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Toys And Resources?

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I have a new mindie starting on Monday, in fact my first!


I need to start buying some toys and she is 18mths old. I will be getting more once she starts so that I have toys which meet her interests but I would like to get some before. Are there any must have toys that you couldn't live with out?

I already have a ton of puzzles and books.


Adele x


Don't go mad buying loads of plastic - heuristic play is the way to go. If you're not sure what this is I'm sure if you do a search you can find loadsof info.

I am a great believer in messy play too - although some of my clean freak staff don't always agree with me!



my grandson is 18 months and he has lots of schemas going on at mo! he loves balls and boxes and bags and treausure baskets. He love lifting flaps in books and is exploring the duplo.oh and water and sand!

Hope this helps

Andrea :o


oh yes thank you I do know what this is...just need to find a good list! lol I have a perfect basket for it too.


I'm a little messy play crazy my self underneith my sink is now completely dedicated to it now.


Thank you. x


Good news about your new starter!


I regret having so many toys really. If most of them didn't belong to my own children I'd mainly use the toy library and change things over every six weeks or so. That way I would also have a record of planning for the needs of the children. Books from the library also can record your planning and a regular visit to the library is a good use of everyone's time.


I would invest in things you need for continuous provision. Multi-cultural toys, home corner items (dolls (see multi-cultural), buggy kitchen). Squooshy(?) balls and some other physical activity items that pack neatly away. Would also have an easel and lots of paper and paints. There's a lot to be said for a good play dough recipe and a general bag of flour. Also some bubble mixture. A sand tray is good - but you can always use washing up bowls for sand and water play.


Less is More.


Enjoy your toddler, and spending some money!!!



Something with wheels that they can spin round and push along. I have one of theseLittle tikes school bus.

I've had it for ten years and it's been played with most days. It's sturdy and the narrow roof is perfect for little hands to hold as they push it.



Thank you UpsyDaisy. You have answered a question that has been bothering me for some years now. My church creche has one of these and I am always trying to find all the passengers. So now I know there are only two - the driver and the passenger. There's a toy that will survive another toy cull.


Thank you again ladies thats so helpful. I think your right honey pancakes, its the continual provision stuff I really need to be thinking about . I will have to try and dig my old plans out :0/


Thank you x


my grand daughter is 18 months old and loves her tea set - she loves putting cups out,"filling" them and passing them out - she also loves small world - we have a castle type thing with figures and horses which she loves (i got it second hand from a charity shop). also playdough, painting and mark making.


Well my mindie has been with me almost a week now and I really thank you ladies she is crazy for all the things you have mentioned and I'm off on another bargain hunt this weekend.


Thank you xx

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