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Toms Midnight Garden Inspiration

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Hello all


We are having a theatre company come into school to perform Toms midnight garden. I have been up since before the birds sing trying to come up with ideas of how to introduce this to my FS/year 1 class.


Please can anyone help and inspire me so I can get the grey matter working.


Thanks and in hope!

Nothing is immediately springing to mind - tough book for little ones! I will ponder and do my best to come up with something. First thoughts are centreing about a pajama day and Hickory Dickory Dock!

Hi HelenD26


Thanks for the reply, yes the grandfather clock lends itself to hickory dickory dock. Just thought of making paper flowers etc to create a garden in a small world tray


A start- thank you!


Just a few thoughts:-

A suitcase and after watching the play the children could discuss what they would need to go away from home.

Also what happens to them when they are sick or brothers and sisters are sick?

You could also have lots of large cardboard boxes to build a grandfather clock for the children to climb through into the garden you are goind to make.



Lots of historical artefacts (I think it would be victorian, raid the history resources from KS2) so the children can talk about times past and present....like victorian irons and waterbottles. Have comparative modern items to compare and discuss. Lots of Tom's garden experience is that Hattie is in a different time to the present.


This would also give you a good opportunity to look at the KUW aspect Time.



Lots of historical artefacts (I think it would be victorian, raid the history resources from KS2) so the children can talk about times past and present....like victorian irons and waterbottles. Have comparative modern items to compare and discuss. Lots of Tom's garden experience is that Hattie is in a different time to the present.


This would also give you a good opportunity to look at the KUW aspect Time.



Thank you LornaW and Catma for your fantastic ideas. Just what I needed to inspire me.


could they write messages to each other and leave them under something for someone else to reply to. The girl leaves him some ice skates I seem to remember under the floor boards, so that next time he can ice skate with her!

could they write messages to each other and leave them under something for someone else to reply to. The girl leaves him some ice skates I seem to remember under the floor boards, so that next time he can ice skate with her!


Maybe that could be something you could do with some of the victorian artefacts - mysterious package, what could it be etc? Then they could make a something to leave for someone else.

Maybe that could be something you could do with some of the victorian artefacts - mysterious package, what could it be etc? Then they could make a something to leave for someone else.

Thank you all for your great ideas


Have really got my head around it more now, was really stumped yesterday


Thanks again virtual hug for your support :o

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