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Sue’s General Knowledge Quiz - Cin 2011


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Dear all


I am sure some of you like me will not be in this evening and I didn't want anyone to miss out on the chance of winning some FSF goodies so my quiz can be downloaded and done over the weekend.


So what's it all about; just a bit of general knowledge fun, well maybe not so general knowledge but findable fun for you to do over the CIN weekend.


For those of you who didn’t know FSF HQ is based in Lewes, East Sussex and so there may be the odd question about our home town and a lovely place it is too!


The prizes up for grabs are books and FSF goodies;


1. FSF mug & Pen and Promoting Children's Well-being in the Primary Years (Right from the Start) by Andrew Burrell and Jeni Riley


2. FSF Pad & Pen and Understanding Early Years Policy by Peter Baldock, Mr Damien Fitzgerald, and Janet Kay


3. FSF Pen and Supporting ICT in the Early Years (Supporting Early Learning) by John Siraj-Blatchford and David Whitebread


If you could type your answers in the space provided on the sheet and then email them to sue@eyfs.info by 5pm Monday 21st November I will get them marked and then announce the winners early next week.


Usual FSF Quiz Rules apply:

1. Only one entry per member is allowed

2. Moderators can join in with the fun and answer questions but are not eligible to win

3. Closing date for entries will be 5pm Monday 21st November

4. The winner will be the person who has answered the most questions correctly

5. The correct answers are my answers and correct to the best of my knowledge and abilities and therefore indisputable :o

6. In the event of a tie for first place, these names will be drawn at random to determine the winner

7. Any complaints can be sent to Steve and any praise to me!

8. The rules may change at any time as or when I think of something I haven’t already covered.


I do have a few extra FSF pens laying around so I may award the odd spot prize for any answers that I think are particularly clever or daft :(


Have fun with it xD


Sue x


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Ohhh lots of downloads :o


Hope you enjoy it.....tricky writing a quiz, you never know how devious to be and how hard to make the questions but on the other hand not too easy. I hope I have got a mixture for you all.


Can't wait to get my teachers red pen out to mark them next week xD


Hope to pop in later to see what fun you are all having



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Hahaha I can only answer 15 without looking up answers! Not even sure all of those are right either :D


One thing though Mrs Red Pen :o The word practice... that's the noun. If you use the verb it has an 's' - to practise.

I don't know much so I do have to trot this fact out when I can :D

That and hte property of cornflour gloop is called Thixotropy!

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Ok....where have I used the word practise/practice......I don't practise/practice anything just blunder on and hope no one notices :(:oxD


Feel free to put on your google hat and google away, or yahoo or bing or whatever is your thing :(


I didn't put a question mark after each question as in my defence I did write the word question at the top of the column....can I be forgiven by the pedants.....please.....pretty please... :(

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I am embarrassed to admit I only know one answer without looking things up! (I live in the Channel Islands so guessing the lighthouse one, so that might not even be correct).


Great quiz though - thanks for the email as a prompt!


Carrots x

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I am embarrassed to admit I only know one answer without looking things up! (I live in the Channel Islands so guessing the lighthouse one, so that might not even be correct).


Great quiz though - thanks for the email as a prompt!


Carrots x


Ohhhh now I am worried it was toooo hard.....you have got all weekend if you want to play :o


Glad the prompt brought you here to join in.

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A big thanks to those of you that did my quiz and a reminder to all.....quiz entries can be returned up to 5pm today so if you only have a few answers left to find don't delay and email it to me at sue@eyfs.info ready for marking tomorrow morning.


Melba, Alibongo and Hello Kitty.....can you 3 pm me with your addresses so I can send the pens I awarded on the night and who knows what else when I have done the marking :o


Best wishes


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