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Allegation Made Against Me

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wishing you good luck too, hope it all works out okay, be sure to let us all know

Edited by max321
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Thank you for your thoughts everyone.


Apparently my husband can't be there because of confidentiality and him not being impartial ?????????????????? but they are going to provide me with a collegue to take notes / support me.... i just need to wait to hear from them to find out what time i have to go in.



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Waiting with bated breath to hear how you got on. Hopefully everything will be cleared up and they have just done everything 'by the book'. You will be able to relax again and enjoy your annual leave properly. It would be nice if you were offered time in lieu of today!

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Thank you everyone.


I had a phone call from nursery today and apparently the LADO is on holiday this week and the deputy LADO was in a conference so said they would get back to the nursery this afternoon.

The manager has now also reviewed the cctv and said she felt everything was okay but they need to hear what the LADO has to say.... So still a waiting game.

We made plans for thursday and friday (because husband is off work too) so unless it is sorted tonight or tommorow morning ( as im free till 11) it will carry over to next week now.



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If the manager felt everything was ok on the CCTV, I'd continue with my plans for the weekend if nothing gets sorted sooner. I know it must be awful waiting but if anything was questionable on the CCTV I'm sure the manager would have said.

Who is the LADO? Can I just ask why someone from outside is involved at this stage?

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The LADO is the local authority safeguarding officer and i believe in all allegations made the nursery need to contact them, i guess it is to cover there own backs so to speak.

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Thank you everyone.


I had a phone call from nursery today and apparently the LADO is on holiday this week and the deputy LADO was in a conference so said they would get back to the nursery this afternoon.

The manager has now also reviewed the cctv and said she felt everything was okay but they need to hear what the LADO has to say.... So still a waiting game.

We made plans for thursday and friday (because husband is off work too) so unless it is sorted tonight or tommorow morning ( as im free till 11) it will carry over to next week now.




Oh poor you.......more waiting.......

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I still think that if the manager is satisfied the cctv shows no wrong-doing, she should simply invite the parent/s in to see it.They will see for themselves that you haven't done anything wrong and can withdraw the complaint, surely?? Madness that you have to wait untl next week. Thinking of you x

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so just had a phone call from the nursery owner who finally got to speak to the LADO.


The LADO had to check that the police did not need to get involved (was shocked to hear this, but apparantly if they think there may have been a criminal act they will involve the police), however the LADO felt that there was no criminal act so no police involvment. The LADO is also happy for the nursery to deal with this internally and that as long as they inform ofsted of the outcome there will be no need for the LADO to get involved unless the nursery feel they need to call a stratergy meeting which the owner thinks will not be the case.


The owner said that when reviewing the CCTV footage at the time that the child said the 'incident' (whatever it may be) occured i was never on my own, there was always at least one other staff member and often two others in the room. The child was always in view of the camera too. They are going to speak to staff in the room tommorow but since myself and my husband are off on annual leave we made plans for thursday and friday and i am not willing to change them... i know it will get it dealt with sooner but i know i have done nothing wrong and don't see why i need to use my annual leave trying to deal with the situation. so nursery have suspended me for Monday (which was when i was due back in work) and i have a meeting at 9:30 am with them on monday, they will also have a collegue sit in to take notes on my behalf. They hope to have resolved this by monday afternoon in the view that i can go back into work Tuesday.


it is meant to be our parents evening on Monday evening and they asked me to go to it, but i have said i would rather not until this is all cleared up, i have enough to deal with right now without having to hold parents evening.


i am so anxious for the meeting on monday especially because i do not have a clue what to expect, i am then worried about returning to work and being open to more false allegations, also about nearly the whole staff team knowing my business (small team only 7 staff including me and then the owner and manager) three of the staff (not including owner and manager) will know what went on by the end of investigations.


The owner asked how i was doing and i explained that i understood why they had to do this process but it is so hard to go through. I also explained that i was worried about returning and dealing with this child / parent and the owner said that even the parent has doubts about the child's claim.....


so i am really non the wiser but at least i know i can 'enjoy' (attempt to at least) the rest of my annual leave prior to the meeting monday,


I did not plan to take maternity leave until 32 weeks but i may go off on maternity leave as soon as i can (29 weeks) after this, which will mean only 8 more weeks in work.



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I agree,


i think its a case of just having to follow procedures, dot the I's and cross the T's (if you know what i mean) the annoying thing is even the parent has her doubts about the child's claim... all this has achieved is causing me stress and meaning the several staff will know my business and will know an allegation has been made against me.




I still think that if the manager is satisfied the cctv shows no wrong-doing, she should simply invite the parent/s in to see it.They will see for themselves that you haven't done anything wrong and can withdraw the complaint, surely?? Madness that you have to wait untl next week. Thinking of you x

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It has made me realise how incredibly vulnerable we could be. I have worked with children for 13 years and never ever felt this vulnerable. I hope that i can regain my confidence, but i am not sure



What a horrible situation, I totally sympathise with you. Do try to enjoy your time off - easily said I know.


Does make you think how vulnerable we all are though - there is no cctv at my preschool, and often only one staff member inside and one outside. What then?

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Common sense is out the window clearly, i have a shocking migraine right now..... All stress related. Everyone tells me not to stress, my mum is worried over me being stressed and how it will affect my baby, but until monday i guess i will remain stressed, followed with an overload of stress on monday



Where's the common sense approach! Hope u manage to relax a little during ur break!

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To be honest I am a little confused why you can't be told the details of the complaint anyway. Normally they would have to tell you so that you have a chance to 'prepare your defense' as it were and tell you side of things. Lets face it no were else do allegations get made against you and you be kept in the dark!! I thought you were entitled to know what has been said about you.


Can the other staff not be questioned in a way that doesn't make it obvious that a complaint has been made against you? They can say what has happened in the room on a given day without being made aware what the situation is? After all you have the CCTV footage in all this which is more reliable than anything else!

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