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Has anyone had a recent Ofsted inspection in a school nursery?

Can you tell me what Ofsted are looking for in terms of differentiation?

Any help and advice would be very welcome - with Ofsted just around the corner! :o

Many thanks.


Hi we had one 2 weeks ago but the EY inspector only spent about 15 mins in both sessions, asked for no planning or paper work and hardly spoke to me but graded us as good. As a school we were told what they would be looking for before they arrived which in our case was speaking and listening. It seems it really depends on how many inspectors and for how long they are with you as to how much time they can spend with you. Good luck


In our recent Ofsted (June 2011), they were very interested in tracking progress from entry to end of FS and also planning next steps for individuals. They were happy with the planning which including a brief note about the less able and more able children but were especially interested in seeing that some of the planning was aimed towards individuals.

Green Hippo x

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