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Dealing With Theft In Your Nursery

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could anybody kindly give me some advice. it came to my attention today that money has been going missing in our staff room. i went around and spoke to my staff and gave them all a chance to put it back or further investigations will be carried out. i do have my suspition who it may be, but where do i start?

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This was it http://eyfs.info/forums/topic/15743-theft/page__hl__theft__fromsearch__1

I think you would need to speak to all the staff together, explain the money has been taken and you'd like it put back or the police will be called. From the post I've linked you to the police dont seem to be able to do much though.

I'd also invest in a lockable cupboard for the staffs personal belongings if you have the space for storing it.

What a horrible situation

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Not a nice situation, to think that someone you trusted has done this and you are still expected to trust them..


it is hard to deal with but as rea suggested a meeting with all staff and suggestions about how staff could now keep belongings safe..



we had a locked cupboard for the items with a keyholder, could not have space for each individual to have one, and they had to ask the keyholder for access..no one was unsupervised while at the cupboard!

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I had my brand new radley handbag stolen from pre-school out of the office. I was devastated, i had my suspicions but couldn't prove it. Bizarrely though my laptop which had been right next to it was still there.


I called the police and they came into pre-school as i wantd to make a point.


now all handbags are kept in a locker.

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I had the same last year. I called a meeting spoke to all staff, said I was upset as we are strong team, blah blah. . I spoke with acas and they said pretty much was suggested on here already. Staff meeting, say if it doesnt appear you will be calling the police. Suggest the person comes to you in confidence (they didnt in my case) but I did provide a place where the items could be returned. (that didnt happen either!)

It happened again I called the police but also set my own trap I wrote on a five pound note- I then did a search before everyone went home- and I found it. I did let the membr of staff go. thats was a first as well- it was all quite stressful!

Acas advised I was within my right to do a search- it is in my handbook that I will do them periodically. (I havent)

A friend of mine was telling me where she works they do checks regularly and someone last week was given a verbal after a search found some nursery pens

Hope you get it sorted it isnt nice is it.

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thanks to you all for your advice i have devised a cash sheet where all my staff sign over any cash they have in the nursery and it will be held in a locked cabinet in the office. i feel this is the only way to keep control of this situation. i must say after my initial post the next day cash was stolen from the office out of my bag. i thought this was quite cheeky as i had been around all the staff and warned them that the police had been informed.

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I had a similar problem but it was a member of the school cleaning staff. My head was unable to do anything - nothing could be proved; however, we all 'knew' who is was. So I set a trap; I used a flip camera to record what was happening - and left sweets on the worktop which I 'knew' would be a temptation. We 'caught' the person on the flip camera. However, we did not have a cctv notice up, so the person 'got away with it'. However everyone is now aware of the culprit, cctv posters are in all classrooms AND the cleaner is now no longer allowed into our building. Okay, now the problem is not ours but at least everyone knows about, and is wary of, the thief. That said, it is not a good situation to be in and the teaching staff do not feel comfortable, but we have to live with it. :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have recently had this problem, not with money thank goodness but with food. We all suspected who it was but have in the last couple of weeks caught them red handed. We have given written and verbal warnings but are giving her a chance to redeem herself. Having said that, if it was money she would have been let go immediately but we felt we were in a tricky situation with it being food...

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