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Notice For My Notice Of Resignation?


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Hi all, haven't been on in a while but could do with a little advice r.e. notice of resignation. I have been accepted onto a PGCE early years course in september full time (v exciting!) and therefore am leaving my wonderful preschool and role as deputy, a hard decision but the right one, and the staff and committee have been very supportive of this decision, for which I am very lucky and will miss the group dearly.

The plan (created by staff as a team) is another member of staff will step up to my role as deputy and a new assistant would be hired to cover additional hours plus any relief work. We are committee run and the current committee, despite knowing since last September my plans to leave should I get a place at uni, have so far done nothing to plan what will happen when I leave. I understand that they cannot do anything officially/ formally and that the committee are ultimately the management and make the final decisions with regards to replacing my hours, however it is very frustrating as I would like the preschool disrupted as little as possible, particularly to ensure the staff are not put under even more pressure and stress than we have in the last year.

I have been told in the last few weeks that the committee will do nothing until they have my notice as they cannot advertise- which I understand although am struggling to see why they cannot be making plans or start putting the feelers out with current staff.

My contract states I should give 6 weeks which I don't have an issue with, but every other previous staff has given their notice in on the last week of term so that summer hols was period of notice- this was my plan to do the same to ensure that I still get paid over august summer holidays (we're paid pro-rata term-time only plus holiday pay). But to ensure that everything is not left to last minute (like normal) and that the team have a smooth transition with my departure and a new arrival, I will give in my resignation letter at the next committee meeting (Mon 21st May) to ensure that the ball is rolling in plenty of time. My dilemma is when to put my final date of employment- my OH and those around me recommend I should put end of summer hols rather than last day of term but am unsure how to word this and if this it acceptable to hand in my notice but with resignation period starting later??? I want to ensure that the preschool is not disrupted too much but also am aware I have to look after myself and am for once putting myself first- we all know we go above and beyond the call of duty in this profession.

Can anybody give me any advice on what to do, where I stand, how to phrase this in notice, etc?

I hope I haven't come across as wanting to get every last penny as I'm so aware of how little there is at present and would hate to do the group over so to speak as I have loved working there but I simply don't want to miss what I'm entitled to as there have been too many times when I've put the group first (I have a wad of expenses of nearly £150 beside me due to not claiming- which I know is my fault). I have little knowledge on this and know that the current treasurer claws back every penny she can,working things to suit her budgets, even if it would mean me missing out.

Many thanks,


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I am not sure about the detail regarding anything legal etc but if your contract states you have to give 6 weeks notice then as long as you give at least that surely you can give it when you want.


I think I would word the letter to state that you intend to give notice and that as of 31st August 2012 you will no longer be part of the staff of said preschool.

I think though I would also put in the letter that you are submitting your notice formally, but early so that the preschool know for sure you are leaving and can therefore start the recruiting process!


I hope someone pops along in a bit that has more experience in this area. I work for a school so am in a different situation, but a member of staff has asked for 6 months off and I want that in writing ASAP so I can organise her replacement even though she is not intending to go till October!


Good luck!

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I handed my notice in in the December and stated I would leave in July so the deputy had time to shadow me and slowly take on my role. By the end I was there just for fun. I have no idea if I was paid correctly, this was 7 years ago, but you've got me thinking now. Good luck with your PGCE :1b

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As said, just state in the letter that you are handing in your resignation and the date you are terminating your employment. The notice period in your contract is a minimum length of time, there is nothing to stop you handing in your resignation early. Like Rea, when I resigned as playleader (due to moving) I put in my letter as soon as I knew to give the committee plenty of time to arrange my replacement.

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Oh you are a fab lot thank you ever so much! Will let you all know how it goes...writing the dates etc is now the easy part!!!- now to write the rest of it without going over the top emotionally and trying not to cry whilst writing it!!!

Thank you again everyone xx

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Just want to say good luck with your PGCE. I hope too you will be able to leave your setting feeling it is in good hands.

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Thanks Gruffalo2, I think thats half the prob! You just want the best for the group and frustrating/ stressful when can't see that happening yet. All handed in now so we'll see what happens tomorrow evening, am keeping my fingers crossed and thinking positive! :1b

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