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Verbal Or Written Warning


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Hi all

Asking as chair of committee....


One staff member did not turn up for morning shift at school club. No notice given, did not answer mobile, phone etc. Did not get in touch with manager until late afternoon (by text...when I ask staff to call) following urgent messages left for him. Apparently his mobile is his alarm and he left it in the car! Ok so not an emergency then. Normally would issue verbal warning. However he did this exactly a year ago. He was issued a verbal warning then. I know it stays on file for 6 months and is then disregarded but is this still the case when it is for exactly the same thing?


Just wondered what you would do...going to try ACAS etc



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I see you said he didn't answer mobile, phone etc - does that mean he has a land line as well as his mobile & that both were tried? I can see he wouldn't hear the mobile if in his car, but there'd be no reason not to hear a land line - if he was at home...


He's not behaved in a reasonable manner, yes, I can understand not waking up at the time he'd have needed to get up for morning shift (what time does that start?) without an alarm, but if one goes to bed at a time to get a good night's sleep before work the next day, one will wake up before late afternoon. Unless ill, & if it were that, he'd have said. He's not followed the set out policy for contacting you, and again not given a reasonable explanation for that.


I would as Catma said check his birth date out. And phone ACAS.


Are there any other concerns about him? If there isn't anything else & the verbal warning has expired, I think I'd go for a written warning (we looked at this last year & there are circs when you can by-pass the verbal warning), including putting it in writing that the 2 dates were exactly the same 1 year apart, and making sure that you look at it before the date next year to discuss it to make sure it doesn't happen again.

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No not his birthday and not exactly a year ie last time was mid Jan. Manager did phone landline but apparently he lives with parents in very big house they had gone to work and his room is at the top of the house and he doesnt hear the phone.


After last time when I spoke to him and gave him verbal warning (didnt turn up for morning or afternoon and made no contact) he has not done it since and has been very reliable etc. He is hoping to leave us in Sept to do teacher training. I am just very disappointed.


Plus this also happened last week with one of our younger staff members (fortunately some children off so were still in ratio). They do not seem to realise how important it is that they turn up for their shifts or give as much notice as poss and do not seem to take the job seriously. If there was an emergency then fair enough or a genuine getting in late as missed alarm but to make no effort really galls me.


Have been on ACAS site and can find nothing. I will give them a call tomorrow

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Oh dear, you need to do something to show them all how unacceptable it is :-(


I take it they're not paid for these days off? Don't know if ACAS will say you can say they've lost a day's holiday entitlement as they've used the day...?


Bonus for staff who don't take time off like this...? One doesn't mind taking on extra work for the day if someones off sick or has arranged a day off, but other staff will be feeling fed up about it. As are you!

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