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Foundation Degree In Early Years Through The Ou

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I have been talking to my manager about doing the foundation degree through the OU. I was wondering if anyone can give me any advice on what it is like - about the modules etc and what the degree consists of - How long does it take is it 3 years like other degrees? How many modules are there? Compulosory and optional ones?


Also can I get funded through my local area for it? I am from oxfordshire.


All comments appreciated





Sorry to see you have not had any response to your query.

I can highly recommend the OU for the foundation degree and beyond.

I did the foundation degree with them and continued on to achieve BA (Hons) Early Years.


However, I am not sure I am the best person to offer advice as the modules have changed fairly recently (so they are right up to date!)


The foundation degree consists of some compulsory modules and some optional and how long it takes depends on how many units you study at the same time! Some people choose to do it one module at a time and others take on more than one to achieve the qualification in a shorter period of time. However, that depends on you personal/professional circumstances and how much study time you have available.


I can't help with the funding as i think that varies from area to area. If you have to pay your own way you can set up a budget account with the OU where you pay by DD monthly.


I think a good starting point would be to go to the OU site and have a good read. Hopefully someone who has studied more recently with the OU may be able to provide more specific help.


Hi, Have just seen this.

I completed the FD through OU last May and thoroughly enjoyed the course. I did not attempt to do more than one module at a time, as working full time does not allow for much energy for study! You may be different though and that is the great thing about OU study. I think OU provide excellent support through online forums, well produced materials which are right up to date with current changes. The tutorials are a must as far as I am concerned, not only do you have the chance to network with others but the tutors provide useful tips for the assignments and exams.


The course is different again as I have friends who are doing it now, but as gezabel suggested, the best thing is for you to go to the OU website.


As for funding, I had some, but had to fund a couple of modules as I moved to another part of the country and also lived abroad for a part of it. I am currently awaiting a decision about funding for the BA top up which I am about to start (now addicted to study!) although I have already set up the DD account from OUSBA.


Good luck and I am sure you will enjoy the course :o


I'm kind of between Gezabel and Lesleypimperne in terms of up-to-dateness. When I finished I found the last course difficult because it wasn't bang up to date, but we knew it was being revised - at my age it was simply that I just couldn't wait to finish!!


I was one who twice overlapped courses - that was HARD but I did manage it! I got funding locally all the way through (Nottingham City) but I believe a lot has changed since then - I graduated in October 2010.


I would certainly endorse the comments regarding how helpful and supportive the OU and it's website are - and to agree the Tutorials are a MUST!! For all the reasons cited.


Good luck and enjoy!


I too have only just logged on - apologies. I am half way through the first module and I think it is really very good, but challenging and needs all the time I can give it and a bit more. The resources are terrific and the tutor very supportive.


I won't be continuing after this unit, no matter how much I enjoy it. I won't afford any more than this and I'm just too old for it to be economically viable.


I am a childminder, and in the current economic climate I didn't even bother applying for funding. I know some settings are still sponsoring - A word of warning that I don't think will apply to you given how well you write, but there are a few from my group who have been sponsored by their setting. If they fail they will have to pay the fees back, and they really can't afford it. Some of them really aren't going to make it and I pity them. The tutor is bending over backward to help them, but I do feel for them.


Best of luck,



I have been talking to my manager about doing the foundation degree through the OU. I was wondering if anyone can give me any advice on what it is like - about the modules etc and what the degree consists of - How long does it take is it 3 years like other degrees? How many modules are there? Compulosory and optional ones?


Also can I get funded through my local area for it? I am from oxfordshire.


All comments appreciated




Hi I havent done the FD but have just achieved my BA (hons) through OU and can thoroughly recomend it. I chose to do their open degree but based all my studies around childcare /development etc. I loved the flexibility it gave me to work when I wanted and although a distance learning course have made some excellent friends through the years with people Ive studied with. How lond the course takes depends entierly on how quickly or slowly you want to work. My advice would be dont place yourself under unecessary pressure to finish within a timescale. Work to a pace that suits you and that fits your work/family needs.


Studying with the OU is great, hard work like anything but well worth the journey, and helped me no end in my career. It helps if you have a supportive family. Good advice to go at your own pace, it doesn't matter how long it takes so long as you get there.


Finished the FD last year. Now starting on the top up to the BA in Early Years. Quite how I'm going to cope I don't know with my study buddy moving up country :o but at least she's in this country!! Thank goodnesss for the wonders of modern technology.

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