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Hi everyone


Had a hectic few years trying to get the basics in place in the setting I am in and now looking to revamp observations.


Can anyone briefly outline the various types and just a quick explanation or even a link to a bit more information about what kid of things need to be included in that specific type of observation IYKWIM


Currently we have....


POST IT NOTES - that are used to record everything!!!!


However changing this to include


Wow moments - spontaneous monents that occur during the day

Group time observations - taken during small group time - focused activity

Tracker observation - proving difficult as never set the playgroup up the same each day :) pack away


Any help would be appreciated.


We use wow moments, photo observation sheets, 10 minute ob sheets, group activity ob sheets and I am introducing individual interest observation sheets at the moment. We have set up a 'observation station' in every room where everything staff need to observe - obs sheets, camera, plod sheets etc is to hand


We use post its and focus sheets for observations (re the focused activity going on).


We used PLODs usually early in the term as we get to know the children their interests and where they are at


We also have the camera out to capture moments that are seen to be new learning, extended learning or your wow moments!


I am a pack away and my hall is set up the same every day. The only thing that changes is if the children choose to have a different resource out.


Use long obs



lots of photos which are then linked with learning objectives and PLOD's

we also do WBI obs too

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