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Focussed Work In Books - Reception

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Do you already have lots of work in books?


I have the youngest reception children in my school, this year almost all summer born and also several with delayed development. So far I haven't put anything in work books, I have done lots of practical focussed activties because I've felt this would be more beneficial to my class.

I was asked yesterday if I had any number work in books (we have a whole school focus on number at the minute), I haven't but I do have records of my focussed activties and observations.


Just wondering what others do, and having a debate with myself over if work in books would be to help my children learn or just for me to prove i've been doing something.


Thanks in advance for any advice.


I think I have one page of coin rubbings in for my lower achievers - and three pages in for my higher achievers and that's it. In my opinion its too early for much more, as they are just settling in, and not ready for lots of works in books.


I have observations, and surely that should be enough for now?

When there are work book scrutinies I advise all my settings to hand in their observation/records as well as this is where children's outcomes are also recorded.




That's a really good tip. I have sometimes been 'excused' from a work book scrutiny or other similar whole school things because they're reception and we're expecting something different from them. Part of me is pleased that there is a recognition of the differences part of me sometimes feels a little as this is supporting the 'they just play' perception. Think next time we have one I will take observations and records (might help some of the others realise just how much I do even if I don't do tons of marking!) :o


Thank you for all your replies, I definatley think I will hand in my obseravtions if i'm asked again. :-)


Susan - I do take photos of children's child-initiated learning for their learning journey's . I haven't been taking them when children are doing focussed work with me but if I need extra evidence I could do that too.




I make a book of anything done on whiteboards which is photocopied and treasury tagged together. But so far I have no numeracy work in books just lots of phoyos in their learning journal.


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