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Newsletters And Invoices Via Email


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I have tried to do newletters via e mails but only half the parents wanted that


so bit difficult when its half and half?


what issues do you have if you do,

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I do weekly newsletters by e-mail, and the parents love it. I also use e-mail to let them know important things such as advice from nhs direct when we had cases of scarlet fever. It saves time, and paper of course, the only drawback being I don't actually know who has read the things I send and who hasn't. I hadn't thought of sending invoices by e-mail though, but I like the idea.

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I used to do both - I'd save the newsletter and any other documents I sent via email to a pdf format first. I did my emails on an Excel spreadsheet so it was easy to send by email. Mind you, even emails can get lost, so sometimes I would end up printing out a hard copy too! ;)


I was dealing with small numbers of parents, but even so I had a little checklist to show which wanted emails and which didn't so that I could keep track if I needed to print out extra copies. Once I'd set up the email group it was dead easy!

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I mostly send newsletters by email. Less paper waste and time handing them out. I put a note on the whiteboard at the start and end of the sessions to let parents know it has been sent. They ask me for a hard copy if there are any problems. I also send reminders re email e.g. party on Thursday.

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We have an 'unwritten policy' that says if we are asking for money the least we can do is give parents a hard copy :P

This includes invoices, donations of money for dressing up weeks etc and sponsor events.

However, all our 'newsy' or topic stuff goes via email - and we kind of imply thats how its done ;) . Obviously, we have hard copies available and always give the (2) parents without email copies.

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i have the same problem, all my parents have a computer or 2


but as said 'they dont do emails'. I handed out letters and a tear of slip so they can add their email only got less than half back.

thinking that i may have to be firmer with new sept. intake :)


I wanted to save a bit of money but more importantly i want to save a tree

schools are e mails, even homework my niece and nephew get is online - not that i think this is good


just wondered what you do

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I only have eight sets of parents, but have started using Facebook for day-to-day business, and text for important stuff. I have more texts than I can ever use otherwise so doesn't cost more than my phone anyway. The shear bulk of paper that comes from my kids' school just makes me want to put it in the bin - If it's on my phone I know where it is.



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We do emails to those that have it a hard copy for those that don't


1 hard copy goes on the parents notice board with a sign above saying latest newsletter.


Invoices we only do hard copy, but I'm thinking about sending an email too, to say how much they owe, but thinking about it I bet a text would be better than an email possibly?

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We have recently set up a private Facebook page. We only have 3 parents who don't use FB, they get a weekly hard copy of the FB posts which are cut and paste onto a word doc - there arn't lots. This seems very popular because:


Communicaition is two-way

Communication is instant - better than a half-termly newsletter which used to take me ages

Posts can include links to websites so posts don't have to contain all the information just enough and further information is available from the website

Parents can vote on matters

It saves paper

This would be the first port of call for notifying parents of a closure due to bad weather


We think its great basically, cannot as yet find a fault with it, from the start I put a note on there saying what the group was for and that nothing that could cause offence to parents or staff should be posted or words to that effect.

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I put the newsletter on the website as a pdf and a link to it on our facebook page. I ask parents to comment on fb if they've read it (several past parents like to read too) and I also print out hard copy - but latterly only in black and white (full colour version on internet and on the wall!) All my parents have email addresses according to their booking forms, but it's amazing how many say they can't open a pdf, even though it comes with a link to adobe!

Any invoices (only a couple as most pay immediately) are given as hard copy

Loads of info on our fb pages - one a sort of daily blog, one for me to send reminders etc and another 'belongs' to the committee and they post minutes and dates of meetings etc

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FYI Just a small warning about facebook.... there is now new software which allows access to virtually anyones account (according to people in the know ;) ) so please do not assume that by putting information on'private' that it is not public. My daughters partner has just lost his job beacause of something he posted on facebook (private!!) but in his disciplinary was told that the company did not feel that expressing himself to 70 of his closest friends <_< was private...in fact it was quite public!!. ...lesson learnt but at a cost! :o

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We have a Facebook page but we stress to parents right at the start that it's a public page and we even use it as an advertising tool. As has been said before, it's great for instant sharing of news and reminders and most parents have access to it (We ensure that those who choose not to get hard copies)

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