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Unfounded Allegations To Ofsted...


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Am on the phone to Ofsted now and apparently you can ring in and make a complaint against anyone about anything and remain anonymous - and that complaint will be investigated with a full inspection (which I was aware about).

Does anyone else think that this is wrong - and a complete money waster ?

I do feel that a name and the complainants relationship with the setting should be compulsory.

If the complaint is upheld then they should have the right to remain anonymous, but if not then the setting should have some recourse into, at least, a discussion with the complainant.

Seems to me an ideal way to get your mates to ring Ofsted on a regular basis and get your competitors into trouble (very possibly what has happened here).

Time to lobby MPs me thinks........

I wouldnt wish it on anyone - it is a horrible situation....and whilst I realise that complaints do need to be investigated, so do those making them if they are unfounded/malicious/vindictive.

Edited by gatewaynurseries
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'Advisor' , Rea ....how do you mean ?


From the early years dept. here in Birmingham there are one or two for each area of the city. I just wondered if yours were aware of the complaints and could offer any words of wisdom, but if you've already spoken to Ofsted and found out that little gem i.e. not having to leave a name or anything, then they might not be able to help anyway.

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Am on the phone to Ofsted now and apparently you can ring in and make a complaint against anyone about anything and remain anonymous - and that complaint will be investigated with a full inspection (which I was aware about).




It has to be like that - we all need to be able to 'whistle blow' if need be - I'm thinking safeguarding here.......


So sorry that you are having such a terrible time though - I had 'read between the lines' and thought - is this another nursery - if so what a completely horrible and underhand thing to do

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I do feel for all of you in this horrible situation. Its not like we do this job for the money and it can be so demoralising when others can be so vindictive. Its difficult enough being in a small rural setting struggling with dwindling numbers without the thought that others could be so underhand as to make a complaint just to trigger an inspection.


Hugs to you all!

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Have requested the complaints from Ofsted ; it's a freedom of information request so will take a little time . .... But I will pusue this. Ofsted are obliged to provide date(s) of complaints - so I will check out on CCTV who was in that/those days ..... Won't be difficult to ascertain from that if there is a common denominator .....

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Have requested the complaints from Ofsted ; it's a freedom of information request so will take a little time . .... But I will pusue this. Ofsted are obliged to provide date(s) of complaints - so I will check out on CCTV who was in that/those days ..... Won't be difficult to ascertain from that if there is a common denominator .....


Good for you!

Are you thinking it might be a staff member :o

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Gateway, so so sorry for you, and it does seem just so unfair that we are all "exposed" in this way. Good luck with the CCTV footage! Brilliant idea, but I suspect that you have your suspicions already. And I would just ask, even if the person/persons that you suspect were in that day, what can you do? You will have no real proof as such. I guess all you can do is be "extra wary " of the individual/individuals that you suspect.

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  • 1 month later...

HI all, i just wanted to update you on things.


We requested more detailed information from Ofsted under the freedom of information act, as to what exactly had been said in the complaints (all had gone directly to Ofsted and none ever made to the setting, also anonymous). We received this information before half term and the things that have been said are awful. I don't really want to say what allegations have been made but to say they are slanderous is an understatement ! I was absolutely distraught when i read the things that had been said



Yesterday Ofsted turned up ( we only had an inspection 18 months ago) to carry out a full inspection due to concerns flagged up by all the complaints Ofsted have recieved. The day was hell and she pulled us to pieces on EVERYTHING !!! What is so annoying is that all the complaints were made before the new EYFS , yet we had a full inspection based on the new EYFS, this feels very unfair.


The inspector gave us a notice to put up to say we were having an inspection and that all parents/carers should speak to the inspector if possible (surprise , surprise, the parents that had "issues" didnt bother speaking to her!)


It was a very stressful day for the staff as the last 6 months have been.


I feel so drained by everything and i think one of the worse things is not knowing exactly who is doing this or why ? Yes we have our suspicions , but that is not enough.


I feel like it will never end and i am frightened of what they will accuse us of next :( .


I wonder if it would be worth doing a general letter to all parents basically stating enough is enough and that any further slanderous allegations will be passed on to the police. Am i going over the top now or is that simply asking for yet more problems ?


This has to come to an end somehow, because i certainly cant take anymore :( . No one wants to help or support us....... :(

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oh what a difficult time for you and your staff. have ofsted fed back to you yet? What were their findings? i suggest that you write to all parents, calmly and rationally, explaining that the ofsted was trigggered by annonymous complaints ( and i would make it loud and clear that the complaints were annonymous)...explain then that for most issues, complaints are more readily handled if put in writing to you ( you could then investigate and resolve the issue more quickly etc), but then go on and state the findings of the inspector. I wouldn't at this point start talk of going to the police as I think some parents could misinterpret that and feel you must therefore have something to hide. But I think you could express your disappointment that some one is making these annoymous allegations and that you are surprised given the positive feedback recieved for questionnaires to date. Again, reitereate that you are available to talk to about any and all concerns, that you welcome feedback from parents and I would just hope that your parents read between the lines, rally round and suport you all.


For now, I would suggest a hot bath, a glass of good wine and a large bar of choc...................

Edited by eyfs1966
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...but don't forget the findings are at the moment subject to quality assurance and may change, although very unlikely. It is for this reason that you are not able to talk about the inspection until you receive a copy of the inspection report. You may need to wait a couple of weeks.

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it would be interesting to know your feedback from Ofsted, lovemyjob.........whether the allegations were unfounded.

Im still waiting for details under freedom of information act. I expect our comments to be equally as slanderous.......given that our inspector looked pretty bemused when she left, told us she'd had a lovely day !

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OMG.....i have just received my personal information from Ofsted that i requested under the freedom of information .....i am devastated :( !


The things that have been said, that until today i knew nothing about, are totally disgusting and i am so upset.........i feel like i have no one to talk to and i just want to scream but just crying instead.


How can anyone be so cruel to say such wicked things :( :(


I honestly don't know what to say....... :(

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So sorry you're having to deal with something so upsetting Lovemyjob. You say you have no one to talk to, could you read the letter out at a staff meeting? I's affecting everyone so maybe this will make the person who's making the allegations realise just how awful their actions are. Share this and work together to get the person responsible to leave, they obviously dont value working with you.

Really hope you can get to the bottom of this, chin up :1b

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I feel so sad for you :( having any complaint made about your setting is awful but to have them made personal must be devastating.


Have you considered taking legal advice ? I used the one provided by my public liability insurance and they were fabulous, so supportive, calm and reassuring. They wrote to the parent who made a malicious complaint and carried it on by harassing me over the phone at home, warning her off and her awful behaviour stopped :1b


In the meantime we're all here for you!



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Guest sn0wdr0p

Oh you poor love how horrible. Ofsted inspected us last month as a result of a complaint and I was very upset but fortunately the inspector had no concerns and was happy with what he saw.


What helped me a lot was coming on here and getting the reassuring comments that were posted. If you are a PSLA member I think you get free legal advice as do members of HSBC. Take advantage if you can.


Thinking of you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Despite this complaint being malicious ofsted will treat you like scum and you will be guilty until proven innocent. Ive recently been interrogated over the phone and informed that i have an inspection pending due to someones jealousy and just purely wanting to bring us down. stand tall and hold your ground, make sure you dot your i' s and cross your T's and stay strong and focused turn this bad thing into a good by getting a glowing report x

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I have had three malicious complaints made against me. One was foul and I actually received a full, written apology from Ofsted over it as it should never have even been brought to my attention apparantly.

the first one was made by my former setting, in order to try to prevent me opening a new group. They did manage to delay things, but the Ofsted team again, were very thorough and I was found to have complied with everything that had been asked of me in my previous setting.

The last one ( so far!!) saw an unnannounced visit from a very senior inspector, due to the seriousness of the complaint. She assured me that 'if there is something to be found, I WILL find it'.............she left saying she was recording the complaint as 'malicious and spurious' and she was absloutely true to her word; she was very thorough, and told us that she had enjoyed visiting us because it is such a lovely group. So, in no case was I treated like scum. I didn't like it, but on each occasion, they were very professional

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Ofsted inspectors are there to do a job and generally my own experiences have been positive. Yes and we have had a complaint made against us in the past, so i do speak from experience of them from that side. Having an allegation of any sort is of course very distressing for all concerned but I think the phrase that you will be treated like scum

is not something I can agree with I'm afraid.:)

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I've been on the wrong end of a complaint to Ofsted and I have to say that everyone I spoke to was not only very thorough and fair, but above all they were utterly professional in their dealings with me. Whilst they couldn't tell me what to write in my reports they gave broad advice about the kind of information the inspector would be looking for, and explained every step of the procedure to me.


I certainly wasn't made to feel like scum, and I would hate to think that anyone who has had a complaint made against them would have their anxieties made even worse because of a fear that they will be treated badly by Ofsted. :(

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I too was treated fairly and never felt intimidated or treated unprofessionally by Ofsted.. despite having several allegations and investigations.. ( sounds bad doesn't it) even with one being a serious CP issue... I was never made to feel was guilty , more that they were doing their job and needed to be there... which I am sure we all understand is necessary.

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