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Enco Folder

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Wonder if anyone has an "ENCO folder" - We have an operational plan which OFSTED loved but have recently been told we need to make an ENCO folder,

My brain is addled and I would be EVER SO EVER SO grateful if anyone could point me in the right direction as to what exactly the contents should be !! I have the folder, a nice shiny new one and a lovely label and some pretty dividers and have come to a full stop. I have googled and googled and go no real answers so thought you lovely lot might be able to help - thanks in advance for any words of wisdom.

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we have an INCO file - for our Inclusion Officer ( was SENCO but she covers all areas of Inclusion now ) In it we have copies for the IEPS for our children with additional needs and copies of the programmes they may be following from the SALT or Portage , we also have an up to date list of all children with IEPS updated termly , and a second list for all of our EAL children , their home language, level of support needed etc. The third list in the file has a list of our ' windscreen of need' children i.e. those with CAF's children on Child Protection and Child in Need plans and our 'extra support' children who are on Two year old Funding and Supported places. Hope this helps . :1b

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we have an INCO file - for our Inclusion Officer ( was SENCO but she covers all areas of Inclusion now ) In it we have copies for the IEPS for our children with additional needs and copies of the programmes they may be following from the SALT or Portage , we also have an up to date list of all children with IEPS updated termly , and a second list for all of our EAL children , their home language, level of support needed etc. The third list in the file has a list of our ' windscreen of need' children i.e. those with CAF's children on Child Protection and Child in Need plans and our 'extra support' children who are on Two year old Funding and Supported places. Hope this helps . :1b


.... And ours has NOTHING like that in as it's on a shelf for everyone -including parents and visitors to look through.

Xxx :):)

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Wonder if anyone has an "ENCO folder" - We have an operational plan which OFSTED loved but have recently been told we need to make an ENCO folder,

My brain is addled and I would be EVER SO EVER SO grateful if anyone could point me in the right direction as to what exactly the contents should be !! I have the folder, a nice shiny new one and a lovely label and some pretty dividers and have come to a full stop. I have googled and googled and go no real answers so thought you lovely lot might be able to help - thanks in advance for any words of wisdom.


No we don't have one :ph34r: 'scuse me I'm just off to bang my head against a wall :blink: where has this 'need' suddenly come from :(

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In our area Equalities Named Co-ordinator


This is what it stands for......we have a named person, folder includes related policies-equal opps, admissions, additional needs etc. An audit of the resources we have that reflect diverse communities etc. Think we did a general audit some time ago now............google the Index for Inclusion, very good read although haven't been through the programme yet really! It's more about ensuring your setting is really promoting equal opps. actively from staff to parents to children!

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Yes we have a designated ENCO and an ENCO folder well folders theres a couple. Ok this is from the top of my head so forgive me if I forget anything! In it are the Single equality scheme (SES), setting audit, relevant policies, minutes from equality working group meetings, evidence to show how we are trying to meet actions from the SES photo's etc and a sheet to record when staff have read policies and publications "I matter to you" and "All together now". There is also a seperate folder for equality related incidents (which are being flagged as important as safeguarding incidents) where we have a form to complete if there is an equality related incident by child, staff or parent

So few examples. a parent says "I don't want my child playing with x because his mum is a lesbian" or a staff member says "Only the boys are strong enough to help me carry this table" or a child says " I don't want a pink one pink is for girls". Any incident like this relating to equality or inclusion MUST be recorded with details of the situation, how it is handled and actions immediate and future to address the issue. They are then kept in the equality related incidents folder.

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Yes we have a designated ENCO and an ENCO folder well folders theres a couple. Ok this is from the top of my head so forgive me if I forget anything! In it are the Single equality scheme (SES), setting audit, relevant policies, minutes from equality working group meetings, evidence to show how we are trying to meet actions from the SES photo's etc and a sheet to record when staff have read policies and publications "I matter to you" and "All together now". There is also a seperate folder for equality related incidents (which are being flagged as important as safeguarding incidents) where we have a form to complete if there is an equality related incident by child, staff or parent

So few examples. a parent says "I don't want my child playing with x because his mum is a lesbian" or a staff member says "Only the boys are strong enough to help me carry this table" or a child says " I don't want a pink one pink is for girls". Any incident like this relating to equality or inclusion MUST be recorded with details of the situation, how it is handled and actions immediate and future to address the issue. They are then kept in the equality related incidents folder.


Ok.... so you said so much better than me. :D ::1a

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Oh no, I've never even heard of it!!!

We do have those things in various places though...perhaps our LA will catch up soon. Don't you just love a new acronym and a new folder :blink:



I have now stopped banging my head :blink: and yes logically we have all of this info available too! Good job I love Staples soooo much - another folder to buy then!!!

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Yes we have a designated ENCO and an ENCO folder well folders theres a couple. Ok this is from the top of my head so forgive me if I forget anything! In it are the Single equality scheme (SES), setting audit, relevant policies, minutes from equality working group meetings, evidence to show how we are trying to meet actions from the SES photo's etc and a sheet to record when staff have read policies and publications "I matter to you" and "All together now". There is also a seperate folder for equality related incidents (which are being flagged as important as safeguarding incidents) where we have a form to complete if there is an equality related incident by child, staff or parent

So few examples. a parent says "I don't want my child playing with x because his mum is a lesbian" or a staff member says "Only the boys are strong enough to help me carry this table" or a child says " I don't want a pink one pink is for girls". Any incident like this relating to equality or inclusion MUST be recorded with details of the situation, how it is handled and actions immediate and future to address the issue. They are then kept in the equality related incidents folder.


"WHHHAAT!!!?? Think the world is going mad!!!


Going to find a giant box folder........and hide in it! : )


PS. Thought ENCO meant someone had left the S off by mistake....ho hum....

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"WHHHAAT!!!?? Think the world is going mad!!!


Going to find a giant box folder........and hide in it! : )




Some of it is very good, and really gets you thinking - and some supidly over the top :huh:

For example if a boy said to me 'pink is for girls' and I can think of 101 things I might say or do (possitive I should add :1b )............ but writing up a report will certainly not be one of them!!



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Rafa, can I climb in too?


No maybe not, as maybe perhaps your box folder is too girly pink for me.....whoops better record that in my equalities incident book....or perhaps the fact that I percieve that your box is too pink, means you shouldn't have painted it pink, so now you need to record that in your equality incident book....or maybe the fact that I have even posted such a scurrilous thought as hiding with you in a box should be flagged up as a safeguarding incident.......and please please tell me you have risk assessed your box, else we'll be in all sorts of trouble! so much for the reduction of paperwork with the new EYFS.


Ok Ok I admit it, I've had a bad week at work and am feeling a bit fed up!

Edited by eyfs1966
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Rafa, can I climb in too?


No maybe not, as maybe perhaps your box folder is too girly pink for me.....whoops better record that in my equalities incident book....or perhaps the fact that I percieve that your box is too pink, means you shouldn't have painted it pink, so now you need to record that in your equality incident book....or maybe the fact that I have even posted such a scurrilous thought as hiding with you in a box should be flagged up as a safeguarding incident.......and please please tell me you have risk assessed your box, else we'll be in all sorts of trouble! so much for the reduction of parework with the new EYFS.


Ok Ok I admit it, I've had a bad week at work and am feeling a bit fed up!


xD :lol: xD :lol: xD :lol: xD :lol: xD :lol: xD :lol: xD

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Rafa, can I climb in too?


No maybe not, as maybe perhaps your box folder is too girly pink for me.....whoops better record that in my equalities incident book....or perhaps the fact that I percieve that your box is too pink, means you shouldn't have painted it pink, so now you need to record that in your equality incident book....or maybe the fact that I have even posted such a scurrilous thought as hiding with you in a box should be flagged up as a safeguarding incident.......and please please tell me you have risk assessed your box, else we'll be in all sorts of trouble! so much for the reduction of paperwork with the new EYFS.


Ok Ok I admit it, I've had a bad week at work and am feeling a bit fed up!


Move over I'm getting in too! xD

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That made me laugh eyfs1966 how very true!!! :D


It's all part of the reduction of paperwork I guess (hahaha) we do it because we were told we have to do it by our LA and our Enco is great she gets all the info and shares it with us at staff meetings. However we only found all this out about 18mths ago when we sent her on an equality course and she came back with so much stuff to put in place. It is now part and parcel of the setting, another file, another folder... but at first we were WWWWWWWHHHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT!!!!! like you


Perhaps we should put the people who dream up this stuff in your box and chuck a few others in too who like to add to the workload for inclusion, any suggestions....?? ;)

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by the way, have we checked the square footage and reported it to Ofsted? And what about disbled access....


Ok i'll stop now and have the large drink that I need.


(not that I'm an alcoholic...please please don't write me in the ENCO folder for that!


No sorry too late.....its been said, can't be taken back, your've been officially ENCO'D ....now get out of the box!!

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PS. Thought ENCO meant someone had left the S off by mistake....ho hum....


Well there is absolutely no hope for me !! I have spent most of the evening trying to work out what you meant. I have JUST 'got' what you mean and am now laughing so much I can hardly type!

I completely mis-read your PS as 'Thought ENCO meant someone had left the S off the end by mistake"

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