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Do others staff their settings like we do...I am the manager but I don't work every day, I have one day off per week to study. One of the deputies leads the session. During the autumn term when numbers are lower we all take a cut in hours, so that everyone has a reasonable number of hours to work each week, so I may not work an afternoon as well.


In a telephone conversation with Ofsted today asking about how many named deputies we could have, I was told that if a deputy regularly leads the session in the manager's absence ie on a weekly basis they would need to be registered as a manager as well. Has anyone heard of this before? At the moment one deputy covers the morning and one the afternoon so technically they would both have to be registered as a manager....confused.com!

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yes we had problems with this during our holiday club because we have a few different supervisors- ofsted said the same to us as one of the girls who work for us answered the door to ofsted who asked who she was, she replied with 'the supervisor'! she wouldn't talk to her and we had a sturn talking 2 lol! ( ofsted did say that if she had answered the door and said she was the manager it would of be fine) even tho she was a qualified teacher and has had all check done and cleared! i think it is terrible to be honest! as long as you have a manager and supervisors who are qualified etc

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no i've never heard of this and i've operated for years with a day off when my deputy deputised(surely that's the point isn't it???)...My deputy is in charge every wed morning...i think i would be asking where in the requirements it states this...i can't seem to find a reference to it.


interesting sammy

Edited by finleysmaid
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Well twice I have rang and asked the same question over the past four years and both times been told in no uncertain terms that they weren't interested in my deputy and she didn't need to have a fit person interview etc.

They wont even do EY2's or CRB's on them. I am the same as you finleysmaid in that if I am off then my deputy 'deputizes'?


I do wonder about some of these people that answer the phone, dont you? If they cannot get it right and give out consistent advice how on earth are we supposed to.

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Seems yet another example of the left had not knowing what the right hand is doing at Ofsted!! As Lynned says, the revised EYFS removes the requirement for Ofsted to CRB managers, and my LEA has indicated that the suitable person int is likely to be scaled back, possibly even removed.....so what then will be the EXACT difference between a manager and deputy, as these are the only 2 differences I can currently think of. And I agree entirely with finleysmaid...where in either the old or revised eyfs does it make any reference to any of this? I can see there might be an issue if the deputy was not level 3, but assuming they are, can not see why an inspector could be bothered by this at all. I would change nothing, but just be prepared to agrue this one out with an inspector should the occasion arise. My experience is that if you do politely challenge an inspector, and ask for verification in the guidance, they tend to back down!!

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Nor me Finleysmaid...but then Ofsted have been known to say one thing to one person and one thing to another.


So Sammy if the person in charge that day had said they were the acting manager for the session, would that have been ok?

yesthey said it would of been! but i dont know what would of happened if they looked into it after to see if they were registered as manager i'm not sure! We turned up minutes later becuase ofsted rang to say they where there and wanted to speak to us and when we got there they said if we were on holiday it would of been ok they went through the whole of the staffing timetable! they said if they where supervising for parts of the day evan if you were off site that would also be ok but not for more than half a day - i think they said how many hours but can't quite remember- she didn't make much sense to be honest and she acted like she didnt really no much about it herself! she also said that we were over the adut: child ratio evan tho we told her that one of the members of staff was a qualified teacher therfore she was aloud 13 children 3+ the ofsted lady didnt evan know this and had to ring someone to confirm (and we were right)
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