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Hi everyone, I am gradually getting through my foundation degree. My current assignment is about planning and assessing. I have video recorded the child I wish to observe (with parental permission of course!) I am trying to find some ideas for observation sheets. I have a tracking one and time sample but am struggling with a narrative one which should have been straightforward. I have spent several hours but am going round. Has anyone seen any on this site or can suggest topic headings. The dealine is fast approaching. My setting currently only use snapshots. Thank you in advance.


Hi Currycraver

I use the attached from time to time, but don't do many narrative observations as a rule, it's a bit basic so don't know whether it will help


Thank you mouse63, that is helpful, I can see how it would fit into planning. do you have a boz anywhere on your observation sheets where you have to put in the focus for your observation.( Cannot see one on the attached form). Thank you again for your help


Hi Val2,

Thank you for sharing it with me. I will tweak it if I may to suit my own setting but it has helped guide me. I am trying a cross section of differing ways. Once again many thanks :rolleyes:

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