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New Parent Induction

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It's that time of year when all parents have been sent a questionnaire and they are beginning to return them (well some are!!).

A couple of parents have commented that they would have liked more information on their child's first day, and introduction to all the staff etc etc.

Fair comment I thought, however I am now looking at how to introduce a new parent induction morning or afternoon as feel this would be easier.

At present when parents express an interest in the setting they come in to have a look around meet myself and the staff, discuss the EYFS and how we provide for the children in our care, issue them with a prospectus. This always takes place during session as it is convienient for us and they see the setting on a normal day. Near to the childs start date a registration pack is sent out with policies to read, an 'All About me' book for parents and the usual Medical consent form etc.

On the child's 1st day paperwork is checked and filed, obviously all staff are present but with 26 children coming in it can be hectic, parents aren't asked to leave, it is always explained that they can stay until they feel happy and comfortable to leave and their child is settled.

So how do I provide more information for parents on their 1st day, do any of you do something different which you have found works such as a seperate induction day (don't know how or when we would do that as we are in a school so cant access building whenever we want).


Any suggestions greatly received



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We do something very similar with all new children having a visit whilst setting is runnin, we keep the visits to a maximum of two at a time, preferably just one. As 99% of our children start between sept-nov then they generally come for a visit and to look around during this term. This is when we would go through registration forms, medical and consent forms. In Septemebr the day before we start back for previous children we hold a 'new child' day. Where just the new children with their carers are invited in for an hour and half. We have all the staff in and parents can meet their keyperson. We usually give them any other little bits of info they need as well. We have stopped allocating keypersons so far in advance now as we found that some of them were changing days and it ws causing so much work chopping and changing around that it was easier to leave it until September to allocate and then they could meet and chat as well. We usually have around 20-26 children. Even if they aren't starting until Dec we would invite them. As you can see, it is very similar however the paperwork would always be done & checked on their visit day, as with over 20 odd children to sort it is just too much paperwork in one go.

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We start youngest half 1st day and other half next day, then rising 3's who are here already on 3rd day. then try and say something to each. we also take a photo and write ' on my first day at nursery I .........................' on it and show it that or next day then put in learning journey. I might send it home in september though, and put a photocopy in their folders.

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Hi Kris, well this is how we have done it for some time now and it works well for us. Parent child come for a visit and are shown around the whole building, child has a play and any questions answered. They will then fill in a registration form to go on our waiting list.

This is checked regularly and updated with a courtesy call. Generally at least half a term before they are due to start with us and they have accepted a place the children begin to come in for their induction visits with parents. These sessions are staggered throughout the week so it is not too disruptive for our existing children. This happens for approximately 4 weeks for an hour a time. The child and parent can get to meet the staff, keyperson, meet other families and familarise themselves with the building, as well as ask any other questions. Up until now during these sessions the children will have been given their packs with all the documentation that is needed, it has been completed and returned to us and then we have sat down with the parent and gone through it together.

This year we are introducing home visits two weeks before their start date so the packs will have been distributed and returned, all details will have been taken for the relevant registers etc and the forms will be taken with us to the home visit to go through with the parents, whilst the other staff member engages with the child.

Hope this makes sense. :1b

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We stagger our intake over the first few weeks.

Paperwork returned in advance of start - although there is always the odd one that leaves something off or pick-up queries! :) :)


We also have visits this term for the newbies - but the summer 6 weeks is a loooong time, so not sure if this always works anyway.



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