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I know what the minimum adult/child ratios are, but just wondered what ratios other groups work to - how close to the minimum ratios do you work?


I have been looking at the bookings for January and we're getting a bit close to the wire for my liking, but I know I'll have a battle on my hands if I ask the committee for more staff as we're still legally okay. There's a huge difference between what's legal, and what's good for the children though!

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Well we are very good on ratios - however the downside to this is financial.... and to be honest I'm not sure we can keep it up much longer.


Currently we have 5 staff with an average of 22 children. On a couple of days we haven't even got any 'under 3's.


Means we do have good sessions, but as I've said finacially not good. :o

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we are 28 children and 5 staff with 4 under 3 ...so 1 for the +2's and then 4 for the other 24 so 1:6 ...however in the afternoon we currently are low in numbers 17 at present but i have two on 1:1 assistants so 3 staff for the other 15 which are over 50% non english speaking!! the afternoon is harder work than the morning!! :o

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Minimum ratios, would love a spare member of staff to provide even better quality educare. Having said that we sometimes have another member of staff doing admin or keyperson time in the office who can come to our aid if needed, especially when it's my admin time in the office my staff have to send me back in the office. Today I set up a messy handprinting activity, just as one member of staff was finishing a cooking activity and another was finishing another activity with a few children, I then said 'right I'm off' back into the office - I gather from their reaction they really appreciated my input :o .

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We have 28 children with a minimum of 5 staff + 1/2 1:1 staff (depending on session). We have up to 4 under 3's at the moment. If someone is off sick though, we sometimes don't replace them so then operate on a higher ratio (but still legal!)

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Minimum ratio here..but have one staff member to do all toileting.

Its hard though when we have so many SEN children that are only funded for part of the session. Thats when staff struggle. How can a child go from 1:1 to then 1:8????!

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We have 5 or 6 (depends if I am with them or not) staff and 25/26 children per day- all but 2 are now over three. We also have students/volunteer in for four days of the week.

I cant begin to imagine how those of you on minimum ratio manage. Today we had 23 children in, five staff and I didn't stop form the minute I walked in at 8.10 until I left at 1.30. And the only bit of paperwork I did was to mark the register and write down some fees that had been paid!

I think what should be remembered is that although the minimum ratio states 1:8 or 1:4 for 2 & 3 yrs it is only the MINIMUM and does state that there should be enough to staff to cover dealing with emergencies, phone calls, parents etc. Perhaps this should be pointed out to committees

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I have to say, in my setting at least, the better the ratio, the better the experience for the children, so I do worry when I feel we're getting too close to the minimum. At least I'm not alone!


I'm worried because one day of the week we have 14 children of whom 3 are 2 years old and 2of those are very hard work and need constant supervision. We also have a 3 year old with behavioural issues who needs a lot of support, and a child with very little English (one or two words). That day is a real struggle already, and in January I have 2 other children who want to add that session. I would really like another staff member but know the committee will say we are okay as we are in ratio. It is a constant battle between me wanting what is best for the children (and staff) and them talking budgets all the time!

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