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Childcare Vouchers

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It's been a while since we discussed this, but I was approached by a parent this week to ask if we accepted these. So what I'd like to know please, is does anyone recommend any particular ones, are there any we should avoid like the plague, and in general has the system 'bedded down' better than it was at one point?

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I am getting more and more parents paying via this method and it seems to be working well.

I think the emphasis is still on the parents to make the funds available, so it still doesn't stop late payments, but I stand to be corrected as I'm not sure exactly what the parents have to do!

So far we have used 'Computershare' 'Edenred' 'Care-4' and 'You at work',

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I have about 10 familes with a whole range of providers and had no issues at all with any of them - various collection methods and it easier to do it online if you can as you can track individual accounts. Would recommend it as a good way to collect fees and also a good selling point if you point out to parents they save too as it's tax free ! :1b

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We too use a few different companies without any hiccups at all these days (Cait I guess you are thinking back to the old Bu*** B**s days and having to make claims for paper vouchers and the nightmare that entailed with late payments), its all online and straight in the bank account with email notfications rec'd a day or two before.


Redjanye, I wouldn't go as far a recommending vouchers to parents but I suggest they talk to their employers/ HR/ financial advisors about the pro's and con's as although they do pay less tax they also pay less NI which will in turn have a knock on affect on pension entitlement later on in life.

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Cait we currently use 3 companies (the business chooses and you get told which company they use) we have had few problems with them ....a couple of late payments but on the whole easy, registration is simple and as said it just gets paid to your bank account. We suggest parents investigate them if they are a bit tight on funds and are working for larger companies

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We've recieved payments from compushare very simple no problems


...... but I looked into vouchers a little and according to Martin Lewis (he wrote an interesting article on his money expert web site) if parents are entitled to childcare tax credits then they are probably better off claiming that, rather than paying with vouchers. So i'd recomend warning parents to compare the cost/entitlement of the two

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Think they can be a good option for many.. being a salary sacrificing scheme where the money is taken out by the employer before any tax or Nat ins is paid.. and given to the voucher scheme organising company... this should give a guaranteed payment for any setting receiving them, more than the childcare tax credit.where parent gets the money and they have to pay you,the number I knew were getting it but always had to chase to pay us!..,


one down could be if he was paying it for a while and then decided not to.. but then the vouchers would cease..

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