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Focused Activities

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Hi All,


Like many other people, I am contemplating my planning for the coming year.


I work in one of two Nursery classes, attached to a Primary School.


We have 2 classes of 26 children, morning and afternoon - 104 children on role.


I am considering scrapping Focused Activities as such. At the moment we plan around predictable interests then we would sit down as a team (6) and think about activities that would fit into all Areas of Learning. For example, "Growing" - planting seeds (KUW), observational paintings of flowers (CD) etc..


However, we are finding that it is either the same children that join these activities, or if we ask particular children to join us they come but with minimal interest and engagement.


So my questions are; 1. Have other people done away with this type of planning?

2. How do you ensure you are covering all the strands within the DM's

3. What does your planning look like?


Hope this is clear!


Thank you.


we dont do this and havent for a while my staff plan individual activites for their key children

we enhance our continous provision by enhancing areas based on interests of the children, we dont have over arching themes we do introduce ideas again based on obs and interests and we mind map to find out what areas of a topic they are interested in.

eg minibeasts- such a huge topic but by mind mapping with the children they were really intersted in slugs and snails where we probably would have gone down the caterpillar and butterfly route!!



I cannot see the benefit of having activitis that most of the children are not intereted they will not have any deep meaningful learning and wiil bore easilyyyy


hopee this makes sense as it is late and i have nursery worked all day :)


Can I ask how many activities you do each day then?


Do keypersons have certain days for activities or do they all do their key childs activities each day?




When you enhance your provision is it the same thing added for the week to each workshop area or just for the day the child is in, then do you change it for something different on another day for another child? (does this make sense)


Hi Sharonash,


We take 6 Areas of Learning over 2 weeks.


So Monday, Wednesday and Friday week 1 = PSRN, CLL,PSED. Week 2= KUW, CLL, PD.


Depending on the activity and which person is deployed in that area, they then deliver the focused activity to the chidren that are interested.


Continuous Provision is planned weekly, each area enhanced based on observations of what the children have enjoyed.




Oh on the days we don't plan for FA, we engage with children who come and play in the areas in which we are deployed .


Comments please !!!


Can I ask how many activities you do each day then?


Do keypersons have certain days for activities or do they all do their key childs activities each day?




When you enhance your provision is it the same thing added for the week to each workshop area or just for the day the child is in, then do you change it for something different on another day for another child? (does this make sense)



My key people have set days to key work. Incidental obs done on other days. The girls cover different aspects depending on what they are wanting for their individual children. We dont have a set of aspect for all children.

we dont have set activities that are adult focused generally the exception to this is when cook, or have some art work, collage etc. Staff step in as and when is appropriate.

Enhancements to the areas are there for the week or longer not just for that one child



Staff just dont seem to get it Im bashing my head on a brick wall

Basically we split children into focus weeks - on the days they are in we plan activities to meet their next steps (but all children are able to join in- but staff just dont get it The rest of the time the child are free flowing and choosing their own activities.

So many times staff say they didnt do activities as they didnt have time-

I am wondering whether Im talking jibberish!

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Wouldn't things be so dull without all these problems!! I have just attached my interpretation "Laymans Terms" of Obs, Assess, Planning.. in this forums section. Although it should be straight forward, it never is.


I would stick with your medium term plans, which i presume a topic (theme) is selected, and using children's interests (if possible) create some nice activities for your short term plans.. either individually or grouped if possible.. wouldn't it be nice!! So the example i used was Dinosaurs being the interest of some children, and bringing these Dinosaurs into the monthly/weekly theme somehow.. like "Fruit" as the theme.. and maybe making up a story talking about how Dinosaurs might have liked to eat fruit.. and which fruits certain dinosaurs might have liked the most etc etc etc.. im sure you understand how i am using the interest to educate about fruit lol


Anyways.. sorry if i wasn't much use, but i hope you take something from it :D

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