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I'm being observed in a weeks time and we will be looking at floating and sinking. Anyone have any wow ideas?

Thanks for your help

  • 2 weeks later...

What is your topic?


Ours is Pirates and Princesses so you could - Have pirates who have captured a Princess and put her on a desert Island, do some role play or have a visitor (pirate or prince charming) to explain what has happened and that the only way to get across to the princess is by boat can children design a boat that will float not sink and get to the princess??


Provides lots of conituous and child intiated activities too and use of outdoors for collecting materials, children could complete and adult focused experiment in the water tray indoor and out, write down findings (so getting CLL in) and then lots of talking and teamwork for PSE and KUW and problem solving if they sink for MD? Plus its creative and physical?


Emie x


Sorry just thought this might be too late sorry x


Always good though EmieJ - when some other soul does a Forum search for 'floating and sinking' ideas,, they'll find yours! :1b


Thanks for taking your time to reply - I actually had my lesson yesterdayand it went really well.

Pirate Pete needed their help because he got his treasure mixed up with pirate Jack's (pirate pete got all the treasure at the bottom of sea andf Pirate Jack was allowed all the treasure floating at the top). The children were all given a piece of treasure to predict if would float or sink and then we tested. We then looked at the pirate's boats and talked about how we could make it better. We then went to choose and the children carried on testing treasue, making boats, went under the sea (role play) we had a beach and a ice cream shop and then outside we had a rock pool and sealife centre. ALL children wereon task and challenged - we also had problems to solve like - how do you get a paper clip to float?and how can you make bread sink?


I got random classroom objects and a few house hold things and spray painted them silver

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