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Hello all

I hope you are all enjoying the long weekend - indeed I hope that enough of you are near your PC's and not off galavanting somewhere in order to help me with my question :rolleyes:


I currently manage a nursery class which is part of a infants school. I have been in this role for 6 years and feel that it is time to change the way we organise not only staff (of which there are 4 for 52 PT children) but how we support and deliver learning experiences. I feel that we are not getting to the heart of what the children want to do- lots of factors including how we arrange staff in areas whilst still enabling them to get a handle on where there own children are, how we deliver the curriculum so it is child-centred and challenging, how we can sustain shared thinking when the children are only with us for 2.5 days per week etc etc


In a nutshell I am looking for someone with a track record of being able to troubleshoot, challenge yet support the way forward. We need a trainer who can help us review current practice and help us to become even better at what we do...

Our head said there is a possibility of buying someone in so I wondered if you could help suggest someone/organisation that can deliver training for us?

Any suggestions would be appreciated. We are based in the west midlands.

p.s. I've thought of Alistair Bryce Clegg already


Alistair would have been my thought, as from reading his website he seems to cover a lot of the points you want to address and does a lot of work with schools, as opposed to PVI settings, which might be useful in "selling" him to the head.

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