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Help! I'm In A Dilemma


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Hope you can offer me some good adivce as i don't know what to do!!! My lovely headteacher asked me to have a chat with her today and asked me if i would go back to teach Year 3/4 next year. I'm KS2 trained and spent the first 4 years of my teaching career there and went thorugh the dreaded OFSTED with this age group and came out well. I had a really horrible year with a TA who wouldn't talk to me and afetr tha decided i needed a change. Since then i spent and year with Year 1/2 and 3 years with Year R/1. I have enjoyed the different ages for different reasons but foudn the Foundation stage a big challenge because i have never had any formal early years training and there was nothing in place when i took over (The Year R were doing an extention of Yr1 and it was very, very formal with spearate lessons and a timetable and everything!) Over the past year i have done lots of work with teh Early Years consultant and changed the indeoor envorinment to have different areas of learning and stuff but i still don't feel very confidnet in what i am doing or that i'm doing it very well. Everyone has siad how stressed i seem and the head wondered if i was finding it all a bit too much. She is feeling very guilty because she has less knowldge than me and feels that she can't support me and the EY consultant comes in says ok you've done this but now you ened to do this...nothing ever seems to be enough! I've got a while to make a decision as the chnages won't happen until January but i just don't knwo what to do. Having lots of health issues and will be in and out of hospital next year and the head feels it might all get too much for me (I'm also the SENCO at the school but get no release time for SEN or foundation stage co-ordination) I invite your commenst and ideas Thanks in advance! feeling a bit like this xD:(:(:(:o

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You poor thing!!! :o


Kate is right though, do what you want to do. The thing that comes to mind is when people say to me "I don't know how you can work with all those ankle-biters every day." Then I hear people (in our line of work) say " Oh no! I couldn't possibly work with Year 3s!" (and that's how I feel). You're cut out for whichever range you prefer; to work within an age range which you don't enjoy is doing yourself and the children an injustice. If you think you do/could enjoy early years, but lack confidence, could you ask for time out observing other practice or attending ey courses?


Also, you need to look at the team you work with. You said you had a bad TA, but a good TA or equivalent can make the world of difference. It sounds like you're making great changes in FS (especially since you've been working from scratch) - can they afford to lose you?


Follow your heart.

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Hi Sarah.

I coulnt make out what your options actaully are for nect year. Will the head leave you where you are if you decide not to go into year3/4?


have you thought about waht you would prefer? If you are finding it difficult to settle to R/1 beacuse of lack of support, maybe it isnt the best place for you to stay. managing FS and SENCO is a hufe responsibility especially if the number of SEN children in your aschool is high. Also, if you are expecting to have large amounts of time offf school through health issues next year then maybe R/1 isnt the best year group to have for the continuity for the children.


I am wondering why the changes dont take place until January, what will you be doing in Septemeber then. It deosnt seem to make sense to have planned chnages in staffing like that In january..unless I am missing something obvious.


One thing you could do, which I find helpful is to note doewn the pros and cons of each option available to you, sharing them with an objective 'critical friend' and then come back to it after a few days. Try to identify the areas that are the most concern for you, eg is it the lack of support and experience in early years, or is it the SENCO role that is very stressful? If you really want to reamij in R/1 could someone share te SENCO role or take it over whilst you get the medical attention you need? Woul that make any difference?


I know that deosnt give you answers, just asks lots of questions, but I hope it gives you a sarting point.

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Guest alisonjayne

Not much to add really but you should go with your gut instinct. I have almost completed my first year with Nursery aged children and I am feeling exhausted but I know this is where I want to be after spending time with other year groups.

Sorry not much help there,but follow your heart.

Good luck


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Thanks for all your replies....very useful and made me think! I'm now a day on and still no further in making a descision!! I'll clarify a few things...i work in a very small school (4 classess Year R-Year 6 so everyone has a split age group) At the moment there is a job share in Year 1/2 and Year3/4 and the ful time Year 3/4 teaher is on maternitiy leave and only wants to come back 2 days a week and will be covering PPA time. The chnage in January is becuse another teacher is leaving then and also we have a very big intake in January so it will go from a mixed YearR/1 class to just reception. If i don't want to move the head will leave me where i am but she feels guilty because she doesn't understad foundation and can't offer me any support. The SEN numbers at school are huge with over 25% of chn on the register and lots of statement and school action +. I have not donr a lot of work with it this year duie to the changes taking place in Foundation. I think the head is looking for someone specifically trained to take it forward cos it will be a focus for our next OFSTED as it was weak during our last OFSTED (I was in Year 3/4 during this!). Talked it through with lots of people and lots said i should try it for a ocupple of years...and then if i'm still yearing for Early years i could go back or move schools, anything is possible!!!


The thing is i'm a perfectionist and have to be doing something well otherwise i feel ilke a faliure. at the moment i don't think i am doing anything well and getting reallky stressed about it all! Then this afternoon i had a fantastic time outdoors and had 2 boys who are very very reluctant writers both making books and having a go at writing intital sounds by themsleves, so thta didn't help my decision!!!


Keep sending me your thoughts and advice and i'll keep you posted on what i decide! Will be with YEar R/1 till January wghatever happens so will still be trawling this site for good ideas and support! Thank everyone you've really helped. Going to do my list of pros and cons now! I'll keep smiling maybe verginig on hysteria!!! :o

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God no wonder you are exhausted. I feel exhausted with 26 children with 4 staff. There is not much I can add, everyone has given you some great advice. You must however think of your health first and what sort of time you will need to recuperate - as you said yourself you are already stressed - and being away and feeling out of control perhaps will only add to this if you are anything like me and then where will you be. The school will not close, the children will probably feel a little unsettled but your health and possible sanity must come first, otherwise a viscious circle will build up and you won't be able to see the wood for the trees. I know you know all this so I am possibly not being that helpful - I think once you have reflected on all the possible scenarios, and outlined the pros and cons you might want to speak to your Head again and talk this through again. You never know there might just be a solution but you won't know that until you both put your honest opinions on the table. In the mean time don't get too stressed - it's too hot - the children are all a bit tired and everyone is feeling exactly the same. It's only because we care about what we do that we feel like this sometimes - just think you could be working in a supermarket and wondering why your till wasn't working - no competition is there - just think about your health and what you enjoy doing best.


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Just reading your post made me feel stressed! :o When do you have to make this decision by? If you're anything like me then one of your major stumbling blocks will be that you can't bear to leave something 'half done' and would want to stick it out until it was running like a well oiled clock. Maybe you're also feeling that the good work you have already done will be reversed? Do you know who would take over from you? Sorry, lots of questions and not much help. xD


You are the only person who knows the full situation and ultimately none of us can give you a definitive answer but hopefully by airing the issues and discussing them, things will become clear and your decision will slot into place. The only thing I would say is that once you do decide then don't look back with regret. Take on board Peggy's positive thinking and know that whatever you do will be the best thing in the long run. :D

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