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Visit From Mrs O For Suitable Person Interview.

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Well she came yesterday to assess if I was suitable to be the manager of the pre-school. I had not slept properly from getting the call on Thursday last week to say she was coming to see me. One of my staff daughter's got rushed into hospital the night before, so we were running around like headless chickens all morning before she came due to being a member of staff down. Well she turned up early and she was the nicest person I could have asked for to do the interview. She was lovely and she could see how nervous I was but she did everything possible to calm me down. After answering questions on safeguarding, complains etc. One hour later she told me I was suitable!!!!! Feel like a huge weight has been lifted and can now get on with the changes to the setting. Would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has posted on the forum about suitable person interviews as I got a lot of advice on the type of things she was likely to ask and it helped me to prepare. Just wanted to share the good news. :oxD

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