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Numeracy / Literacy In The Mornings?

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Hi everyone, i've just been reading the excellent posts about planning grids, continuous provision etc as i'm new to all this, (never find the time!!! ) but what a fabulous place to know about!!!


I'm about to overhaul reception too and would love to hear from other practitioners to see if you still have num and lit in the morning. What i currently do is myself and the TA work with a small group each and the other children do independent activities relating to the lit / num focus be it in the sand, construction, comp, painting etc. I have recently watched the transition to yr 1 dvd from fs and the chidren in both classes come in and have free play in the morning for a while, so i'm just curious to know what others do in the form of a daily timetable? Ofsted imminent!


Thanks in anticipation



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Hello and welcome! I agree it is a great site.

We have a carousel of activities activities throughout the day - a focus task with myself and a teaching assistant, and 2 other independent tasks. The focus tasks are mostltly literacy, numeracy or k & u , with the other tasks taken from other areas of learning. Hope this helps.

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Hi Braddy and welcome on board.

We are also overhauling the reception routines and planning for september and yes we have free play firt thing when the children arrive. The chidlren need this and I cant think of anything worse than coming in and having to sit on the carpet whilst they wait for everyone to be there. It also gives us the oportunties to speak to parents if we need to.

We dont do lteracy and numeracy every morning, we have a differnt area of leaning focus each morning and afternoon. We dont have the benefit of full time supprot but when we do have support with us, we dont timteable both of us to a focussed activity. The other person which could be the teacher or the TA will facilitate play.

W havent made fimnal decisions as to how we want to move on yet, we see it as a work in progress!

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Hey Mundia,


I'm really keen to know how you will manage your overhaul. I've finally succeeded in changing the old routines that have plagued me for the last two years in the big room that I work in. We have decided to have a divide and operate largely as two classes in the one room - unfortunately the only way to go for both our sanities!


I was really interested in this post - seems a lot of us are trying new ideas! I would really like to know what you plan i.e. routine wise. I really want to highlight the necessity of good planned play opportunities and not simply allowing the children to 'mess with the toys' while the adults work with children at tables. I'd really like to show to the best of my ability how I can manage purposeful play while at the same time balance adult-directed etc. If any of you crack the magic forumla, I'd really appreciate the guidance!!




D xxx

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Whilst accepting that I know nothing about this, being a NN, who had some of her most rewarding, productive and happy times leading a Pre-school Playgroup, I am prompted by Gater's post to say that you might want to go and look at a succesful playgroup near you for a good model. I realise that playgroup's strengths here lie in the relatively high numbers of trained, interacting staff who are not afraid of following the children's lead, also that the high numbers of adults mean that there is always someone nearby to keep purposeful, child initiated play on the agenda as intended. I think that any early years practitioner would thoroughly enjoy a visit to a really good PSPG.


OK - are my prejuduces showing??


Sue :D

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Yes I agree sue, I have done this myself (visiting playgroups)although admittedly not in the recent past. I had a particular brief in looking at comparative provision from a philosophical viewpoint, but it was essentially where I learned an awful lot more about facilitating play.


gater it will be interesting to see how you get on operating as 2 separate classes now.

We are all feeling a bit schooled out at the momenet and with new roles that I have taken on (well been lumbared with), I've not had much time to talk routines yet. I expect we will start much as the nursery does at the beginning and build up from there. I dont think Ive ever felt so disorganised for September as I do now!

But yes if there were the magic formula, I reckon we should patent it and make a small fortune!

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Gater, I am sure that with your enthusiasm you are going to be successful. You will plan appropriate activities and experiences that will enable the children to behave well and learn well. Dont be afraid of changing what you do responding to the childrens reactions etc although do give yourself and them enough time to adjust etc. Make appropriate demands of them behaviourally will mean less agro as they will be able to conform and you will not feel as if you are banging your head against a wall!


I would imagine that your biggest problem actually will be noise levels so do try and consider the other teachers routines and dont plan something really noisy etc when you know she will be having a carpet session. That will cause unnecessary tension and make her more inclined to think that you are not being successful.


Good luck.

Enjoy your holiday now!!! :D

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Hi Braddy and welcome on board. 

We are also overhauling the reception routines and planning for september and yes we have free play firt thing when the children arrive. The chidlren need this and I cant think of anything worse than coming in and having to sit on the carpet whilst they wait for everyone to be there. It also gives us the oportunties to speak to parents if we need to.

We dont do lteracy and numeracy every morning, we have a differnt area of leaning focus each morning and afternoon. We dont have the benefit of full time supprot but when we do have support with us, we dont timteable both of us to a focussed activity. The other person which could be the teacher or the TA will facilitate play.

W havent made fimnal decisions as to how we want to move on yet, we see it as a work in progress!


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Hi Mundia,


Thanks for your reply, I'm keen to change existing routines but I need to be sensitive towards the TA who is used to the "old" routine!! I am used to allowing the children to arrive and get on with an activity, but having only been in my new job for 2 terms I'm having to tread carefully!!


It's great having people to chat to,


Many thanks



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest tinkerbell
Hi everyone, i've just been reading the excellent posts about planning grids, continuous provision etc as i'm new to all this, (never find the time!!! ) but what a fabulous place to know about!!!


I'm about to overhaul reception too and would love to hear from other practitioners to see if you still have num and lit in the morning.  What i currently do is myself and the TA work with a small group each and the other children do independent activities relating to the lit / num focus be it in the sand, construction, comp, painting etc.  I have recently watched the transition to yr 1 dvd from fs and the chidren in both classes come in and have free play in the morning for a while, so i'm just curious to know what others do in the form of a daily timetable?  Ofsted imminent! 


Thanks in anticipation




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Guest tinkerbell

Hi Everyone

I'm new to this too braddy but was interested in your ideas about teaching lit/numeracy in the mornings.

I teach a mixed r/yr1 class and did teach lit/numeracy every morning apart from wednesday when I taught science/KUW all morning and my TA took groups out into the hall to do baking!

I work in a small primary school 4mixed aged classes and yes we have assembly first thing and so I am unable to let the children play first thing ,as there are just 10 mins to settle down do the reg and go into assembly.I do have an interactive whiteboard which is good because the children self register by dragging their name to a brick in the wall which keeps them occupied in that first 5 mins.

I agree with the comment from Susan about being mindful of collegues whose rooms are open onto yours, this though does restrict spontenaityand makes for a more rigid timetable.Myself and the yr2/yr1 teacher look at the timetable and are aware when we are each in the hall doing PE or music so that is the time we can be more noisier in our own class rooms.

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