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Advice Please Due To Administrator Giving Notice.

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Hello I could really do with some advice. Our Administrator gave her notice today and I have the chance as manager to take over the 4 hours of her job and her duties of staff wages for 4, preparing, issuing and banking children's fees, paying bills, sorting new starters and general admin for the pre-school etc. Her heart has not been in the job for a while and myself and my staff have had to sort a lot of her mistakes over the last 3 months. We weren't shocked really when she gave her notice as we thought it was on the cards as she was suppose to come into the setting at least once a week but lately it can be up to two week between seeing her. So the big question is do we employ someone else to come into the setting and do the admin who does not know the setting and do we take a chance that the cock ups won't happen again with the days the children come to the setting and with the bills. OR and it is a big or do I take over all the admin, apart from the book keeping as we have a treasurer. If I take the job I can control and sort new starters and I'm doing most of the news letters and letters to parents anyway. I don't know what to do. Advice please you clever peeps.

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Must admit. I found it easier to do the jobs myself and have the extra wage for it - but we had committee members constantly changing each year and not an administrator..


it was easier for parents who walked in and asked the questions for someone to deal with bookings there and then if we could.. as there were only 5 of us I ended up teaching all staff how to do that so that they were able to take and make them if we has spaces and someone walked in wanting space.. made it so much easier... same with letters, once they were on PC easy to print of and give out...


our treasurer did the money and bills and paying into bank.. parents paid by putting in an envelope with child name on outside and we put them in a money tin for her to collect at end of the day.. if she did not come one of us must admit I took it off the premises and gave it to her next day...that was my choice , safer than leaving it anywhere else.. it was never a huge amount..


Wages did not take long either.. using the cd rom the tax office supply made it so easy..


All really depends on if you want to do it/ Ok with the extra paperwork ... and have the time...


perhaps offer to take it for a while with the understanding that if it became too much then they would need to find an administrator



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I have been working in pre-school for the last 2 years (9 months off for maternity leave). When I was promoted to DM this year, I offered to help my manager with some of the paperwork. She openly admits she struggles to keep it all together. In the run up to the summer hols, I took over allocations of children and new starters etc. That is now my job although I do like her to check sometimes to make sure I'm doing it correctly. I also do newsletters, letters to parents re activities etc. Are there not little admin jobs you could distribute amongst your team? Would save you doing it all, would save the cost of an administrator, plus you all know your setting.

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Thank you for taking the time to reply. I think I am going to think about it this week and weigh up the pros and cons of me doing it but I am swaying towards taking it on so that I have control over the new starters and hopeful wont make as many cock ups as I will have to face the parents in the setting if mistakes are made. At the moments the staff have to listen to complains from parents over bills being wrong etc as she pops in to setting for ten minutes once a week and the parents never see her to talk to her.

Just a quick question how easy is it to do wages and work out how much tax each staff member has to pay?

Thanks again.

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The inland revenue provide a cd rom with all the calculations and paperwork needed... it was improving all the time and when I stopped doing wages had become very easy to do.. all you have to do is put in the amount of wage and it did the rest for you... they were also very helpful on the telephone for any help if I ran into problems... but the website is very detailed and very helpful...


against the past booklets and other stuff we had to do it is easy.. just have to remember to include the settings contribution to the national insurance when doing the accounts always the bit people forget... but the leaving administrator should have all the details already for the year so far and should be able to explain how she has been doing it...

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As the EYP I am responsible for new admissions, allocating hours, registers etc but our admin lady is responsible for producing bills which I then check. It is a double edged sword in that its good cos two people check the bills leading to less cock ups and less parental complaints but I also think it would be easier for one person to do it all.

Also if you employ someone to do thge job on a 4 hour week your other staff will still end up fielding queries from parents If you did the job you would always be there to do this instead-leaving the staff to get on woth looking after the kids

Sorry not much help I know!!!

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I dont do salaries, bookkeeping or paying into bank But I do everything else you have mentioned. It's just as easy for me to do parents invoices, I'd have to tell our treasurer how much each bill was anyway, so may as well do it. My Deputy does all the admissions and then double checks them with me before sending them off ,99% of our children start in Sept so it's not a continuous job.

I would definitely do it if I was you- esp if you can be paid for doing it!

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I am responsible for wages and invoicing in my setting as well as all other management duties. Wages do not take long - we use SAGE which does it all for you but invoicing can be quite time consuming. If you agree to take it on, make sure you are allocated enough time to do it in - if I am pushed for time I tend to make mistakes. Good luck whatever you decide

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