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Live 8


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My dillema,

Do I write up all my ROT's or watch Live 8.

I made the right decision. 10 hrs of great music and a fantastic atmosphere, I wish I could have been there.


The most significant part of the show for me was when they showed the footage of Live Aid and the little girl in her fathers arms. I remember this poignant picture 20 yrs ago, I cried again as I remembered the dispair.


To see Birhan Woldu come onto the stage for the Madonna set was a slap in the face for all the people who said we don't make a difference.


Again I cried, but this time for joy. What a beautiful person she is, living proof with a strong message of hope.


Don't forget to add your name to the list of protesters at live8 live .co.uk


Now it's a lovely sunny sunday morning, I'm up early to do my ROT's feeling a much better person today, inspired by the goodwill of others.




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Best bit for me..... the end! It meant my husband tore himself away from hte TV and made a cup of tea!!

Don't get me wrong, FANTASTIC cause and very worthwhile just long long concerts not for me!

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I watched the whole event, including the US stuff after the UK show had finished!

I have to say although I'm not a big Madonna fan, she did put on a great show yesterday. My fave acts were the Scissor Sisters and Travis plus Maroon 5 and Stevie Wonder on the US stuff.

My friend was in the gold circle part of the audience but she didn't text me at all after the event started, so I presume she had a great time!

I've already signed my name on www.live8live.com if you haven't please do :)

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The whole event was great.


Pink Floyd on stage was definitely the musical highlight for me.



Couldn't agree more: FANTASTIC!!! Let's hope they play together again, soon.

We too have signed up (whole family) :D

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Lucky me, I got to be there at live 8 Jo'burg, it was pretty amazing. Not as big as the London and others but just being connected to all these places all at the same time...wow. Got to see some of the London concert too.


I think my twins at 5 months the youngest there. What matters is that we are not repeating this event for the same reason in 20 years, when they are grown up.


We have also all signd up....


PS my home town was the base of the programme 'dispatches' on channel 4 last week....there were even shots from my village!!

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Guest Jamjim

I enjoyed the concert too, but noone has mentioned the rally in Edinburgh. I know my Fsco went but what about anyone else? I gather there were 225000 people there?

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Well I was there in Edinburgh and it was pretty fantastic. Around quarter of a million people most wearing white to form the white band around Edinburgh...Ive not seen the aerial photos bit I guess they would look pretty good!


Ther was a lot of waiting around to actually get to march but it was a very peaceful (apart form one small group of folk describing themselves as 'anarchists'), there was a very carnival like atmosphere.


At 3 pm there was a minute's silence, and that was very eerie, you could only hear the helicopters (!!) but otherwise you really could have heard a pin drop.


The only major disappoinment for many peole there was that Sir Bob chose the same day for the live8 when the edinburgh rally was planned months ago and sadly the live 8 took most of the news, which is a real shame.


But it showed a very united front from an awful lot of people who have one thing to say....


make poverty history.....

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