where they ARE! ALSO it's my outside duty the day they come in so NOW I've got to think how I can do communication language and literacy OUTside! Do you think I've done enough? I will try and do a few more profiles before they come. OVERLOAD! :o




Probably not very helpful, but at moderation meetings we were told not to keep reams of paper evidence!!! Also too look at how evidence can be cross referenced (seems logical enough). I took along a few samples of work for the three different ability levels in my class including assessment books (whole school activity- children have to produce an independent piece of work which the class teacher then moderates and assigns P scale/ NC level). i have too say i don't enjoy the assessment day/ book activities as its very specific that we can not help the children- makes me feel like a tyrant and I have to say i don't attach too much importance to it apart from it demonstrates those that are able to do and frustrates those that can't. The moderating team thought it was inappropriate for FS to be involved in such testing activities althougfh then pointed out how it could be used to demonstrate profile points. My response was that it did not show me anything that the children did not do already in independent activities if they were already able to do so. for those children who can not 'write aletter' it felt like torture- designed to put them of from the have a go/ we are here to help motto that I have developed!!!!

Sorry back to the original point (apolgies for the rambling again) I was told not to keep more than a file for my class of 20 children- they look in dread when 3/4 folders are produced. Also they want to observe and discuss with class teachers etc.

It sounds like your LEA are panicking for some reason- why? Is'nt it a little late for this year group for them to be changing the goalposts (cliched I know, inspired by images of England womens fotball team- sorry).

Try not too panic- you probably have more than enough evidence (I haven't found a teacher yet who has produced too little- we are all far too conscientious!!!!!)


Hope that helps




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Cos they said in a letter they wrote to the Head Teacher that they want to see that (a four page letter!) and dual language books! They even said braille! But we don't have any children who use it and I don't know where I'd find it! But so far would you believe I have done more work than anyone! So well I guess I'm on the way! But like I said I am going to try to get out of writing things twice! Fingers crossed!

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Not sure if this helps but we operate as a FS unit and I find that it really helps having another teacher as well as the teaching team who have experience of the children in reception to tap into. Regarding observations -we link these to PSED targets or incidental observations and these are primarily done by the faciliator each week. Sometimes it works and other times you end up with information that you already have, but I do find it useful to see a child from other peoples viewpoints and not get lost in my own tunnel vision!!!!!!!!


It sounds like you will have plenty of evidence, but how happy are you with the level of evidence you are being required to produce. It has to be mangeable for you and your team. Perhaps mention if you feel that you are producing too much evidence or duplicating or having too backdate to much. I think sometimes there is a danger in getting bogged down in writing too much (we have too confiscate clipboards occassionally from some team members and remind them that we trust and rely on their verbal comments as much as we rely on what they write. We currently have two meetings at lunchtime (30 mins!), one of which we devote to sharing feedback on playing with children and how activities have gone(successful or not).


Hope this is useful.


Have too say after an Ofsted observation as NQT in Autumn term I was ready to crumple up and agree I was pants! However the FS coordinator/ Nuresry teacher was able to show through her planning/ child records and mine once I remembered that I could teach! that we were meeting childrens needs / providing challenging activities/ extending learning etc. It showed me that you have to have confidence in how you are working with your team and children and be prepared to say so.

Hopefully next time I am faced with Ofsted (feel much happier with moderators as I have had some opportunities to meet and discuss with them) I will have this confidence that develops with experience.



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