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I have had a slightly dodgy knee for ages - slight twinge sometimes when I bend down - but on Friday this entered a new dimension! Sudden excruciating pain on bending, what on earth have I done?


Obviously in this job we spend a lot of time on the floor,or at best, sitting on mini chairs, but I have been doing this for years with no ill effects. I have had no injury, it came on really suddenly. Any ideas what I might have done and possible treatment? I'm panicing really, as I can't see how I can do my job if I can't bend down.

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Didn't want to read and run, can offer no words of advise really, apart from elevate and ice packs. Think you will definitely need a trip to the doc's. Hope it clears up soon for you

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After years of knee pain which got steadily worse I went to my GP who sent me for an XRAY. My bones , apparently, are lovely so I had an MRI scan which showed arthritis. I had physio for a while which was intended to build up the muscles around my knee and upper leg so my knee would have more support. My GP thought I must do lots of exercise, I dont, never have, so we decided it was from years of kneeling down and crawling on the floor. If I put my hand on my knee and then straighten and bend it, it feels like something is grinding. It cracks a lot too, audiably.

Its improved 80% since I stopped work.

When they were really bad I used an ice pack at night and was careful how I walked for a few days.

Hopefully you've just pulled something but I'd definitely go to the GP if I were you.

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Just wanted to add my good wishes!

It is so horrible when something outside of our control hinders our normal life.

Please take the good advice and rest now and see your gp asap.

Hope you soon feel better.


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Really hope it isn't serious enough to need an op - starting to regret working in a place with no sick pay now! I'm going to phone the doctors on Monday and get an appointment. I so hate being ill!


Thanks for the messages, I'll let you know how I get on. :o


Sorry to hear you are not well, sometimes these things happen for no apparent reason, just hope your GP listens and doesn't do the painkillers and rest option they always seem to give for unexpected pain..



You would be entitled to Statutory sick pay so long as you are paying national insurance, may not be much bit it will be something, have to have 4 days off for it to kick in though.. lots of regulations etc but the setting can claim back the majority of it so it doesn't cost them much to do.


good luck

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Thanks for asking, just back from doctor's now. He was very thorough, but not sure what's wrong! Said he thought it was cartilage from the symptoms, but now not sure, he felt something pop as he manipulated it (as did I) and thinks there may be damage to the back of the kneecap, there may also be some fluid on it...


Anyway, he's referring me for physio for now, and if that doesn't help, MRI scan, then possible keyhole surgery depending on what they find. :o Eeek! Hopefully the physio will sort it out.


I've managed not to kneel since Friday although I'm not sure how long that will last!

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I used to find wearing a knee support bandage stopped me from using it too much, I dont know if it helped the joint but it helped me remember not to bend.

Hopefully it wont be as bad as feared but even key hole surgery is quick and easy, two friends have had it this year and they recovered really well.

Edited by Rea
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