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Revised Eyfs - Foundation Years

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Just had a debrief today on the new Foundation Years and the one thing that has truly annoyed me is the fact that they will not be providing a hard copy of the guideance!!! We are expected to download and print our own!!!


Anyone esle annoyed at this?



Im curious to know how you can have an update when it isn't out yet? Or have I misunderstood.

I know there's an update due out this week, but not sure what its content will be.

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Im curious to know how you can have an update when it isn't out yet? Or have I misunderstood.

I know there's an update due out this week, but not sure what its content will be.


We only had a debrief on it!! Just a basic running over of some of the changes but without seeing the actual document.


This is the link we were given to the actual website that has more info but the actual document will be published online from 31st March but there is no plans for them to produce packs like we had with the EYFS. Instead all settings are expected to print there own

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I was however intrigued by the 2 year check and that it is the practitioner who spends the most time with the child who will complete this assessment. This can be a key worker in a day nursery, childminder, health visitor or in some cases the parents.


Now my concern is that some parents won't give a true reflection and will state a child can do something even if they can't because they feel that is where they should be.

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We only had a debrief on it!! Just a basic running over of some of the changes but without seeing the actual document.


This is the link we were given to the actual website that has more info but the actual document will be published online from 31st March but there is no plans for them to produce packs like we had with the EYFS. Instead all settings are expected to print there own



SazzJ, do you have a web link? I am interested in the set up they are aiming for: my ta struggles to do gd observations,let alone observations and feedback to the parent - she is level 2 which i think can make a difference@ knowledge/awareness etc of the curriculum.

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I did not realise this...........but we too have been given a one off payment from our LEA to provide training and materials, trouble is i too would have preferred slightly less money and recived hard copy or copies.



I think alot more swearing and huffing and puffing will be done by us all when Spetember hits and we will then have to pay for training!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh for goodness sake- I am so fed up with the stuff I am constantly being sent to'print & display' for parents. Our LEA also has this wonderful 2 inch purple border right across the bottom of each page they send out and the amount of ink it uses is nobodys business- even if it is sent/printed in a black and white format it uses a ridiculous amount of ink. I (and i am not the only one in my borough) have informed my LEA that until this ridiculous border is taken off I am unable to print off anything that they email me. Now this!! and I bet it is full colour as well. Where do they think the money is coming from (to say nothing of the time it will take. You'd think that they could send one at least to each setting.

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No I defo want hard copy our versions of the current EYFs are very dog eared as we flick through them every sesssion so I guess I'm going to be printing lots of copies in the summer

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All things related to the new EYFS will be accessible from the foundation years website.


Which so far doesn't tell us anything we couldn't or haven't worked out for ourselves.

All this "early briefing" activity and training is a bit of a waste of time (and money) in my opinion - we're not doing any until we have the actual documents and can say something new.



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No I defo want hard copy our versions of the current EYFs are very dog eared as we flick through them every sesssion so I guess I'm going to be printing lots of copies in the summer


What is it you are flicking through for? I have 5 laminated sheets on the wall with the development statements on, that's really all that we refer to regularly. Each child has a set of sheets for highlighting - our county council preferred method. I print those out, but in grey rather than black to save ink. That's only 4 sheets of paper as they are double-sided.

I guess what I'm trying to say is 'why make work and expense for yourself'?

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Maybe the LEA's could print off some hard copies for those that attend the training? Then everyone would have at least one copy.


I agree printing our own is expensive and I really think all practitioners should have one to refer to.

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Do we really need hard copies though? It's simpler to find things using 'search'. We could just print out the small amount we actually use regularly, like the development statements. That's what I have now.


Alas Cait...not all of us have internet access onsite. The setting I work at is the local parish hall and has no landline...so no web connection and thus no access to a "search"....I suppose if I wanted to check something I could always bundle all the children up...march them down the road to the library (fre net)....search my query....march them all back again and implement it! (Joke by the way) :o

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Maybe the LEA's could print off some hard copies for those that attend the training? Then everyone would have at least one copy.


I agree printing our own is expensive and I really think all practitioners should have one to refer to.


Not on our £0 budget we probably couldn't. We have very strict paper rationing too.Or we'll have to factor the additional costs into the charge payable by settings for the training.


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Alas Cait...not all of us have internet access onsite. The setting I work at is the local parish hall and has no landline...so no web connection and thus no access to a "search"....I suppose if I wanted to check something I could always bundle all the children up...march them down the road to the library (fre net)....search my query....march them all back again and implement it! (Joke by the way) :o


I don't have internet access in my Methodist Chapel either, but presumably we'll be able to download it and put it on some sort of pendrive or CD whatever

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We also have a hard copy laminated on our learning wall for everyone to access, just one copy would be good.

Enuffsenenuff,also slightly digressing but have you ever considered a dongle for a laptop. That's what we use with our mobile provider, as we also have no landline for access.

As for the printing of important documents, we recently received the Funding contract 25 pages long, and lots of Ofsted docs now to continually download, declaration forms etc etc etc. It just seems we are expected to print off more and more without any additional monies coming in for paper and printing ink.

Sorry rant over. :o

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What is it you are flicking through for? I have 5 laminated sheets on the wall with the development statements on, that's really all that we refer to regularly. Each child has a set of sheets for highlighting - our county council preferred method. I print those out, but in grey rather than black to save ink. That's only 4 sheets of paper as they are double-sided.

I guess what I'm trying to say is 'why make work and expense for yourself'?


They are a useful resource to look at to link quick obs directly against statements when writing them so that they don't have to be re written at a later date. We also use them to link planned activities to areas of learning and to plan child interest linked activities in all areas of development. If we are taking photos or obs we use hard copy to evaluate what we are seeing and every member of staff has a copy to use at home when planning next steps or writing reports. We do have laminated sheets on the planning board showing the developemntal matters statements for the area being covered that week but I guess its just become second nature to open a copy of the EYFS and look things up.

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I know its Goverment not LEA that are not giving out copies but I still think each setting should be given at least one copy. We use ours such a lot too flick, through. We have various sheets of various bits up and around the group but still feel we need a hard copy. All my staff have copies at home as well and I fcr one would rather tote a book around then loose sheets. Yes, I know I can print and bind loose sheets myself but really dont see why I should. I haven't asked for yet another change that will result in endless hours in changing and printing off yet more paperwork!!

I'm also wondering how all this is going to be planned, taught (to everyone) and then implemented by September?????

Sorry, just bit cheesed off with it all.

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Not heard a single thing about the new system, whether that be curriculum books or training :o


Do schools have to print out their own curriculum materials for Key Stage 1 & 2?


I don't think schools do though I think they are in a similar situation to us and once the new government come in they put a freeze to that too.


There will still be the same themes and commitments so I understand the poster will not change but the poster states EYFS and the new one is going to be Foundation Years so won't have the correct title IYKWIM.


To have to print a copy of the new Foundation Years out while also needing to re-print new assessments etc is going to prove very costly for settings.

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There will still be the same themes and commitments

The wording will be different and there is a subtle shift in some of it. E.g. Environments are no longer enabling. However in terms of pedagogy it is my interpretation of the documentation that exists in draft, that there will be no signficant change in how we do things, just the focus of what we do will be shifting.


The govts response to Tickell, and in fact Tickells view was that the documents should be crystal clear and easy to understand by all so minimum interpretation from non existant LA teams required !!!!



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