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Incident Form

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I wonder if anyone can give me some advice - this morning 7.30 am I had a call from a mum asking if anyone had seen her daughter fall off a bike yesterday ass he ahd been very tired when she got home and then had compalained of a headache and later in the evening had been sick. Not sure if prompted by Mum but Daughter aged 3 said she had fallen off a bike and she had told a member of staff - me that she had bumped her head, I have no recolection af this little girl telling me anything at all!! I told her that I hadn't been out much that morning but would ask all members of staff today to see if they knew anything about it and perhaps a visit to the drs should be in order. After speaking to all my staff today not one of them saw this little girl upset yesterday (our outdoor area is quite small and maned by 2 staff at all times). This lunch time Mum has called an said that the dr said it sounds like concussion - I am so pset to think that a child may of sustained concussion and nobody knew! Mum is very over protective if her little one and we have had a couple of other times when she has claimed her child was hurt and we havent noticed but never as bad as this - in fact we always keep an extra eye on yjis little one for this reason. I want to make a serious incident form to show Mum how seriously we are taking it (not just a note in the incident book) and wondered if anyone had any advise what to put on it.

Thank you

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Oh my heart goes out to you , you sound very distressed. I would be more concerned about whether there was an incident ( yesterday or on previous ocassions) when no one noticed , did it actually happen ?????? You say Mum is over protective , I may be being paranoid but you may have something else on your hands and not what Mum claims it is ???????Is there any other behaviour ( mums) which would give you cause for concern ?????

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Please don't worry about this too much - we all have children who have accidents that no-one sees, you only have to turn away for a second and they fall. lots of children don't always tell an adult either but will swear blind they did!

Also, we all have parents that are very overprotective - some to the point of neurotic but we know that we give the best care to our children

While I understand that you want to make it clear to the parent that you are taking this seriously I would also exercise caution as this may lead her to think that you are admitting some form of negligence (and you have not been negligent - these things happen!)

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Hi Bluestar - I don't envy your situation at all and as others have said you cannot possibly see everything that happens. One comment in your topic worries me - Mum says the doctor said it 'sounded' like concusion - did Mum actually take the child to see the Dr? - I would have thought if she was seriously concerned she would have taken her to be checked either at the Dr's or local A&E - if she didn't I would be more worried about

that. You are doing the right thing by recording it all.

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Thank you - I do believe that she has taken her to the drs as she belongs to the same drs as me and whenever I am there she seems to be too!

My only hope is that her brother and sister suddenly get this vomiting thing that will convince Mum its not concussion! Iam def going to get Mum to sign something to say that we have recorded her concerns but def will not be admitting any liability! I do think that sometimes this mum has a way of questioning her little one which convinces the little one that it has happened. I know sometimes when we have asked her questions to get to the bottom of other little incidents her story changes depending on who is asking the questions - she is only just 3 years old and I think sometimes answers to please!

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Well the latest is today that Mum came in and spoke to the little girls key person and said that she didnt think I had taken it seriously enough - my member of staff assured her that I had and that we had had a staff meeting to discuss it and see if any changes could be made that would have prevented it happening, we all agreed that there was nothing that we could of done- our risk assesments are all up to date and unfortunetly it was one of those things. When I spoke to Mum on the morning I apologised and said I would look into it and then she called me back before I had a chance to call her - I asked how the little one was this morning and she told me she was fine when now I know she feels I dealt with it incorrectly - sometimes I wish I wasn't the owner/manager!

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you cannot have eyes watching all your children all the time. If the child had told you im sure she would have probably been upset, tearful.


If she did not say anything to anyone then you cannot be expected to know


Concussion is not something you can predict it can happen afew days after a bump to the head


providing your ratio's were as they should be and you investigate that all your staff have followed your procedure you will be fine


reassure mum that you are looking into the incident write everything down and report back to her with any changes that are needeed ie staff training, sometimes there just might be a small tweek you can make or that there is nothing


we all have parents like this dont let one small parental problem stop you from being and enjoying being a manager, she will go onece her child leaves and you will still be there loving what you do xxx

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