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New Beginnings - Out With The Old And In With The New

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Well what can i say been a little while since i have been here as a lot has been going on - firstly had our ofsted visit last week - fortunately the same lovely lady that did my suitability interview and despite encouraging comments and positivity re the changes i have made and vision I have we did not get the good i wanted - have to admit i shed a tear- how embarassing but after reading the report today it sounds so much better than the 'S' word on it's own.

oldest member of staff and longest serving left today - early retirement - sad but right move for her and probably for us too

day of ofsted visit - senco/ level 3 decides to hand in notice - shocked to say the least and a bit hurt as we have bent over backwards to accomodate her after things were difficult for her.

and today made the decision that another member of staff needs to go as just not up to job .

so there i am 3 months in to new job and role and 3 staff ( all levels 3's ) leaving! fortunately the staff remaining have been stars and so supportive but alas only 1 has level 2 and currently 2 of them doing level 3-

so where do we go from here - onwards and upwards - breathing new life , ideas and enthusiasm back into the preschool, wont have a day off for a while but tomoorow i have a course to attend ' being in charge' - how apt and hopefully i may learn a thing or two ........watch this space :P:D :blink: :(

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Guest Spiral

Wow! You've certainly been through alot.


I know how tough it can be and really must stress that you mustn't forget to look after you too! Go and get your hair done/have a facial, take a walk in the park etc.


Sounds like the course you are doing tomorrow will be useful too. Maybe see if they have any helpful info on recruiting too?


Very best of luck and take care of yourself!

Spiral :-)

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Thank you both , really enjoyed course today and found it really beneficial , delivery was good too , got back to work, committee member(level 3) had stood in and that was good for her and staff and children ( wish she would want a job with us )and development officer dropped by which was good and things are moving forward , meetings in place etc , off to post office tomorrow so the children can post their mother day cards ;) :1b

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Hi lashes,


Good to see you are still positive, Ofsted is just round the corner for us, or should be and I am wondering what the verdict will be. Although we have put loads of things in place since last time I was told to get on a designated person course asap re safeguarding and they were all fully booked, but what can you do? I want to do the being in charge course and for the summer it's linked with assertiveness so good to get feedback on that.



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Hi Rachel,

as preschool reregistered and changes to supervisor we knew ofsted was imminent, but glad in hindsight that they came now rather than later, ' being in charge course worth doing , as regards 'Safeguarding' this had been mentioned before on inspection , i logged on to local safeguarding board website and accessed online training for all staff ( qwango) for which they got certificate to print off on completion , I also have registered with http://www.safenetwork.org.uk who sent some great folder of info etc for staff , worth checkng out and I think as long as you have designated person and have evidence of atempts at accessing taining that should be ok

good luck :rolleyes:

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The great thing about getting a Satisfactory Ofsted is that (a) it isn't unsatisfactory and (B) you have lots of scope to make improvements. That might sound a bit glib, but if you think about it, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain because you can identify priorities for change, and work hard to bring those changes into being with your staff team.


Thinking about the people who have left, I think these things often happen for the right reason, and now you have an opportunity to think about the kinds of people you want in your team, and set about finding them. This is your opportunity to build your staff team from the bottom up, and share with them your vision for how you're going to achieve your Oustanding inspection result in the future.


Your course sounds fab - wish I'd done something like it when I took over my nursery. It would have saved me many hours of soul searching, and prevented me from making so many mistakes!

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Thank you ladies for your positive comments and hugs - regarding your comment happymaz re: staff - your right - the ones i have left are just super , really motivated and so supportive , it was hard sacking someone but i needed to consider the whole team , the downside is i know she will not let her child remain with us and as he has ASD and we were just starting to make progress with both of them ( her as a parent) i know he will not get the assistance and support he needs nor will she but i cannot change that.

We have decided that as of the new term we are going to be relaunching ourselves as a team and ooze personality, professionalism and positivity. :D ::1a :D

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